Non-challenge: A Policeman's Tale (Day 13)

Mar 19, 2008 23:06

 Title:   A Policeman's Tale (Day 13)
Word count:  768
Rating:  K (G) 
Comments:  Happy Birthday to me.  ^^  
This day is a bit of a filler but I think it is useful.  And, if you have any comments, please feel free to leave them.  I'm open to constructive criticism (yeah, it smarts, but it helps me grow as a writer).

Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9 | Day 10 | Day 11 | Day 12

Day 13

A single single white rose in a vase remained unwilted among all the flowers that had been placed at the site where the boy died. The flowers appeared almost as soon as the first news reports of the death hit the airwaves. Despite the fact that most were wilted, no one was ready to remove them, Takagi among them. But he needed to take another look at the crime scene and that meant moving some to get there.

It was clear that the investigators had done a thorough job collecting evidence, but now Takagi and Tsutsumi planned to do a rough recreation of what might have happened that day and to do a couple of follow-up interviews.

While they planned on doing the interviews later, they found that they were being approached by various people who wanted to add to their statements now that some of the shock had worn off. Nearly an hour passed before Takagi and Tsutsumi found themselves able to reenact the crime.

“Not a whole lot of new information,” Tsutsumi said, moving some of the flowers to clear the alley.

“Maybe not, but they have helped fill in a few blanks,” Takagi said. He pulled out the photos of the crime scene to orient himself. He handed Tsutsumi another set.

A uniformed officer nearby kept a crowd from gathering. Now that they cleared a path, people would try to approach them or the crime scene for a closer look.

The two detectives moved out to the sidewalk and went to the approximate location of where the initial encounter between the child and Ogura occurred. Step by step, they recreated what they thought happened, first slowly, followed by a more realistically timed reenactment.

An hour later, they did one last check of the crime scene. No one expected to find anything but it would be sloppy not to look one last time.

Takagi climbed into his car. Tsutsumi slid into the passenger seat. They sat in silence on the way back to the station.

“I'll see you in a couple of days, Takagi-san,” Tsutsumi said.

“That's right. You mentioned you were taking a little vacation. Where are you headed?” Takagi asked as they walked through the parking garage towards Tsutsumi's car.

“I'm going to see my family. I have to check out my little sister's fiance.” He gave a toothy grin, “I have to make sure he'll treat her right. I wanted to stay over Christmas but there was little chance that I'd get that day off.” He opened his car door, “See you later.”

Takagi bade him farewell and headed back to his office to drop off papers, the thought of Christmas at the top of his head. With the Ogura case so dominating his life up until the last few days, he lost track of time and the approach of Christmas. He wanted to do something romantic with Sato.

He drooped a little as he stepped onto the elevator. They were both working that day and he had the evening shift. Slowly he worked his way to his desk.

If I want to do something, I will have to slip it in, he thought. Maybe I can't do something with Sato but I can do something for her, he concluded, feeling a little better. Now I just need to think of something.

He grabbed a blank piece of paper and began to write down ideas. The Ogura case lay temporarily forgotten. After a few minutes, he sat back, a pleased smile on his face. It will take a little work but I think she will like it. I wonder what her favorite flower is? Would she like roses or would she think they were too cliché?

Glancing at his watch, he was shocked to see how much time had passed while making his plans. Quickly, he shoved his notes into his jacket pocket and went back to work on the notes for the Ogura case. A trial had been lost recently because the case has not been made airtight. Takagi was grateful he was not part of that department. By all accounts, they were going to be smarting for a long time.

Takagi knew he was not the only one to be double checking the current cases. When his mind started to drift back to his Christmas plans, he realized that it was time to leave work. He was getting odd looks from the officers assigned to the night shift. Quickly, he wrapped up the current report and headed home, thoughts of the Ogura case and Christmas swirling in his mind.

ytak, fanfic-nonchallenge

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