Advent Calendar: Day 2 for engel82

Dec 03, 2012 01:00

Sorry, this is a touch late again. But I haven't slept yet so it's still the 2nd!

engel82 requested icons of Coach, which led to me instantly thinking about Craig T. Nelson in Coach and oh, a fun time was had by all.

Day 1

And a meme I stole from raiindust:

A - ACCENT: Atlantic Canadian (but not Newfie or Cape Breton, just long a sounds, mostly)


C - CHORE YOU HATE: MOWING! It might be different if we had a gas mower but we have an electric and the fucking thing has a massive extension cord I have to watch out for and not run over and shit. I HATE MOWING. Also, vacuuming, which is essentially indoor mowing & vice versa.

D - DAD'S NAME: Don't know.


F - FAVOURITE PERFUME/COLOGNE: I have a bunch- SJP's Lovely, Britney Spears' Fantasy, JLo's Miami Glow, CK One Shock for men or women.


H - HOMETOWN: A tiny town in New Brunswick, Canada, although I was born in Kelowna, BC.

I - INSOMNIA: When I don't take something always. :(

J - JOB TITLE: Classified Advisor and Inside Sales.

K - KIDS: Uh, fuck no?

L - LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: My mom's my roommate and we live with my cat and her dog.

M - MOM'S BIRTHPLACE: Same tiny town I grew up in.


O - OVERNIGHT HOSPITAL STAYS: A few. I had croup (croop?) when I was a kid and then when I was 6 I broke my shoulder and had to stay a few nights.

P - PHOBIA: Do you have a while? Um, the dentist, bugs (spiders especially, or anything that flies or anything small, really), toadstools, feet, claymation, glasses that change from light to dark in the sun, people chasing me, lotus!boob and things like it (there's a name for it, can't remember).

Q - QUEST: To be happy.

R - RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Agnostic, bordering on atheist.

S - SIBLINGS: None! I grew up making my own fun!

T - TIME YOU WAKE UP: You mean when I don't sleep through my five+ alarms? Depends on the week. This week I'll have to be up at 6:30 to be to work for 8, next week I'll get up after 7 to be to work at 8:30. Weekends is a mixed bag but it's not uncommon for me to sleep to noon on Saturdays.

U - UNNATURAL HAIR COLOURS YOU'VE WORN: uhhh, all of them? Right now I have some royal purple in there, last week it was a lighter purple that faded to a pink. Prior to that it was just bleached & blue & red & magenta, etc.

V - VEGETABLE YOU REFUSE TO EAT: Most of them, honestly. Well, not MOST of them. But mushrooms for SURE. Can't stand the texture. Corn. Asparagus. Sometimes peas. Some peppers.

W - WORST HABIT: Hmmm, I have a lot of bad habits, not sure which one is the WORST, though. Maybe that I swear like a sailor? I don't consider that a bad habit, though. I don't know.

X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: Pretty much everything. Most recently I had a bone scan and MRI done, which are just fancy x-rays.

Y - YUMMY FOODS YOU MAKE: I love to cook but typically I don't make anything the same way twice because I just grab stuff that smells good and add it to whatever it is. Tonight I tried to do stuffed porkchops with stove top stuffing but the pork chops weren't quite the right kind to cut open properly so I did what I could, threw them in a pan with a couple cans of cream soup, some cheese and mixed string beans and away I went. I make an awesome spinach/zucchini rolled chicken, though. And a taco dip thing with refried beans.

Z - ZANY QUIRK: The girls at work in my department have learned to speak "Erin". I substitute words, sounds and general flailing in place of actual THINGS. I start and stop a sentence when I'm really excited because my mouth runs ahead of my mind and I have to stop for a few seconds and piece together what I'm going to say when I finally figure it out. I also dance randomly, like while on hold or I sing things in my day (i.e.: Pages are done! set to a dramatic classical song that I don't know the name of and I know this means nothing to you guys but trust me, it's funny).

Also, tricksy LJ. They've included the option to go back to the old posting interface but they took away the option to preview the post there. Hmmm.

fandom: memes, life: christmas 2012

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