[fanfiction] Merry Christmas, Jen

Dec 24, 2009 17:49

TITLE: Merry Christmas, Jen
AUTHOR: marciafan
PAIRING/CHARACTER: Jenny Shepard, Jethro Gibbs
GENRE: AU, Romance, Family
SUMMARY: Christmas party at the NCIS HQ, but someone is still missing. (Sequel from "I'll Be Home For Christmas")
WARNINGS: Very much AU and total fluff. Also, English isn't my mother language and this is not beta'd, so bear with me and my mistakes, please.
A/N: Written for prompt "Holiday Special09" at madame_director
DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of these characters (except for Elizabeth, whom I created), nor am I making money out of this. If I were, I'd be rich by now.

“Hey, Liz. Ya having fun?”

The little 6-year-old looked up at the Goth and nodded slowly, a little sad smile on her face, “Yeah, I’m having fun, Abs…”

Abby gave her a sympathetic look and pulled her close, “You miss your Daddy, don’t you? I miss him too, little bug.”

Elizabeth hugged Abby’s waist and sighed, looking over to her mother, who was currently having a conversation with a few people.

“Mommy misses Daddy too, but she said she’s the Director, so she can’t show it.” The girl whispered to Abby, whom she was close to as if she were her older sister.

They both looked over to the woman in a red dress that matched Elizabeth’s perfectly. She was making small talk with several people, everything in her speaking of the Director they all were used to see.

Jenny looked away for a second from the senior agent she was talking to, and she met her daughter’s eyes, giving her an apologetic smile. It was Christmas Eve, and she would have spent the smallest amount of time at the NCIS Christmas party if only her husband had been back already.

But Gibbs and his team were still out of town, stuck somewhere halfway to DC due to a snowstorm. So she had been forced to drag her daughter to the Christmas party, and she wouldn’t have been able to leave as early as she thought without Jethro giving her a good excuse with his hatred towards all kinds of social gatherings.

“I bet she misses him. But I’m sure Daddy will be here soon.” Abby tried to lift Elizabeth’s spirits, and she knew it hadn’t quite worked when the little girl shot her a look she had definitely learnt from her father.

Before Elizabeth could say anything back to Abby, though, Jenny was finally able to get away from the people gathered around her, and walked over to the two girls.

“Hey, guys… everything okay?” She smiled tentatively, looking from Elizabeth to Abby, and back to Elizabeth.

“Everything’s great, Director. People seem to have fun!” Abby’s voice sounded as happy as usual, but a look to Elizabeth’s face told Jenny her daughter wasn’t as happy.

“Can we go home, Mommy?” She pleaded, making her best puppy eyes as she looked at her mother.

Jenny sighed, “Not yet, baby. We will go soon, I promise.”

Elizabeth looked down and nodded quietly, pressing herself closer into Abby’s side.

“I have an idea, Liz. How about we go scare Palmer? You can practice the scary voice I taught you!” The Goth suddenly proposed, hoping to distract the girl at least a little and let Jenny do her job until they could leave.

Jenny smiled as she saw her daughter’s face lit up at the older girl’s idea, “That sounds like fun, Lizzie. And I promise we can go once you and Abby are done scaring Mr. Palmer.” She bargained, shooting Abby a look that clearly said to try and keep her daughter busy for as long as she could.

Abby nodded and winked at her in understanding before she was dragged away by Elizabeth, and Jenny sighed in relief, putting the Director façade back in place and wandering off to chat with some more people.


“Liz…we can go home now.” Jenny bent down and placed a kiss on her daughter’s head, smiling as she saw her yawn.

“Okay, Mommy…” Elizabeth took her hand and let her mother lead her away from the desk she was sitting at, after letting Abby help her into her small green coat. “Bye, Abs. Merry Christmas.” She mumbled sleepily, hugging the older girl tightly.

“Bye bye, little bug. Hope Santa left hundreds of presents for you under your tree.” Abby winked and hugged her back, placing a kiss on her forehead. “Merry Christmas, Director.” She then said, pulling Jen into a tight hug as well.

“Merry Christmas, Abby.”

Jenny smiled and turned around as she sensed someone behind herself.

“Can I have the pleasure to drive you and this lovely princess home, Director?” Ducky smiled as he placed his hat on his head.

“I really appreciate the offer, Ducky…but Jethro would kill me if I ditched my detail. Plus, we don’t want a repeat of the last time Elizabeth sat on the backseat of your Morgan, do we?” Jenny chuckled as she saw some of the colour fade from Ducky’s face.

“Oh dear, we sure don’t. And I wouldn’t want to make Jethro mad upon his arrival at Christmas. May I at least see you out to your car, my ladies?” He asked, offering Jenny his arm.

“I’m sure you do, Doctor Mallard.” Jenny grinned, hooking her arm with his as she still held tightly onto Elizabeth’s hand, and the walk to the black SUV waiting in front of the building was taken in comfortable silence.

Once in front of the car, Ducky turned to hug Jenny briefly, “Merry Christmas, Jennifer. And Merry Christmas to you too, Elizabeth.” He placed a kiss on the top of Elizabeth’s head and smiled, waiting to see them disappear in their SUV before heading to his own car.

The drive home was quiet and relaxed, the two agents of her security detail didn’t talk much, except to ask if it was too warm in the backseat, and Elizabeth snuggled up to Jenny as sleep claimed her.

When the car stopped in front of her house and one of the agents opened her door, Jenny gathered her daughter in her arms to carry her out of the car and into the house.

“Let me help you, ma’am.” The agent offered, trying to take Elizabeth from her, but Jenny just shook her head and smiled.

“It’s okay, I got her. I’m used to it.” She chuckled slightly and saw the agent who had gone up to her front door to check the house come back quickly with the ghost of a smile playing on his lips.

“Everything is clear, Director. Have a goodnight.” He said with a tight nod.

Jenny nodded and smiled, “Thank you, Melvin. Merry Christmas, guys.” She turned around and she almost dropped Elizabeth in shock as she stepped into the house.

Soft Christmas music was playing in her study, a warm fire was burning in the fireplace, and all the presents she had bought and hid in the house, to keep Elizabeth away from them, were neatly piled under the tree with several other wrapped boxes she didn’t recognize.

She heard a soft noise and a huge smile broke on her face when she saw her husband standing near the fireplace, “Jethr-”

His mouth descended on hers to shut her up before her squeal would wake up their daughter, and Jenny let herself melt into the kiss, only breaking it when air became a problem.

“Let me take her upstairs.” Jethro whispered against her lips, giving her another quick peck before gently taking Elizabeth from her.

Jenny nodded and followed him up the stairs and into Elizabeth’s bedroom, where he helped him change the girl for the night, both careful not to wake her, and they tucked her in before walking back downstairs to sit in front of the fireplace.

“You do all that?” She asked after the companionable silence stretched between them while she played with his hand.

“With the help of a few Elves, yeah.” He mumbled, nuzzling her neck.

Jenny giggled and turned her head to place butterfly kisses on his lips, “And what about the other presents?” She whispered in between kisses.

“McGee, DiNozzo and Ziva decided to leave their presents for Liz.” Jethro dropped a kiss to the side of her neck, revelling in the way her light giggle filled the room when his breath tickled her.

“I can see theirs… but what about that one?” She smirked and pointed to a small box wrapped in silver paper.

“I don’t know about that one…” A smirk to match hers appeared on Jethro’s face as he reached out to the package and handed it to her.

“From Santa to Jenny. Merry Christmas.” Jenny read the small card and her eyebrow rose as she shot him a knowing look, “We agreed on not giving each other presents, Jethro.” She tried to glare at him, but her look softened when her eyes locked with his.

“It doesn’t say from Jethro to Jenny on that card, does it?” Jethro smirked and placed a kiss on the side of her head.

“But we-”

Her protest died on her lips as he silenced her with a slow, deep kiss.

“Merry Christmas, Jen.”


public entry, christmas, fanfics, madame_director contest, jibbs, ncis

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