Advent Calendar: Day 6 for twilightthief

Dec 06, 2012 23:41

I actually had a great day today. I slept until 10am, which was AMAZING, even if it wasn't the best sleep. I felt better rested today and it was awesome. Got to watch some Maury and had a massage and made an appointment to get a tattoo on Saturday (very excited!). Mom and I went to the winter farmer's market where I started to lose my shit because there were too many people in too small a space so I wasn't happy, checked out the "Christmas Market" or whatever it was called but we left quickly. It was NOT what we thought it was and, again, TOO MANY PEOPLE. I made my taco dip with ground chicken for our Sparkly-Dress-Thank-God-Deanne's-Not-Dead-Food-Day for tomorrow and here I am now.

I also signed up for the love meme that's been linked about:

holiday love meme 2012
my thread here

And that's that for tonight!

Day 1
Day 2
Day 4
Day 5


Want vs. Need
PG-13, 300+ words, unbeta'd

Isaac keeps Scott filled in on things that are happening with the pack.  He shares them in hushed tones in the dark of Scott's room, with his nose pressed into the side of Scott's neck because Scott lets him and doesn't care about hierarchy or whatever.

In return Scott runs his hand up and down Isaac's back reassuringly and tightens his grip on him when he can tell that Isaac's anxiety starts to rise.  Isaac keeps fighting the feeling that he's betraying Derek but if he doesn't talk about his fears and worries about the Alpha pack and his safety and Erica and Boyd he'd fall apart.

Scott's just there for him.  He doesn't judge.  Doesn't say anything bad about Derek even though Isaac knows he's biting his tongue the whole time.  He lets Isaac crawl into his bed and nudge in tight to his side without complaining about having no room or that Isaac overheats him in the dead of summer.  He drops everything when Isaac calls and needs to talk, even if that thing is Stiles, and Isaac does feel badly about that because he doesn't want to come between the best friends but part of him is thrilled that someone is putting him first.

That someone cares.

He knows Derek does, he does.  But Derek's got things to worry about that are bigger than Isaac, even though they involve him.  He completes his task and listens to his Alpha and dutifully falls in line because it feels right.

But it's not necessarily what he wants.

When Scott curls into his body instead of away or doesn't hesitate to expose more of his throat when Isaac seeks a familiar smell or doesn't say a damn word when Isaac tentatively kisses the back of his neck before they fall asleep--that's what he wants.

fic: teen wolf, fandom: memes, icons: teen wolf, teen wolf: fanfic, life: christmas 2012

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