I'm SO EFFING GLAD to have tomorrow off. I have to work a couple nights next week, as well, but I won't have a day off afterwards so I'll have to, I don't know, sleep on my lunch breaks or something. I can't tell if I'm getting old or if I have to sleep more or if I'm just plain out of shape. I think it's mostly the last but I'm going to say it's a combo of them all, LOL.
We ordered in Chinese today for lunch and UGH. I feel so gross now, especially since I was so hungry after work since I didn't eat between jobs so I picked up a pizza and now I'm just all kinda of gross and stomach upset-y and UGH.
I hope this is okay, bb! It's been so long since I've worked with any SPN or actor images, LOL!
Day 1 Day 2 Day 4 1600x900 (let me know if you need a different size)