FFXII Fic: Love Letter (Larsa X Penelo)

Feb 23, 2007 13:07

This serves a companion piece of two earlier Larsa X Penelo stories ( A Sort of Fairy Tale and Songs in the Key of Strange Minor), though it's not necessary to read those earlier fics in order to understand this one. It was written for the radiant arcane_phoenix, who likes to upload huge lists of songs for me. Aural accompaniment to the writing process always ( Read more... )

larsa, larsaxpenelo, ffxii, fic, love letter, penelo, the uses of enchantment

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Comments 57

mithrigil February 23 2007, 19:03:34 UTC
I have one eensy weensy little gripe.

An Emperor is "His (Imperial) Majesty", not "His Highness".

Other than that:

SUCH RIDICULOUS AMOUNTS OF LOVE. This was heartfelt and sweet and just jarring enough and the little devices never got old.


mariagoner February 23 2007, 19:12:07 UTC
GASP! You dare contradict the noble author in her very own domain? Dost thou not know the noble ways of the fan-brat in her natural habitat?! Be thou cast off, now and 4eva!!!1!!

In other words, thanks for the correction. XD I was struggling about the correct way Larsa was supposed to finish his letter, though it was very clear how he wanted to end it. &hearts And I'm glad it worked for you! Strike-outs are pretty sexy when they're deployed right...


mithrigil February 23 2007, 19:20:42 UTC
Agreed on the sexiness. (You also have to change it at the top!)


mariagoner February 23 2007, 19:22:48 UTC
I suuuuuuuuuuuuck. ;_; Am doing so now! Much love for the help once more. ;)


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mariagoner February 24 2007, 16:21:57 UTC
Eeeee! I'm so happy you did enjoy this! It'd be pretty useless if the very person I was writing it for didn't like it. ;)

And Larsa is the brightest, sweetest, most conniving little gent (come visit me, Penelo! I will shower you with much happiness when you do!) in all of Ivalice in the game itself... I'm glad you think I got that much of him down in this work. I'm getting more and more used to writing him as I go on-- and fancy language aside, writing in his voice is surprisingly fun.

Vaan and Penelo's "attack" on the royal palace was a cute touch; those judges must be wondering why in the world their Emperor has a couple of goofy sky pirate friends.

Har, those two can't help but wreck havoc wherever they go! And while Larsa's judges might wonder about why he keeps inviting Vaan over, one look at Penelo's midriff will probably explain why their emperor wants her. XD ( ... )


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mariagoner February 24 2007, 16:52:19 UTC
I'm so glad it did-- that was just what I was going for. &hearts

...and I really do like the idea of Larsa and Penelo together. She balances him.

Oh, absolutely. The very best love stories always offer this sense that the lovers within it give something to each other that's absolutely irreplaceable. And I think Penelo would offer Larsa a sense of himself away from the hoopla of being the famous child emperor of Ivalice that no-one else (not even Basch) could quite offer. If nothing else, that's why I ship them together so hard. &hearts

And though I don't, I'm ferociously tempted to DL it now. ;)


serindrana February 24 2007, 02:14:02 UTC
LoveloveLOVE~ X3 Totally great 'end' to a day (I need sleep D: )! I just adore how he crosses out Wherever I am will always be a home to you. twice before settling on it. It makes my heart jump with gleee~


mariagoner February 24 2007, 16:59:37 UTC
I'm glad it helped put a nice spin on the end of your day! ;)

I just adore how he crosses out Wherever I am will always be a home to you. twice before settling on it.

And yes, can't you just imagine poor, sweet, nervous Larsa crossing and recrossing those words before finally deciding to let just a bit of his true feelings show? But of course, as soon as the letter is sent, he'll probably drive Basch mad fretting over whether or not he's coming on too strong for Penelo. He's got a plan, see, and he can't tip his hand off too soon...


serindrana February 24 2007, 17:01:20 UTC
.... *squee* Cutest. Image. Ever. X3 I can just see him doing the Larsa equivalent of tagging along at Basch's heels and squirming (which involves neither tagging along NOR squirming, BUT). SO CUTE. XD


mariagoner February 24 2007, 17:08:23 UTC
Larsa: You don't think perhaps I was too forward in that last letter I wrote her, do you?

Basch: Your majesty...

Larsa: Because you already know that I have... I have plans for when we reunite. I can't frighten her off yet because if I do, she won't ever see me as anything more than a besotted little boy. I mean, I do realize she's very intelligent in her own right and she... she might have already recognized my true feelings. But I don't think she knows of the depth of them, of how... how very...

Basch: Sire...

Larsa: I'm not a child anymore and I don't believe she quite realizes that. But Gabranth, you know that, don't you? I've grown up right before your very eyes. You know I'm no longer the boy I used to be. I'm a man now, I'm almost 16, I'm more than old enough to know just what I want...

Basch: If I might...

Larsa: But oh God, what if I was too forward? What if she finds my attentions... inappropriate? What if she decides on another in the time we're apart? What if... what if... what if ( ... )


la_xhal February 24 2007, 02:38:33 UTC
I will now take this moment to express my love for strike-out text.

Done now.

What a lovely fic! I loved all the strike-out-ey bits, as formerly expressed, with the last part being my favorite X3 The idea is so original! I LOVE IT :D Much love, dearie ♥


mariagoner February 24 2007, 17:03:00 UTC
Strike outs are sexy, yo. Better recognize!

But in other news, I'm thrilled you liked the fic. ;) The last part is my favorite too! Poor love-sick Larsa... don't worry, you'll get the girl eventually! I've got plans for that!

I have to confess, though, that the idea wasn't entirely mine! Arcane_Phoenix asked me to write a letter from Larsa to Penelo and a vision of a first draft of all the things he wanted to say but just couldn't admit yet came drifting out from that...


la_xhal February 24 2007, 18:43:35 UTC
Oh yes!

Ah, your plans intrigue me. Surely you are not planning on writing another kickass fic, are you? :P

But but but the strike-out text was your idea, yes?


mariagoner February 25 2007, 13:21:59 UTC
I am ALWAYS up for writing more fic. XD In fact, I've already gotten the second chapter for this epic written up-- I'll just be waiting till next week-end to post it up. Don't want to spam the Larsaxpenelo comm, after all. ;)

And the strike-outs are a time-honored tradition-- I can't lay claim to them. I did come up with the idea of a first draft to a letter however. Because, c'mon, you just know Larsa would want everything to be just right for his lady love. She deserves the best, after all! &hearts


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