[fanfiction] Santa Baby

Dec 30, 2009 01:03

TITLE: Santa Baby
AUTHOR: marciafan
PAIRING/CHARACTER: Jenny Shepard, Jethro Gibbs
GENRE: AU, Romance, Smut
SUMMARY: After he was away for a few days, Jenny and Jethro get to finally spend Christma's Eve together. (Sequel/missing scene from "Merry Christmas, Jen")
WARNINGS: AU and fluff, with lots of smut. Slightly OOC maybe? Not really, in my opinion, but I'd better be safe, so you've been warned. Also, English isn't my mother language and this is not beta'd, so bear with me and my mistakes, please.
A/N: Written for prompt "Holiday Special09" at madame_director. And I wrote this because withadream forced me to XD, so this is for her. Also thanks to Carla (cici1018 for helping with this ♥
DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of these characters (except for Elizabeth, whom I created), nor am I making money out of this. If I were, I'd be rich by now.

Jenny took a deep breath as she looked down at the present in her hands. Her face flushed and eyes sparkling.

“Open it.” Jethro whispered against her hair, inhaling the sweet scent of her he had missed so much in these past few days they were apart.

Jen smiled like a little girl and eagerly tore the wrapping paper to pieces, her breath catching at the sight of a navy blue velvet jewelry box.

Her fingers ran reverently over the velvet before she sensed Jethro’s impatience, which caused her to chuckle and open the box.

Inside it she saw the most beautiful necklace, a white gold thin chain holding a white gold sailboat charm. The small sailboat was framed by a ring, and when she took the necklace out of the box and turned it around, following his silent look, she read the words he had engraved on the frame: “Semper Fidelis”.

Smiling sweetly, Jenny turned her head to press a lingering kiss to his lips, “Thank you, Jethro.” She grinned and placed more small kisses on his lips until she felt him kiss his way along her jaw-line and up to her ear.

“Wear it for me, Jen…” He whispered in her ear, smirking when he felt her shiver in his arms.

She closed her eyes and smiled, “And what else should I wear?” She whispered back, running her fingers through his short hair.

“Nothing else.”

Her breath caught in anticipation, but she decided to tease him some more, playing it cool, “Really? Because I have that new lingerie, you know… black lace with-”

“Jen…” He growled as a warning, and she giggled.

“What? Want to see me in that, Jethro?” She smirked and leant forwards to run her lips over the side of his neck, nibbling teasingly at his skin.

Although struggling to keep control, he couldn’t suppress the groan that rose in his throat in response to her actions, and he felt her smirk against his skin.

“Come upstairs in ten…” Jen whispered, brushing her lips against his cheek in a fleeting kiss before she disappeared upstairs.


Ten minutes felt like the longest time to Jethro as he put off the fire, locked the house and checked on his daughter, who was, thankfully, still fast asleep. When the ten minutes he was supposed to wait finally passed, he sneaked quietly into the bedroom.

Jenny was facing the bed, with her back to the door. She wore a lace see-through black nightgown with black lace panties, and one of her feet was placed on the bed as she pulled a silk stocking up her leg. The other leg already encased in black silk, foot clad in a high-heeled shoe.

He leant against the doorframe, his eyes darkening with desire. He was careful not to make a sound, watching her run her hands up her leg to smooth the silk, his mouth going imperceptibly dry as she lowered her leg again and slipped her foot into the other black, high-heeled shoe.

“You going to help me with this?” Her voice snapped him out of his fantasy and he blinked a couple of times before he saw her pulling the necklace out of the box and holding it to her throat, still showing her back to him. “Or you want to keep drooling over there?”

She sounded amused, and he mentally head-slapped himself for forgetting about her trained skills. The very same skills he had trained her to use, ironically enough.

Without answering her teasing question, he closed the door quietly and walked over to her. His fingers brushing against the back of her neck as he hooked her necklace for her.


He let out a sound that she couldn’t quite identify, and pulled her to him before she could turn around. His head dropping to her neck as his hands ran up her thighs slowly, fingering the lace at the top of her stockings.

“I like the stockings…” He murmured into her hair, kissing the side of her neck.

“I know you do.” Jenny smiled and her eyes fluttered shut as his lips explored inch after inch of her sensitive skin, eliciting small moans from her.

“I missed you, Jen.”

His voice was hoarse with emotion and desire, and she felt her heart melt and pound hard in her chest at the same time when she turned in his arms to look at him.

“I missed you too.” She simply said; her eyes saying so much more than words could ever do.

Their lips moved closer as if following some kind of unspoken agreement, and Jethro wound his hand into her long red hair as he tilted her head back slightly and ran his tongue across her lower lip. Begging for entrance that she gladly granted him, stroking his tongue with hers.

While their kiss became deeper and more passionate with each passing second, Jenny slowly backed him into the bed until she pushed him on it and straddled his lap. His hands ran up her thighs and sneaked underneath the lace of her nightgown, resting on her hips. She shivered at the feel of his calloused fingers rubbing her smooth skin, and she dropped her head to his neck, attacking his skin with her lips and teeth.

The groan escaping his throat when her teeth sunk into his neck caused her to smirk against his skin, and she flicked her tongue over the bite mark. Placing open-mouthed kisses all over his neck and collarbone. Her mouth following the path of her hands as she unbuttoned his shirt and pushed the annoying cloth out of the way.

When he felt her slide down his body, and her lips brushed the tight muscles on his stomach, Jethro ran his fingers through her hair, pulling her head up to his again to cover her lips with his in a deep kiss.
As much as he would have loved to feel her mouth on him, he wanted this to be about her too.

He grabbed her wrists gently and rolled them over, pinning her to the bed with his weight. Swallowing hard at the way her mesmerising green eyes sparkled and her lips curved into a smile. He thought she was so incredibly gorgeous right at that moment, with her skin flushed and her lips swollen for the kisses they shared. Her pale skin and red hair contrasting sharply with the black lingerie she wore. But words failed him to tell her just how beautiful he thought she looked and how much he loved her.

He was never good with words, Leroy Jethro Gibbs, but as Jenny looked into his eyes, she knew exactly what he was struggling to voice. She felt the same, and although words may come easily to her in many situations, she was never good at voicing her deepest feelings; she wasn’t used to bare her heart and soul.

“Me too.” She whispered against his lips as she brought his head down to hers for another kiss. And that was about all she was willing or even able to say. She knew he would have known anyway.

Jethro smiled against her lips and kissed her back, revelling in the fact that words were never really necessary between the two of them. That they always knew what the other was thinking and could always successfully complete each other’s thoughts. But the moment of distraction cost him dear as he felt Jen roll them over again with a speed he had forgotten she possessed, and before he knew it he was laying flat on his back. Wrapped in a curtain of red hair as she placed small kisses along his jaw-line and on the side of his neck.

“You know…we should lock the door…”

He felt her lips move down his chest as she whispered the words, and her tongue flicked over his nipple. His hands gripping her sides hard enough that they were both certain she would have sported interesting bruises tomorrow.

“Am I supposed to do it?” He mumbled gruffly, moving a hand into her hair to pull her head up.

“That’s the idea…” She whispered, looking into his eyes with the ghost of a smirk playing around her lips as she lowered her head to place kisses on his chin and the corner of his lips.

“Fine…” He growled, rolling his eyes. She rolled off of him and kissed his cheek. Smiling when she heard him groan in frustration.

She watched him walk over to the door, and kicked off her shoes as she crawled on the bed and sat up against the headboard.

When she heard the lock click and Jethro turned around to face her, Jen smirked at the hungry look on his face as he let his eyes run over her body. He didn’t seem about to walk back to the bed, so she raised her hand in a come hither gesture. The look on her face and tantalizing glimpse of her cleavage making it hard for him to fight the urge to run back to the bed and have his wicked way with her.

“Come here, Jethro…” She murmured in a low, sexy voice, her eyes fixated on his as he walked over to her. She knelt up on the bed and hooked her fingers in the waistband of his jeans, pulling him closer. “Now, this is where you drop your pants…” She whispered in his ear, pulling his earlobe into her mouth and sucking at it lightly, enjoying the way his breath hitched at her action.

He closed his eyes and kicked off his shoes and socks, feeling her hands work quickly on the buckle of his belt, then moving to the button and zipper of his jeans. Letting her take over the undressing process until all he was needed to do was step out of his jeans once they were pooled at his feet.

“Much better…” She smirked and pulled him closer again, latching her mouth on his for a passionate kiss, their tongues duelling slowly as her fingernails dug into his muscular chest.

“You know what…?” Jethro decided to take the lead and pulled away, trailing kisses down her neck. His lips running over her shoulder and stopping at the strap of her nightgown. “When I look at me and then I look at you…you’re still wearing too much.” He mumbled, biting gently on her soft skin as his hands sneaked under her nightgown and pulled it up and off her upper body.

Her nightgown joined his jeans on the ground and Jen smirked, “Happy now?” She whispered in his ear as she pressed her bare breasts to his chest and ran her hands up his back to the base of his neck. Grinning when she felt him shiver as her fingers brushed against the sensitive spot on the back of his neck.

“Yeah, much better…” He replied, mocking her own words as his hands gripped her thighs and he pushed her back on the bed, falling on top of her.

Jen giggled and smiled up at him, placing a soft kiss on his lips as she wrapped her legs around his waist, “Want to take off the stockings?” She mumbled against his lips when she felt one of his hands run up her leg and stop at the hem of her stocking.

“Nope, leave them on.” He breathed, trailing his lips down her neck again and nibbling at her skin.

“You really do like them, don’t you?” She chuckled breathlessly as her head fell back and her eyes fluttered closed, her fingers sinking into his short silver hair.

A growl escaped Jethro’s throat, and she took it as an affirmative answer to her question, making a mental note to wear silk stockings more often.

A thought that was soon swept off her mind the moment Jenny felt his fingers move over the front of her panties. Teasing her through the black lace and earning a loud moan in response to his action.

Showing to be as impatient as she was, Jethro broke away from her long enough to slide her panties off her hips and down her legs, throwing them carelessly away. His mouth descended on hers to swallow her moans as he slipped two fingers into her, and Jen’s eyes rolled back, her hands clenching around his shoulders.

“God…” She moaned, when air became a problem and they finally broke apart. She felt warmth spread through her body and she started to move her hips against his hand, hoping to find her release.

The clenching of her muscles around his fingers and the way she was moving her hips let him know how close she was, and he pulled away. Smirking at the frustrated sound escaping her throat and at the way she glared at him through her long eyelashes.

Her hands grasped his shoulders to pull him down to her, and she pressed her lips hard against his. “When you start something…” She breathed, her lips moving up to his ear as her hands ran down to his hips, “…you’re supposed to see it through.”

She hooked her fingers in the waistband of his boxers and rolled them down his legs, wrapping her legs around his waist while he kicked away his underwear. Her lips moved back to his and she pulled his lower lip into her mouth, nibbling on it.

His hands on her hips made her squirm, her skin oversensitive to his touch. She arched into his body and bit back a cry as he entered her with a swift move. Angry red marks appearing on his back when her nails dug into his skin.

For a few seconds they were completely still, just enjoying each other’s closeness and sharing sweet kisses. Which became deeper and more passionate the exact moment Jenny tightened her legs around his waist, the feel of her silk stockings brushing against his skin sending pleasurable chills down Jethro’s spine.

He started to move and her sharp intake of breath made him smirk, as he took in her closed eyes and slightly parted lips. Once again he felt the fierce urge to tell her just how beautiful she was, but words failed him again and he just picked up his rhythm, deciding to show her instead.

Placing a hand next to her head for balance, he let his other hand run down her body, caressing every inch of her skin he could reach. Worshipping her body like the sanctuary he ever so often sought refuge in. A fleeting thought about how lucky he was to have her crossed his mind, but the way she was moaning his name soon enough took over him.

His mouth closed on hers and his tongue started a slow exploration of her mouth, following the steady pace he set for them. Her hands moved up his chest and curled around his shoulders, and for a moment he was almost overwhelmed by her presence. Her scent, her taste, her touch…everything about her was intoxicating.

“Harder, Jethro…”

The sound of her voice moaning his name was addicting, and he obeyed instinctively. Dropping his head to her neck and smirking against her soft skin when he felt her body tense up slightly.

“Already there?” He murmured against her neck, nibbling on her skin.

“Yes…oh God…”

Jen groaned and bit back a scream as she felt a familiar powerful sensation coursing through her body. Her fingers curled in Jethro’s hair and she welcomed the warmth of his mouth on hers, letting him swallow her screams as she came apart under him.

His hands resting on her hip tightened painfully when her muscles started to clench around him, and he kissed her hard as he let himself go and allowed her to roll them over, wrapping his arms tightly around her trembling body.

The silence stretched between them as they lay in each other’s arms, their ragged breathing and pounding hearts the only perceptible sounds in the quiet room. Jenny’s hair was splayed over his chest, and Jethro couldn’t resist the temptation to run his fingers through it, gripping it almost possessively.

She sighed contently and slowly moved her head to look at him, frowning confusedly at the smirk on his face, “What?”

His signature smirk grew a little as he pressed a kiss to her forehead, “You still can’t quite pace yourself.” He chuckled at the scowl on her face and pulled her closer as she rolled off of him.

She shot him a glare but couldn’t help the smile spreading on her face as she snuggled into his side and laid her head on his shoulder, “I’m glad you’re back …” She mumbled so quietly he almost missed it. She absent-mindedly played with the hair on his chest and dropped a kiss on his shoulder, inhaling his scent deeply.

The smell of sawdust and sweat hit her senses, and it was a heady combination as it mixed with the strong smell of sex permeating the room, making her head spin a little. She’d always loved his strong, manly scent; it soothed her when she was having a hard time, and sometimes it turned her on even if she just stood close to him. Making things quite difficult when they happened to be at work.

“It’s Christmas tomorrow.” His quiet statement snapped her out of her reverie, and she smiled.

“Yeah, Lizzie will freak out when she sees you’re back… Speaking of which, I think we should get dressed and unlock the door. You know she loves to burst right in on Christmas day.” Jenny pressed a kiss to his chest and sat up, bending her leg to start rolling the stocking down.

She felt his eyes watch her every movement, and suddenly Jethro caught her hands in his, effectively stopping her actions. Her eyes shot up to stare into his, and the look he gave her made her smirk and back off, dropping her hands to her sides as she let him take over the process of getting rid of the stockings.

“Don’t start, now…” She whispered with a giggle when he kissed his way down her leg.

She felt him smirk against her skin and caressed his hair, smiling lovingly as he kissed his way down her other leg while taking off the other stocking. Once he was done with that, she got up and walked into her closet to find fresh underwear and his old NIS t-shirt that she usually slept in.

After getting ready for the night, Jen unlocked the door and went to check on Elizabeth before walking back to the bed. When she lay down next to him again, Jethro was wearing his pyjamas pants, his arms wide as he waited for her to snuggle into his warm embrace.

“So…you like it?” He asked, fingering her new necklace once they were settled comfortably in bed under the covers.

“Love it.” Jenny smiled and rested her head on his bare chest, closing her eyes with a content sigh.

She felt him press a kiss to her head and smirk into her hair, “Santa will be pleased.” Jethro mumbled, wrapping the sheets tighter around them and smiling when he heard her giggle in the darkness and felt her lips lingering on his chest in a tender kiss.

“Yeah, I’m sure he is.”


public entry, fanfics, madame_director contest, jibbs

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