Non-challenge: A Policeman's Tale (Day 23)

Jan 16, 2009 22:00

Title:   A Policeman's Tale (Day 23)
Word count:  1122
Rating (chapter):  K+ (PG)  
Rating (whole story):  T (PG-13)

Day 23 
Dammit! thought Takagi as he turned into the spin, stopping it before it really started. The driver in front of him had done the same thing and he could see the driver behind him doing the exact same thing. Driving slower now, he looked around and could see that there were a lot of those tire marks on the snow packed road. That's a bad hazard. Better stop by the koban on the corner. They can get someone out here to direct traffic, otherwise, it is only a matter of time until there is an accident.

Squealing tires behind him caused him to cringe. One second passed, then another before he let out a sigh of relief. That was one accident that had not occurred. The day was shaping up to be a bad New Year's Eve. He sincerely hoped the next day would be a good one. If anything really serious were to happen, his day off might be canceled.

The snow had started early in the morning and rapidly accumulated on the roads. It proved to be a very wet snow that soon compacted and turned to ice.

The news reported many accidents and kept asking people to take public transit instead of driving or, barring that, wait to drive into work until road crews could clear them major roads.

Takagi did not have that option. He left early to allow for slower driving (his own included) and the inevitable traffic jams because of accidents.

The koban did not seem to appear soon enough for him. He pulled over and ran inside to tell them about the very hazardous conditions right around the corner.

The officers in the koban did not look too well. Though they did their work, Takagi could tell they were tired from all the traffic problems. The fresher faces in the room looked like they had just come on duty.

Takagi homed in on one of them. Tired officers make mistakes and he did not want anyone to get hurt.


With a sigh of relief, Takagi pulled into his parking spot and shut the engine off. Despite leaving early, the traffic and the stop at the koban had made him late. Not terribly so, if the number of empty spots in the garage was any indication. It appeared that a lot of people were late. Unless something big had happened. On a day like this one, Takagi would not be surprised.

The old saying 'when it rains, it pours' seemed to hold true in his life and seemed to be the case around work everyday. There might be weeks where nothing really happened and then hell would break loose.

He prayed that January would be delightfully boring with no murders, no kidnapping and no life or death situations. People who did not know him would laugh if they heard the last one. People who did would give him a sympathetic pat on the shoulder and wish him luck, good luck that is. He certainly did not wish to get caught in anything like what happened at the Tokyo Tower again.

Takagi frowned slightly as he stepped onto the elevator and pressed the button for his floor. The mystery of Conan would come back around at the oddest of times. Mostly, I don't want to remember being stuck in an elevator with a bomb on top of it. I much rather remember what nearly happened afterward.

The elevator reached his floor and he stepped off. Who is Conan-kun? he wondered. In a minute he arrived at the bullpen and opened the door. He said his greetings to the officers in the area and headed for his desk.

A slight groan escaped from Takagi's lips as he saw his desk driving all musings of a mystery he did not understand from his mind and focusing it back on the present. There were more papers sitting on it now that when he left the day before. And then there was the paperwork he was sure he was going to have to fill out for stopping by the koban and telling them about the hazardous intersection.

Would the day quit showering white? First snow, now paperwork.

“Have fun, Takagi,” a voice said, drifting in from somewhere in the room. Takagi threw a look around but could not identify where the voice came from. Whoever it was was hiding among the other officers. A few of them snickered at the comment and one or two threw an amused look his way.

One of the new stacks, Takagi was not surprised to see, dealt with the the attempted suicide the day before. Looking over them, he was relieved to see that the forms basically required him to read them and sign off on the list of events. I don't understand how they can insist on what I figure happened when there is a recording. Then again, sometime the equipment doesn't work properly, okay, rarely, and they want verification. It still is annoying.

After a few minutes of trying to read through one report and then another, Takagi felt like pulling at his hair. Somehow everything had ended up mixed up. Resigned, he sorted each of the cases, ranging from the sad Ogura case (which looked like it might not be going to trial because of questionable mental health) to the suicide made to look like a murder.

Takagi shook his head. That Chikafuji was messed up to kill himself in a way to make it look like murder. I guess the only good, well, maybe good isn't the right word, thing was that he did not kill anyone but himself.

He scanned the copies of the reports Agasa and Conan filled out. He was not sure if he should be amused or worried at how good they both were at filling them out by now. Maybe we need to induct them into the force? he thought with a mental laugh. Their reports are as good as mine, even... Conan-kun's...

It was eerie how well written Conan's view on events was. If Takagi had not known that a child had written it, he might think that an adult or an intelligent teenager might have written it instead. But he had seen Conan fill out forms before and knew his handwriting. In fact, discounting the seemingly misused kanji, Conan had excellent writing. It feels like a reflection of who he really is. Just who he is, the question.

Laughter from across the room broke Takagi out of his train of thought. I guess the 'Conan-kun Mystery' can wait. Some of this paperwork will not.

Reluctantly, he turned back to papers on his desk, saving his thoughts on Conan for another time.

ytak, fanfic-nonchallenge

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