Meme times!

Apr 23, 2009 13:27

Snagged from neutralalienist and stunt_muppet:

Name any pairing from any of my fandoms and I'll talk about my thoughts/opinions on them!

You know my shows, yes? Doctor Who, LoM/A2A, B7, House, J&W, Boosh, West Wing, XF, etc. etc. Whatever else I've got in my profile. GIMME GIMME GIMME. Uh, just remember that by "thoughts/opinions" I probably mean more like, "incoherent ( Read more... )


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marah_sarie April 24 2009, 10:04:35 UTC
They make me grin like a big grinning thing! They are wonderfully devoted to each other -- Jeeves is always there to fish Bertie out of the soup (especially, of course, in disentangling him from various engagements to certain dreaded females) and Bertie seems to always have faith that Jeeves will be able to get him out of whatever mess he's been thrown into. Although Jeeves is more than just a little bit evil, actually, since quite a lot of the time he seems to let Bertie dangle in trouble for a bit, usually to pay him back for some grievous sin in the sartorial department (I love that, too, that their fights are over things like hats and ties and jackets. And sometimes musical instruments.) And sometimes the solutions seem to involve making Bertie look like an ass and/or completely insane. But Jeeves wouldn't stick around with Bertie if he didn't love him. And Bertie, for his part, though he can be jealous of Jeeves sometimes (especially earlier on, it seems like) he also certainly seems to think the world of him (how many times does he call Jeeves a marvel, for one?)

One other thing I love is -- one of Bertie's main complaints about girls like Florence and Honoria is that they're trying to mould him, always making him read improving books and whatnot. Jeeves, though, is not actively trying to change him (except in matters of his dress, I guess) and yet he does -- Bertie is always quoting (albeit sometimes misquoting) various pieces of literature, and attributing them to Jeeves. Plus I love that Bertie is always translating for Jeeves, since none of Bertie's friends can understand him. It's almost like they have their own language at times, and it's adorable.

Plus they are slashy as anything. Jeeves quoting Shakespeare to Bertie out in a moonlit garden at midnight in Joy in the Morning? (Bertie tells him to cut it out, of course, but still.) Jeeves risking his membership in the Junior Ganymede club to remove the pages on Bertie from the club book in Jeeves and the Tie that Binds -- and then of course their pledge that they will stay together permanently. They are just sweet together, really, and I love them. <3<3<3


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