Meme times!

Apr 23, 2009 13:27

Snagged from neutralalienist and stunt_muppet:

Name any pairing from any of my fandoms and I'll talk about my thoughts/opinions on them!

You know my shows, yes? Doctor Who, LoM/A2A, B7, House, J&W, Boosh, West Wing, XF, etc. etc. Whatever else I've got in my profile. GIMME GIMME GIMME. Uh, just remember that by "thoughts/opinions" I probably mean more like, "incoherent ( Read more... )


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marah_sarie April 24 2009, 12:53:09 UTC
I LOVE YOU FOR GIVING ME THESE. :D You know what I want to talk about. Unfortunately I flail too much to really be coherent about my favourites.


OTP FOREVER AND EVER AMEN. You've said it in the past far better than I can about why these two are OTP-worthy. I mean, they're two incredibly powerful beings grudgefucking fighting across time and space. When it comes to friend-turned-enemy slash, what more can you want.

As you know, I got into them through Ten and Simm!Master, since I'm a New Who girl, but I have such mad mad love for Three/Delgado!Master these days. Mostly because Delgado!Master is TEH SEX, of course, but also because you can really tell with those two how much they used to be friends. Look at Three building that time flow analogue device or whatever its called in Time Monster. Or when he gives back the Master's sword so they can keep fighting in Sea Devils, ffs! Three loves it, the slag. And they're also so incredibly polite to each other. And sometimes they do SKIENCE and sometimes they sex each other on the phone (with bondage!) and sometimes Three takes off his belt and tries to whip the Master. <3<3<3 And they don't seem all that serious about trying to kill each other, at least compared to later incarnations, where they're a bit better at it. But Five/Ainley!Master have the mindsex and more sword fighting and probably threesomes with Turlough, so you know I love them, too. (Actually, come to think of it, those are basically the three things that Ten/Simm!Master would have if Simm's return happened the way I wanted it -- mindsex, sword fighting, and a threesome with a ginger companion. This is how it should be, y/y?)


I blame you on this one. If you hadn't gone on about this show I wouldn't have started watching it, and then I wouldn't have fallen for these two and then they wouldn't cause me to ache when I think about them. Theirloveissofuckedupomg. They are sort of... their own category of messed-up-edness. They're not enemy!slash, really. They're right on that line between love and hate, and it slides from one to the other, but it is love, really, I think. I think Avon's actions in Terminal prove that it is. Even if he hates Blake as well. He has so many chances to run in S1 and S2, and he really only makes one serious attempt at actually leaving, and even that he gives up fairly quickly. They're confusing, because I keep going back and forth on how much Blake is consciously manipulating Avon, how much Avon is allowing himself to be manipulated, how much it works in the reverse. They're so complicated and their motivations are never exactly clear, to say the least, and I kind of love them for that. Also there is the fact that, by the end, they're both kind of, um, more than a bit insane. If, in fact, they were ever really entirely sane to begin with. And it all ends up so horribly wrong and yet and yet it was really the only way it ever could have ended up for them, I think. And they make me hurt.

So I think I should go rewatch the bit in Horizon when Avon and his hooker boots swoop in to rescue sweaty!dirty!shirtless!Blake. Yes. <3<3<3


snowgrouse April 24 2009, 19:51:37 UTC
YESYESYESYESYES! <3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

Doctor/Master: EVERYTHING YOU SAY IS TRUE. And I love how no discussion of the awesomeness of Doctor/Master is complete without a Time Monster reference. And and and YES. AND A SWORDFIGHT WITH MINDSEX AND A THREESOME WITH THE HOT GINGER COMPANION WOULD BE EXACTLY THE THING. OH GOD. YES. They could have a swordfight and end up fucking and Donna would pop up and slap both of them and they'd have screaming orgasms. This. Yes.

Blake/Avon: EXACTLY. God, you're so right. I hate it when people moan about Blake being evil and manipulative and hurting the snarlywoobie, because HELLO, is Avon somehow whiter than white?!? Avon *wants* to be there, wants to be convinced by Blake and sometimes get fucked through the flightdeck sofa. And Avon *does* love him, damn it. He really fucking does. Why would he travel to the ends of the galaxy to find him? Careful, Avon, your erection sentiment is showing. And and and there's no way it could've ended prettily, but it's a beautiful tragedy. And only makes their love more epic. And they make me hurt and ache, too. Their final scenes together are painful to watch, but so beautiful. *whimper*


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