[fanfiction] Santa Baby

Dec 30, 2009 01:03

TITLE: Santa Baby
AUTHOR: marciafan
PAIRING/CHARACTER: Jenny Shepard, Jethro Gibbs
GENRE: AU, Romance, Smut
SUMMARY: After he was away for a few days, Jenny and Jethro get to finally spend Christma's Eve together. (Sequel/missing scene from "Merry Christmas, Jen")
WARNINGS: AU and fluff, with lots of smut. Slightly OOC ( Read more... )

public entry, fanfics, madame_director contest, jibbs

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Comments 20

cici1018 December 30 2009, 00:20:25 UTC
I don't think there are enough words for how awesome I think this is. ♥ And I was glad to help you out, as always. =]


marciafan December 30 2009, 00:25:04 UTC
Awww, thank you so much ♥ Next story, I'm dedicating it to you LOL! Because you're just so sweet even when I'm annoying XD


cici1018 December 30 2009, 00:27:07 UTC
You were not annoying! *glares at you* But I look forward to that next story. XD


marciafan December 30 2009, 00:32:07 UTC
You're gonna get some New Year's Eve fluff, my friend ;)


(The comment has been removed)

marciafan December 30 2009, 00:54:05 UTC
LOL like my icon says... "she made me do it!" and the she in question would be you XD but I'm glad you didn't think it was lame ♥


nicis_anatomy December 30 2009, 07:54:28 UTC
I don't know what to say, except for: You can wait a long time before I will (be able) to post something like this ;) And I don't see a reason why I should even try to write smut when you do this job so perfectly.
Awesome! I love it, and I'm glad you managed to finish it last night *g*


marciafan December 30 2009, 10:23:35 UTC
*Gibbs slap you* I'm sure you would write great smut, but I get what you mean; you can't write something you don't feel comfortable writing, it would just come out awful. I know I tried doing that for fandoms I didn't like and it didn't go well XD

But thank you so much for your comment, I'm glad you liked this! The more I read this story, the more it makes me cringe at times lol, but you guys saying it's good make me feel better ♥

Oh and a random question that I've been wanting to ask for a long time: where is that icon of yours from? It cracks me up every time I see it LOL!


nicis_anatomy December 30 2009, 10:43:02 UTC
*is finally off the phone with her mom and able to finish the reply*

I will try. I promised you this and I will do it. I just don't know when and I'm sure it won't be as great as yours ;)

And there's no need to be insecure. You did great!

I made this icon from a scene in "A smile like yours". So it's not Jenny. Only Lauren ;) You can take it if you like. No problem.


marciafan December 30 2009, 15:32:36 UTC
I'll wait patiently =)

And I might just steal the icon, with credit of course XD


kay_pwns December 30 2009, 17:01:52 UTC

You don't even know. <3 You win at writing smut. You know in my fic, I'll have to include stockings. Not the one you guys are reading now.. but.. well, you know the one. ;D

By the way, did you get my email?


marciafan December 30 2009, 17:03:47 UTC
Aww, thanks!! ♥

Ohhhh stockings in that one sounds great! I can see Tony finding a stocking somewhere *giggles* XD

*pouts* Nu-hu, didn't get any email... thought you were tired of me annoying you XD


kay_pwns December 30 2009, 17:06:19 UTC
marciafan December 30 2009, 17:08:19 UTC
Email taken ;) want me to screen your comment? It's a public entry, so just to avoid random people knowing your email address XD


writingherhope February 10 2010, 06:47:05 UTC
I love this! The whole series! They are amazing. You are terribly magnificent at voices, I could hear them talking! Great job! :)


marciafan February 10 2010, 09:01:30 UTC
Aww, thank you so much!! I'm glad you like the dialogues, I usually blame them on the characters talking in my mind lol! That's how most of my fics are born, with characters talking to each other in my mind...and I just create the story around the conversations XD
And I'm so happy you liked the whole series! This is a 'spin-off', so to speak lol, of an AU chaptered fic I am working on. Since the fic is taking me so long, I decided to write a few oneshots borrowing the characters and relations XD And I'm going to post another installment of this for the current challenge at madame_director ;)
Hope you'll check it out!


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