[fanfic] I'll Be Home For Christmas

Dec 17, 2009 12:41

TITLE: I'll Be Home For Christmas
AUTHOR: marciafan
PAIRING/CHARACTER: Jenny Shepard, Jethro Gibbs
GENRE: AU, Romance, Family
SUMMARY: A Christmas play and Daddy isn't there to see it.
WARNINGS: Very much AU and total fluff. Also, English isn't my mother language and this is not beta'd, so bear with me and my mistakes, please.
A/N: Written for prompt "Holiday Special09" at madame_director
DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of these characters, nor am I making money out of this. If I were, I'd be rich by now.

The song ended and all the children came out on stage, beaming at the audience.

Fathers took care of capturing every second of their children’s kindergarten Christmas play with the help of several kinds of technological devices, while mothers just stood there and waved, smiling proudly at their kids.

All mothers except an attractive redhead sitting in the first row, who had been filming the whole play.

She was wearing a dark business suit, her long slender legs were crossed, catching the attention of quite a few men, and her feet were clad in impossibly high heels. If her attire wasn’t enough to make people wonder who exactly she was, the two men of her security detail standing near the entrance of the theatre did the rest.

With one perfectly manicured hand holding up a camera, she didn’t seem to notice the way people were peeking at her. Her only focus was a little girl up on stage, wearing an angel costume, her red hair shining brightly in the theatre lights.

The little 6-year-old angel grinned at her and waved, and Jenny couldn’t help but waving back at her daughter, a huge smile spreading across her face.

When everything was finally over, Jenny put away her camera and got up from her chair. In a matter of seconds one of the agents on her detail was at her side as the crowd moved around the theatre.

“You ready to leave, ma’am?”

Before she could answer, a flash of white ran towards her and her daughter threw herself in her arms, “Mommy! Was I good? Did you record it for Daddy?” The little girl looked up at her with her wide, sparkling blue eyes.

“You were very good, Lizzie. And I did, Daddy can watch the video when he comes back.” Jenny placed a kiss on the girl’s red curls and took her hand, turning to the man in charge of her security, “We’re ready to go now.”


Hours later at home, Jenny lay with Elizabeth in her bed, reading to her while the snow fell outside.

She wished she could spend all her evenings like this, with her daughter snuggled up to her and a winter wonderland out the window.


Jenny stopped reading and looked down at Elizabeth, “Yes, baby?”

“When will Daddy come back?” The little girl snuggled even closer to her and took her hand, playing with the ring on her mother’s finger. “I miss him.”

“I know, baby. I miss him too. And I’m sure he’d rather be here with us too.” Jenny kissed the side of her head and put the book away, wrapping her arms around her daughter.

“Can we call him, Mommy?” Elizabeth looked up at her with a hopeful look in her eyes, squealing when her mother nodded and reached out to take the phone.

She had just grabbed it when it suddenly started to ring, and a quick glance at the caller ID caused her to smirk, “Speaking of Daddy…” She chuckled and handed the phone to Elizabeth.


Jenny chuckled and tenderly ran her fingers through Elizabeth’s red lock as the girl told her father everything about her Christmas play, and how Mommy had filmed it all for him, and how she and Mommy missed him.

After a while, Elizabeth stopped chatting and looked up at her, “Daddy wants to talk to you, Mommy.” She handed her the phone and a sweet smile spread across Jenny’s face as she took it.


“Hey, Jen. You okay?” He spoke softly into the phone, his voice calm and low.

“Yeah, I’m good. How about you? How’s it going with the case?” She lay back onto the pillows and pulled Elizabeth closer, cuddling with her.

“I’m doin’ alright. And we got a lead on the case.”

Jenny’s face lit up at the news and she smiled, “So are you coming home soon?”

“I hope so. If nothing comes up we’ll be done in a few days.”

“That’s great. We miss you, Jethro.” She purred into the phone, curling a strand of Elizabeth’s hair around her finger.

“I miss you too, Jen.” Jethro smiled and looked at the picture in front of him; his wife and daughter smiled back at him from the photo and the fierce urge to be with his girls overwhelmed him for a second.

Suddenly, Elizabeth’s head snapped up and she looked at Jenny with her eyes wide as a thought crossed her mind, “Mommy, Daddy has to be here for Christmas! Santa won’t leave his presents if he’s not here!”

Jethro chuckled as his daughter’s small voice reached him and he felt a powerful tenderness seeping through him.

“I take it you heard it, right?” Jenny asked him as she giggled a little.

“I did… put me on speaker, Jen.”

She did as requested and placed the phone on her stomach, “You’re on.”

“Hey, Liz.” His soothing voice filled up the room and Jenny relaxed instinctively at the sound of it.

“Yes, Daddy?” Elizabeth looked at the phone, as if expecting to see her father jump out of it any second.

“When Santa comes, I want you to tell him that he can leave my presents with you, okay? Tell him you’ll take good care of them for me.” Jethro said, and with his mind’s eye he could almost see his little girl nod solemnly.

“Okay, Daddy. I’ll tell him and keep your presents.” She nodded and grinned up at her mother when Jenny placed a kiss on her forehead.

Jethro smiled and nodded, “But I promise; I’ll be home for Christmas.”


public entry, christmas, fanfics, jibbs, ncis, contest

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