Meme times!

Apr 23, 2009 13:27

Snagged from neutralalienist and stunt_muppet:

Name any pairing from any of my fandoms and I'll talk about my thoughts/opinions on them!

You know my shows, yes? Doctor Who, LoM/A2A, B7, House, J&W, Boosh, West Wing, XF, etc. etc. Whatever else I've got in my profile. GIMME GIMME GIMME. Uh, just remember that by "thoughts/opinions" I probably mean more like, "incoherent ( Read more... )


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Comments 17

ilovedoyle April 23 2009, 12:45:48 UTC
DW: 10/Jack
LoM: Sam/Gene
House: House/Wilson


marah_sarie April 23 2009, 20:45:37 UTC

This was my OTP for about 40 glorious minutes -- until Yana opened the fobwatch and the Master appeared on the scene. They're still quite an interesting pairing (and also HOT) -- Jack being human but able to outlive the Doctor, the Doctor's weirdness over him being a "fixed point" or whatever, guilt over leaving him on Satellite Five, plus... whatever happened during The Year That Never Was. There's a lot of interesting potential there that I'm sometimes disappointed we haven't really gotten to actually see on the show.

I <3 THEM. Weirdly, I didn't ship them during the first series of Life on Mars, then just before I re-watched S1 in the run-up to S2 starting, I saw AbsoluteDestiny's Too Much Light In This Bar vid, and then I couldn't NOT see the slash. All that throwing each other up against filing cabinets and getting in each other's faces and... I need to go have a lie down now. (Oh, and also -- any mention of "Hyde" in Ashes to Ashes makes me FLAIL LIKE CRAZY. I also ascribe any aspect of Gene's manly emo ( ... )


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marah_sarie April 23 2009, 21:18:29 UTC

Hmmmm. I think I like them best if I think of it as being unrequited; that Rose was more into him, and that he couldn't quite reciprocate in the same way. I go back and forth on the idea of Doctor/Companion these days, though, so it kind of depends.


HOT LIKE BURNING. Even in Ashes to Ashes I seem to ship Sam/Gene, but the UST between Gene and Alex is SCORCHING. (It helps also that Glenister keeps getting better and better looking, and Keeley is simply gorgeous.) I am so glad this show is finally on again, so I can get my weekly dose of Gene/Alex hotness. :D


Ohhhh, I was always so conflicted. I loved Danny. On the other hand, though, I also loved Toby. Despite my mad love of CJ/Toby, though, I have to admit that Danny's more likely to be able to make her happy, so I'm glad they ended up together. Mostly. (See? Still conflicted.)

Cameron/ChaseUm, I hadn't really thought about them much this season until the most recent episode. They are quite cute together, and since the show has glossed over the ( ... )


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marah_sarie April 23 2009, 21:28:21 UTC
TURLOUGH. I luffs Turlough. A scheming and rather bitchy ginger alien in a well-fitting schoolboy's uniform? Yeah, I am THERE. And of course I slash him with Five, because a) HOT, and b) there's that whole complicated thing of, you know, Turlough trying to kill him, and then not, and there are trust and loyalty issues, and Five making Turlough be a better person, and etc. etc. Oh yeah, and they are hot. And they both would enjoy getting tied up by the Master, so there's that, too. :D


starbrow April 23 2009, 16:36:41 UTC
Jeeves/Wooster! Bring on the incoherent ramblings!


marah_sarie April 24 2009, 10:04:35 UTC
They make me grin like a big grinning thing! They are wonderfully devoted to each other -- Jeeves is always there to fish Bertie out of the soup (especially, of course, in disentangling him from various engagements to certain dreaded females) and Bertie seems to always have faith that Jeeves will be able to get him out of whatever mess he's been thrown into. Although Jeeves is more than just a little bit evil, actually, since quite a lot of the time he seems to let Bertie dangle in trouble for a bit, usually to pay him back for some grievous sin in the sartorial department (I love that, too, that their fights are over things like hats and ties and jackets. And sometimes musical instruments.) And sometimes the solutions seem to involve making Bertie look like an ass and/or completely insane. But Jeeves wouldn't stick around with Bertie if he didn't love him. And Bertie, for his part, though he can be jealous of Jeeves sometimes (especially earlier on, it seems like) he also certainly seems to think the world of him (how many times does ( ... )


snowgrouse April 23 2009, 17:40:18 UTC
I can't believe I haven't been beaten to these, so here you go:



marah_sarie April 24 2009, 12:53:09 UTC
I LOVE YOU FOR GIVING ME THESE. :D You know what I want to talk about. Unfortunately I flail too much to really be coherent about my favourites.


OTP FOREVER AND EVER AMEN. You've said it in the past far better than I can about why these two are OTP-worthy. I mean, they're two incredibly powerful beings grudgefucking fighting across time and space. When it comes to friend-turned-enemy slash, what more can you want.

As you know, I got into them through Ten and Simm!Master, since I'm a New Who girl, but I have such mad mad love for Three/Delgado!Master these days. Mostly because Delgado!Master is TEH SEX, of course, but also because you can really tell with those two how much they used to be friends. Look at Three building that time flow analogue device or whatever its called in Time Monster. Or when he gives back the Master's sword so they can keep fighting in Sea Devils, ffs! Three loves it, the slag. And they're also so incredibly polite to each other. And sometimes they do SKIENCE and sometimes they sex each ( ... )


snowgrouse April 24 2009, 19:51:37 UTC
YESYESYESYESYES! <3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

Doctor/Master: EVERYTHING YOU SAY IS TRUE. And I love how no discussion of the awesomeness of Doctor/Master is complete without a Time Monster reference. And and and YES. AND A SWORDFIGHT WITH MINDSEX AND A THREESOME WITH THE HOT GINGER COMPANION WOULD BE EXACTLY THE THING. OH GOD. YES. They could have a swordfight and end up fucking and Donna would pop up and slap both of them and they'd have screaming orgasms. This. Yes.

Blake/Avon: EXACTLY. God, you're so right. I hate it when people moan about Blake being evil and manipulative and hurting the snarlywoobie, because HELLO, is Avon somehow whiter than white?!? Avon *wants* to be there, wants to be convinced by Blake and sometimes get fucked through the flightdeck sofa. And Avon *does* love him, damn it. He really fucking does. Why would he travel to the ends of the galaxy to find him? Careful, Avon, your erection sentiment is showing. And and and there's no way it could've ended prettily, but it's a beautiful ( ... )


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