Non-challenge fic: A Policeman's Tale Day 3

Jan 03, 2008 20:54

Title:  A Policeman's Tale  Day 3
Author:  Ytak
Genre:  General/Mystery
Word count:  1252
Rating:  K (PG)
Summary: 60 days in the personal and professional life of Detective Takagi. 
Comments:  In this chapter, I name some to of the officers in Division 1 because they are nameless.  Kudos (not Kudo) to whoever guesses where I got their names from.  :)   Prompt # 3 Baby.
Day 1 | Day 2

Day 3

“He came from nowhere swinging a bat at one of the children!” a woman sniffed as a paramedic held a pad to her head to stop the bleeding from a cut. “I yelled at him and ran to protect the children. You wouldn't think a man that slight would be able to swing like that. Then he took a swing at me. I don't remember much after that. Just crying and screaming from all the children.” She fell silent and began to lean dangerously to the side.
The paramedic looked at his partner and nodded. They helped the woman lie down on the stretcher. “I'm sorry, detective, but we need to take her to the hospital. Head wounds can be dangerous and not look it until it it too late.”

Takagi nodded, “I understand. Thank you for staying.” The paramedics gave him a cut nod and wheeled the woman off.

He winced as a baby's cry cut across the playground from an open window over the crying and weeping of the older children. The mothers being held back at the gate started crying for their children again. It happened every time a baby cried out. One of the daycare workers shut the window cutting off the wailing.

A cold wind picked up and blew a few lonely snowflakes across the playground. Those that touched the ground melted on the much warmer surface. A cold front was moving through with a vengeance blowing away the last touches of autumn.

This case was not a good way to start out the day, Takagi reflected. He had just walked in the door when the call of the attack came in. Inspector Megure had snapped out three names. That was how Takagi found himself at the daycare with Tsutsumi and Terada.

“Takagi-kun!” he heard behind him. Tsutsumi was trotting his way. He looked bothered. “Did you get a good description of the attacker?” He sounded stressed to Takagi.

Takagi shook his head, “No. The daycare worker only described him as slight. Like he couldn't swing a bat like he did. We might get more from her later but she started to slip out of it and the paramedics took her to the hospital.”

“Damn,” Tsutsumi muttered, “All we have are vague descriptions and a general direction he ran. Most of the other workers were too busy taking the children indoors.”

“How about we talk to some of the older children?” Takagi said, looking over at the building.

Tsutsumi winced, “I'm not sure how much we can get out of them.”

“You might be surprised,” Takagi said, walking towards the building.

He thought the children had been loud when he heard them through the windows that were cracked open he was unprepared for the assault on his ears once he entered the building.

The workers were tired looking and all looked at him hopefully. He walked over to the nearest one. “I'm sorry to bother you but the children can't go just yet,” he said quietly, the hopeful expression disappeared from her face. “I just need to talk to one or two of the children who witnessed the attack. Could you call a one or two of the older children?”

She looked unhappy at the request but called one child over, “Akira-kun, please come here.”

Takagi squatted down to be on a level with the child. “Akira-kun, right?” The kid nodded. “You want to help your teacher, right?” The boy nodded again and quietly said, “Yes.”

“Well, I need your help.” The boy's eyes widened. Takagi noticed that some of the other children were beginning to listen in. “Can you tell me if he said anything? Or is there anything about him that you really remember about him?”

“Um, he wasn't a big person. We thought he was returning the bat. We lost it over the fence a week ago. Yamazaki threw it over the fence,” he said, glaring at the offender.

Yamazaki looked heartbroken, “If I hadn't been mad, I wouldn't thrown the bat. It's my fault the Misaki-sensai is hurt.” He began to tear up.

Takagi patted him on the head, “Then that person probably would have found something else to use instead. Those sort of people usually will find something to use.”

“That bad person smelled like a flower,” a little girl to Takagi's left said abruptly. “I could smell it when Misaki-sensei protected me.” Her face was tear stained but she seemed to get stronger when she spoke.

“An' he grunted funny, too,” added another child.

“What sort of 'funny'?” Takagi asked.

He thought about it a moment, “Kinda girly.” A boy behind him nodded in agreement and added, “An' he had some sand colored hair sticking out under his hat.”

A baby started to wail again, setting off two other babies. The children around Takagi began to tear up again. “Hey, it's okay,” he told them quickly, trying to keep them calm. “I'll see about getting your parents. You've really helped. Don't cry. We're going to find the person that did this, okay.”

A couple of children wiped their noses with the back of their hands and looked at him hopefully. “Yes, you have been a big help. We are going to find this person. It might take a little while but we'll catch him.”

A little girl gave him a hug, “Thank you, Mr. Policeman.” A couple of other children collect hugs from him before he stood.

Takagi thanked the worker and told her that he was going to see about letting the children go with their parents. At a trot, he left the building and located his fellow investigators.

“Tsutsumi-san, Terada-san!” he said, catching their attention.

“What is it? You learn something from the children?” he said gruffly and in a tone that seriously doubted that there was anything to be learned from children.

Takagi caught himself before he shot a glare at the older man. It would not be wise to glare at a someone with seniority. Besides, Takagi thought, I don't think he's ever worked with Conan-kun and his friends. If he had, he'd know better!

Takagi took out his notepad and wrote down what he learned as he told the other officers, “Sand colored hair. The bangs are, at least. And the suspect made a 'girly' grunt.”

Terada looked surprised. “The hair color will help. That isn't a common color.”

“A teenager, maybe?” Tsutsumi suggested.

Takagi nodded, “That's what I was thinking. Especially if he dyed his hair.”

Terada put his notebook away, “Let's ask around again. Someone might remember the hair better that the height or clothes.”

“Sir,” Takagi said, getting their attention, “First, let the parents pick up the children. One of them might know something. Besides,” he added looking at the hopeful faces peaking out of a window, “we can't keep children here for long. We can get their information from the daycare.”

Terada nodded. “Tsutsumi, why don't you do that. Takagi and I will ask

The three officers split up and began to question around again.

That night, Takagi all but fell into bed. They had gotten nowhere. It was as if the attacker had just vanished completely. With any luck, they would learn more from the worker who was attacked. A call to the hospital let them know that she would be there a few days for observation. He could go in tomorrow.

Takagi did not want to break his word to the children.


Wahoo!  I introduce mystery this chapter.  Rating may continue to go up.  Feedback is welcome.

ytak, fanfic-nonchallenge

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