FFXII Fic: Love Letter (Larsa X Penelo)

Feb 23, 2007 13:07

This serves a companion piece of two earlier Larsa X Penelo stories ( A Sort of Fairy Tale and Songs in the Key of Strange Minor), though it's not necessary to read those earlier fics in order to understand this one. It was written for the radiant arcane_phoenix, who likes to upload huge lists of songs for me. Aural accompaniment to the writing process always helps!

As always, comments, questions and constructive crit fill me with love. &hearts

Title: Love Letter
Fandom: Final Fantasy XII
Series: The Uses of Enchantment
Pairings: Larsa X Penelo, Future-fic
Rating: PG-13
Summary: For those who correspond with emperors, reading between the lines is a necessary skill.

[The Archived First Draft of an Letter Eventually Sent from His Majesty the Emperor Larsa Ferrinas Solidor to his future wife, Her Majesty the Empress Penelo Majus Solidor, on his Fourth Year on the Throne.]

My Dearest Penelo:

It has been so many months since I last saw you that I find it strangely difficult to begin writing this letter to you. It has been so long since I've seen your smile eyes lips hips lashes limbs face that I almost have to strain my memory thinking of how you must look as you find yourself with another letter from an admirer old friend. But write you I shall, as I promised you in the last letter I sent you, almost three weeks ago. I am so sorry regret having to arrange a correspondense so pathetic shoddy in its frequency with one of my most beloved companions. Yet ever does the crown of Archadia hang heavy on my head without you much to relieve it and ever do the troubles of the realm capture my time and attention though I would willingly rain both down upon you any friend.

I deeply regret having to spend so much time away from our correspondence, Penelo. But please try and understand. There is much abroad and overseas, in both Rozarria's and Ordalia's halls of power, that needs to be carefully tended. I'm sorry if I neglect our relationship friendship together in that time. Please don't be upset with me. I have never meant to slight ignore neglect offend you.

But as per your last instructions, I promise I will try to write this missive plainly. Unlike almost everyone else around me, you're honest real authentic not the sort of person to bother with fancy prose that serves mostly to obscure meaning. That is only one of many traits that I deeply love admire about you. I know that I don't have to pretend to be something I'm not feel emotions I truly don't when we're together. Perhaps that's why Archades feels so hollow stifling empty reserved now that you have left me the city behind for yet another adventure. I grow tired, Penelo, of painted masks and meaningless smiles and all the world seems quite faded when it passes by without you old friends by my side. Please try and promise me that you shall come visit again with me soon.

Much has changed in Archades and the empire as a whole since you were last here. Judge Gabranth continues to serve as the commander of our armed forces but we have had a steady stream of people turning away from the military and toward the study of art, literature, science and technology, as I have always hoped they eventually would. Archadia is turning into a different place, even-- dare I pen this?-- a better place, a place that might one day be worthy of its importance in the world.

For too long, Penelo, have the people of my empire been harbringers of war and carriers of injustice. We are both orphans because of that and I shall not have the losses you and I and almost all of Ivalice have suffered go down in the pages of history in vain. Archadia changes, Penelo, and it is all because we in this realm here are now determined to make that so. We have spoken of this before, you and I, and I have dreamed about thought back to your words often in the past. You told me before that you looked to the future with hope because, where there exists in life and faith, there is always hope. I dream your dream, Penelo, as often as I dream of you the worries of the world. I dream it partly because of you. You Dreamers like you are my give me hope in this uncertain world of ours, this world in which exists so much absolute evil. You give me hope and no matter what I simply can't thank you enough for doing so.

But enough of such heavy words. Much has changed, of course, but much remains the same and I can still remember clearly your last visit to my throne. I've never experienced so much laughter another occasion quite like it or seen so many wide eyes befuddled judges in my life. We had to completely replaced the scorched carpet on the fourth floor, we managed to eventually mount the head of the dragon you and Vaan slew in the trophy room and I'm sure that tales of wild were-emperors that stalk in the night shall haunt the dreams of junior Judges for years to come. You are the talk of Archades, Penelo, as I've always known you should would be.

In fact, I hope you will be rather interested struck by the way people now speak of you-- as though you were not merely my intimate friend but also my lover more intimate companion still! I was rather pleased suprised to hear such rumors as well. I have not even reached my sixteenth year in this world and yet so many already suppose that I am old enough for you such proclivities. But I suppose many of my subjects were struck by your beauty exotic provinence and occupation and supposed that a creature as fair poised as you would settle for no less than a man who could handle you properly care for you. I do not know if I quite fit that definition yet however much I want to.

Of course, such conjecture is quite vile, since you would of course never condescend to be with another man in such a way before me marriage, as any maiden would. I try and encourage quell such sayings when possible but I'm afraid such might be even beyond the capacity of any man, be he even the Emperor of all of the world.

It is very quiet and very busy here in Arcades, Penelo, but for all the stillness in the city, there is much yet for you to discover and revisit. Our cook has promised to amass enough star fruit in the palace kitchen to keep Vaan busy for hours while we spend our private time together touring those magickal shops and laboratories you enjoyed so much the last time you came here. Judge Gabranth has promised that he shall be equally difficult on the both of us during our next training session together, since we both know how brave strong valiant determined you are to be tested to your full capacity as a warrior. And I finally discovered the secret to the lillies that grow in my palace's planned ponds, which I know you have waited already to understand. Yet I admit to being cruel and am waiting for you to come and let me look listen to you personally before I explain my their secrets to you.

And we may yet visit the Phon Coast together-- I remember you told me once that on your first adventure in the world, you gazed out at those waters and wanted so much to go within them but lacked the proper instruction. I have means to remedy that, Penelo. We can go there together because I will always force find time for you an old friend and I shall show you how to swim within the waters the way a mermaid like you should. I think you shall be a exquisite beautiful breathtaking charming sight with shells in your hand and sea-weed in your hair.

Please fly back feel free to revisit the capital again anytime you like. My doors are always open, Penelo, whenever you need a place to roost.

Wherever I am will always be a home to you.

Wherever I am will always be a home to you.

Wherever I am will always be a home to you.

With Great Esteem,
His Imperial Majesty Larsa Ferrinas Solidor
Of the Royal Line of House Solidor
Ruler of Archadia and All Its Realms Beyond the Sea

Yours in Truth,


ETA: And here's a short script on what happened after this letter was eventually sent out. Enjoy! ;)

larsa, larsaxpenelo, ffxii, fic, love letter, penelo, the uses of enchantment

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