Skulking around the Burnside area of downtown PDX. I forgot to bring my tripod with me so some of these are blurrier than I'd like, but eh. Maths Night photos are hard without good equipment.
Part 1 - Buildings and Bridges Part 3 - Exterior Decorating Part 4 - The Book Carts of St. Powell's Part 5 - The Shelves Have Eyes (
Portlandia, Part 2 - I Invented the Night )
Comments 5
Rant: Saturday Market is awesome, but it's run by dumbasses who are letting themselves get shafted by a bunch of developers. Instead of being right under the Burnside bridge where the Max stop makes it easy to find and get to, even for curious or unaware tourists, they're going to let themselves get shoved across Naito Parkway into Waterfront Park. While this might have made sense if the Market was just starting, it's been under the bridge for almost 30 years. People know where it is, it's easy to see and find, and it's literally only 15 feet in front of you when you're on the train. What's going to take its spot under the bridge, you might ask? A parking lot - which it technically already is, but someone wants the space available on weekends, too, even though it's not going to be a parking lot for the buildings on either side of it. Stupid, stupid, stupid. /rantAre you KIDDING me ( ... )
Um, p.s., also, your pictures are lovely. ^_^
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