FFXII Fanfic Archive: Uses of Enchantment: The Complete Series

Jul 31, 2007 17:58

Well, this series has finally officially ended. I've finished writing for it completely, though there are some very kind people around who are still contributing pieces within this. (And hell, if anyone else would like to write something else for this series, I'd love to see that as well. ♥) It's been an exciting journey and once again, a great deal of love and thanks goes out to anyone and everyone who’s read any of this series and gave me the nerve to keep writing, no matter what strange ideas I stumbled onto somewhere along the way.

As always, comments, questions and corrections about anything and everything are very much appreciated.

The Uses of Enchantment: A Timeline.

*Penelo is born. If she had any idea of what was to come, she probably would have crawled back right away.

*Larsa is born. His father, brother and judge fell in love almost immediately.

*Beginning of the game.
*Penelo loses her family to the war, slowly but surely.
*Reks enlists as a foot soldier in the Dalmascan army. Before he leaves for Nalbina fortress, Penelo has her own way of saying goodbye. [I‘m Ready.]

706 - 707:
*Events of the game.
*Penelo and Larsa meet. Larsa is immediately smitten… even if he doesn’t want to be. [ Seedling.]
*Penelo’s stronger than she looks. No, really. [ Twenty Spells Cast from a Still Untested Staff.]
*Larsa learns all too well, even when he doesn’t want to. [ Blood Simple.]
*Penelo comforts Larsa in the Bahamut, just before the death of his last remaining kinsman comes about, why lays the legacy of the Solidor solely at Larsa’s feet.

*Larsa becomes the Emperor of Archadia, with a compliant Zargabaath serving as his regent and a dutiful Gabranth serving as his protector until he reaches the age of majority.
Penelo surprises Larsa in Archades with a visit after Larsa is crowned. And Larsa has always had a habit of latching onto such things… [ Hallelujah..]
*Penelo sends Larsa the letter from the ending scene, which starts many, many years of correspondences and smitten but carefully hidden feelings.

*Penelo attends the coronation of Queen Ashelia and gets a rather interesting shock while dancing. [Drabble.]
*Penelo begins visiting Larsa in Archades regularly and adjusting (mostly) to a life of sky pirating and self-discovery. [ Ordinary Creatures.]
*Vaan first cottons onto the fact that his sky pirate partner might have a certain scandal of imperial import already brewing... [ Of Pirates and plottings, Part 1.]

*Larsa has a habit of sending letters to his lady sky pirate love… [ Love Letter.]
*And then immediately regretting it. Much to the current Gabranth’s great dismay. [ Brotherly Love.]
*And for poor Uncle Basch, the fun he has around hormonal teenagers never seems to cease. [Drabble.]

*Despite herself, Penelo finds herself attracted to a certain underage someone… who more than reciprocates her feelings. [Drabble.]
*And who is more than a little peeved at the though of other men getting in his way. [ Ticking Time Bomb, by aorin107]

*And god help her, things just keep building… [ A Game Of.]
*And then she ends up seducing him despite herself. Unless it was the other way around... maybe. [ Of Pirates and Plottings, Part 2.]
*And joy of joys, Larsa coaxes a kiss from his lady sky pirate love finally. [Drabble.]

*Larsa and Penelo consummate their unofficial official relationship. It’s not exactly the stuff of dreams. [ Sexual Politics Part 1.]
*But luckily, Penelo’s up to the challenge of making it that way. [ Sexual Politics Part 2.]
*And Larsa's up to the challenge of proving that she was right to have faith in the first place. Sexual Politics Part 3
*Being a sky pirate in love with an emperor can be… rocky. [ Twenty Reasons Why Penelo Loves the Taste of Potions.]
*Larsa asks Penelo to marry him… and gets turned down immediately. That doesn’t do much to discourage him, however. [ A Sort of Fairy Tale.]
*And luckily, he always has Vaan there, at the ready to boot Penelo into her own happy ending. [ Of Pirates and Plottings, Part 3.]

*Through a combination of cajolery and bribery, Larsa has Ashe first elebate Penelo to the ranks of nobility and then declare Lady Penelo her ambassador to the Archadian court. [ Explanations, by sheffiesharpe]
*This has some... interesting consequences for their relationship. [Drabble.]
*He then spends much of the rest of the year manipulating, enticing and occasionally even menacing the court around him into treating her… kindly.

*Penelo and Larsa finally marry after she attains enough popularity within the lower and middle classes of the empire to serve as a symbol of peace between Dalmasca and Archadia. [ Of Pirates and Plottings, Part 3.]
*And the honeymoon goes swimmingly. [ Songs in the Key of Strange Minor.]

*Penelo is officially crowned the Empress of Archadia, much to her own astonishment. [ Kind Hearts and Coronations.]

*Penelo is pregnant for the first time. Much fretting ensues. [Drabble.]
*As well as the occasional spot of fun. [Compliance, by sheffiesharpe.]
*Penelo gives birth to their first child, a daughter named Concordia to carry out the hopes both of her parents have for her. She never fully forgives either of them for saddling her with it either. [ If You Given An Emperor A Daughter, by artemischan.]
*But as far as Larsa is concerned, at least little Concordia should be glad she took mostly after her mother's side of the family tree. [Drabble.]

*An official heir, Parnel, is born in this year.
*With the advent of two young children and a royal role call of duties facing her, Penelo cheerfully declares an end to her years of child bearing.

*More misadventures in child-care ensue. [Drabble.]
*Oddly enough, however, she bears also another son, named Ramza after his great-grand-father, in this year.

*And has another daughter, named Ovelia after her grand-mother, soon afterwards.
*Penelo swears to use birth control religiously from here on in. Her uterus is now closed for business, thank you kindly.

*Penelo and Larsa celebrate the birth of their first grand-child, named after his grand-sire. [Drabble.]
*Others follow surely but slowly, much to Penelo’s great glee.

*Penelo is diagnosed with terminal cancer. [ Vaan and Depression.]

*Larsa falls into a deep depression while Penelo‘s own strength falters here. [ 4 Secrets That Larsa Ferrinas Solidor Will Never Say Out Loud (And 1 He'll Be Willing to Whisper).]

*Penelo and Larsa have their last conversation together. Larsa promises to try and grant her one last wish. [ On Death and Dying]
*Penelo dies in her sleep, peacefully and without pain.

*After putting all his affairs in order, Larsa dies in the eyes of Archadia. [ 20 Things the Late Emperor Left Behind.]
*And after reconciling himself to his life near the sea, Larsa dies truly. [ Hallelujah..]

List of Fanfics for UoE in Chronological Order

1. I‘m Ready. All young girls think they can take on the world eventually. Penelo/Reks. Rated R.

2. Seedling: Every man of House Solidor must eventually find something worthy of his protection. One-sided Larsa/Penelo. Rated PG.

3. Twenty Spells Cast from a Still Untested Staff. What Penelo has said and done by the middle of her first world changing adventure. Penelo, Vaan, Larsa, Cast. Rated PG.

4. Blood Simple. The roots of the Solidor line are so tangled that one can’t possibly escape. Even the best can only hope to avoid the very worst traits. Larsa and Vayne. Rated PG-13.

5. Ordinary Creatures. Sometimes, being only ordinary in a world that's extraordinary isn't such a bad thing. Penelo, Vaan, Larsa, Penelo/Larsa if you squint hard enough. Rated PG.

6. Love Letter. For those who correspond with emperors, reading between the lines is a necessary skill. Larsa/Penelo. Rated PG.

7. Brotherly Love. Because hell hath no fury like a man subjected to years of dealing with adolescent lunatics in love... Basch, Noah, Larsa/Penelo. Rated PG-13.

8. A Game Of. Seduction. Solidor-style. Larsa/Penelo. Rated PG-13.

9. Of Pirates and Plottings. Even someone stuck in the margins of a fairy tale can spin an interesting story. Vaan/Penelo/Larsa, Basch. Rated R. Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3

10. Sexual Politics. The road to a happy ending can be bumpy at times. Larsa/Penelo. Larsa/Penelo. Rated NC-17. Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3

11. Twenty Reasons Why Penelo Loves the Taste of Potions. Because love was never meant to be fully rational in the first place. Larsa/Penelo. Rated PG-13.

12. A Sort of Fairy Tale. Sometimes, happy endings don't always arrive with the greatest of ease. Larsa/Penelo. Rated PG-13.

13. Songs in the Key of Strange Minor. Larsa always had known he had married a woman of many talents. Larsa/Penelo. Rated NC-17. - Annotation 1 - Annotation 2

14. Kind Hearts and Coronations. Holding a coronation worthy of a woman who once helped to save the world can be a rather draining task... Larsa/Penelo. Rated PG-13.

15. Depression. All good women come to their ends eventually. Vaan, Penelo, Larsa/Penelo. Rated PG-13.

16. 4 Secrets That Larsa Ferrinas Solidor Will Never Say Out Loud (And 1 He'll Be Willing to Whisper). There's no one who can hurt you like the one you most love. Larsa/Penelo, Vayne, Gramis, Noah, Drace. Rated PG-13.

17. On Death and Dying. Even the hardiest flowers eventually fade. Penelo, Larsa, and facing a final end in sight. Larsa/Penelo, cast. Rated PG-13.

18. 20 Things the Late Emperor Left Behind. Every man, especially a great man, leaves behind some imprint of himself within the world. Posthumous Larsa/Penelo, cast. Rated PG-13.

19. Hallelujah. Beginnings can also be endings and in every ending, something begins. The last story in the Uses of Enchantment series. Rated PG-13.

Miscellaneous Pieces That Belong In the Series

20. Live Flesh: If you’re going to bed an emperor, you might as well be inventive about it… Larsa/Penelo. Rated R to NC-17.

21. Movements and Premonitions: Ten short scenes from a lifetime together. Because even when you get your happy ending, there always hitches and detours along the way. Rated PG - R.

Guest Pieces For the Uses of Enchantment

22. Explanations, by sheffiesharpe. How exactly did Larsa manage to wrangle a royal title for Penelo anyway...? Larsa/Penelo, Ashe. Rated G.

23. Ticking Time Bomb, by aorin107. Five Times Larsa Had Been Tempted To Do Upon Hearing of Men Pawing at his Sky-Pirating Lady. Larsa/Penelo, Basch. Rated G.

24. Compliance, by sheffiesharpe. Something as piffling as pregnancy isn't nearly enough to stop Penelo when she wants to get her way. Larsa/Penelo, Rated NC-17.

25. If You Given An Emperor A Daughter, by artemischan. The birth of Larsa and Penelo's first child.

larsa, larsaxpenelo, ffxii, fic, penelo

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