A little of this, a little of that

Jul 02, 2016 23:53

I posted an icon tutorial for the first time in years! I signed up for Ask the Maker at icon_talk and finally got off my ass (well, I'm very rather on my ass, considering I have to be at the computer but now I'm just being pedantic) to get them done. One of them, anyway.

We're gonna go from
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tv shows: miss fisher's murder mysteries, life: cooking, movies: the last witch hunter, icons: tutorials

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Comments 17

icecoldrain July 3 2016, 07:07:48 UTC
Those kabobs sound like they're going to be delicious! Oh yeah, putting food on a stick is always a time eater. My mom hasn't made kabobs in a long time, but she used to do it in phases. She cut all of the veggies etc. up while the meat, chicken, or fish marinated. Then she cut up the meat or chicken. Then she put some music on and speared everything. It's amazing how much time such a simple meal takes up!


marishna July 5 2016, 04:36:04 UTC
I cut up the pineapple and chopped up the chicken to marinate it overnight so I got half of the work done then. I had small tomatoes (cherry ones?) so they could be speared while and cut up an onion and one pepper (for flavour only, I trashed them once they were cooked). I just didn't have much room to work with because we have NO counter space here.

Now that I've done it and know what to expect I could do it again and know the best way to go about it, I think. I was very messy when I made mine so I dripped chicken juice marinade everywhere and anything I didn't use couldn't be saved for something else. Oh well! I made enough that I have a little stirfry I can do tomorrow with rice instead.

I only soaked 10 skewers because I cannot estimate amounts EVER and also I only had 10 slices of bacon. Those skewers HURT when you stab yourself!

They turned out really well in the end, though!


icecoldrain July 6 2016, 05:04:21 UTC
Those kabobs are sounding better and better by the second lol! The good news is, now you know how you want to approach making them next time. The messes that spearing food makes! I always think of people who make tons of kabobs for events or restaurants. I'm sure they have help and a system that's tried and true, but still!

Those skewers do hurt when you stab yourself! My mom always soaks more skewers than she thinks she needs. She always says that it's better to soak more than you need than run out lol. Oh man, and bacon on skewers! The last thing we did was bacon wrapped shrimp, which was the far less time consuming bacon and shrimp skewers. I'm getting hungry talking about food here lol. Sweet onions are really good when you BBQ skewers!


denorios July 3 2016, 10:24:00 UTC
Miss Fisher! I lovelovelove Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries - Phryne is pretty much everything I'd ever want to be. And I adore Jack. And Dot. And Mr Butler. And Hugh. And everyone. It's definitely one of those shows I wish I could wipe from my memory so I could go back and rewatch it all again for the first time!


marishna July 5 2016, 04:37:05 UTC
I'm around 2x05 right now and I just want to smush her and Jack's faces together and scream, "KISS!" I haven't watched any tonight because I can't focus on the tv but I'm REALLY looking forward to the rest. SUCH a great show!


denorios July 5 2016, 07:01:30 UTC
Oh hell, I KNOW, right? They're just so perfect for each other and just heartseyes each other all the damn time. I don't think I have ever watched a show and yelled 'just kiss already' so many damn times.


teragramm July 3 2016, 14:58:55 UTC
Love the icon and the tutorial was great. Thank you!

I make kabobs often. The only problem that can arise with cooking kabobs is the different ingredients in the kabob can need different cooking times. Sometimes (especially with beef kabobs) I put all the meat on one skewer and all the veggies on another.

Good luck with the recipe, I hope it turns out well.


marishna July 5 2016, 04:39:29 UTC
We don't have any propane for the BBQ right now so I did them on the giant George Foreman-esque grill we have (not a GF but same shit, different pile). Because of that they cooked top and bottom at the same time so I think that might be how I do these going forward so then I don't have to flip them on the BBQ and worry about parts not getting cooked right.

The only thing that was maybe overcooked but I don't think it matters how long they would have cooked were the cherry tomatoes I used. I'm not a pepper/mushroom fan so I had to come up with another veggie for them, for my own satisfaction.


teragramm July 5 2016, 12:42:12 UTC
The George Forman type grill was a good idea for even cooking. Cherry tomatoes cook very fast and grilled tomatoes are not everyone's cup of tea.

I'm not a pepper/mushroom fan so I had to come up with another veggie for them, for my own satisfaction. How about zucchini or eggplant? Zucchini takes a little longer than eggplant but I know not everyone likes eggplant.


ragnarok_08 July 4 2016, 04:01:32 UTC
I love the icon and the tutorial looks great :)

I still have to watch The Last Witch Hunter.


marishna July 5 2016, 04:45:53 UTC
I still have to watch The Last Witch Hunter.I went in with SUPER low expectations. I was going to watch it and prepare to laugh my ass off throughout it but as I got closer to the premiere weekend I read a lot of stuff about Vin Diesel and how big a geek he is in his own right, how he did most of the stunts himself and a lot of it wasn't computer animated, how he genuinely loves this kind of story. He wasn't just in it for a paycheque and to phone in a performance ( ... )


snogged July 4 2016, 12:55:29 UTC
Mmm...those kebabs sound super delicious!


marishna July 5 2016, 04:46:47 UTC
They turned out pretty well! A lot of the time I'll try a recipe that LOOKS amazing in fancy photos and when I make it I just don't have the talent or experience to make it come out right but these worked out okay! I'll definitely make them again!


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