Baby Ohno- An Arashi Fanfic

Oct 28, 2015 12:33

Title: Baby Ohno (Chapter 6)
Pairings/Characters: Aiba/Sho, Ohno/Nino
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Beware of a cute baby Ohno in this story (although Ohno is always cute, baby or not ;)
Notes: Yahhhh...well, I'm sick ٩(⌯꒦ິ̆ᵔ꒦ິ)۶ᵒᵐᵍᵎᵎᵎ But at least I'm well enough to post another chapter~
Summary: An accident occurs when one of Aiba's experiments go wrong. And unfortunately, Leader was in the wrong place at the wrong time...

Chap-1 / Chap-2 / Chap-3 / Chap-4 / Chap-5

"What the hell happened here last night?"

Nino looked in disbelief as he walked downstairs, a yawning Ohno in his arms.

He had woken up to the sound of Ohno's crying. Opening his eyes quickly, Nino thought that his boyfriend had gotten hurt or something. Turning to his side, Nino felt himself relax when he realized that Ohno was crying because his fishy had fell off the bed and couldn't get it.

When they walked downstairs for breakfast, Nino had to bite his lips to keep from laughing at the absurd scene in front of him.

Baby clothes were scattered across the entire room- it was like a bomb came off. Every pointed edge in the living room was covered in some sort of cotton, probably to cushion anything that might bump into it. Jun and Aiba laid on the floor, different types of baby clothing on top of them. And Nino had seen Sho when he had to step over the sleeping man on the staircase- with the safety gate finally looking like it was installed properly.

Ohno was also staring widely at the sleeping members. "Mama, papa and JuJu are awight?" He asked Nino, his eyebrows furrowing worriedly.

Nino chuckled as he rubbed his thumb to smooth out the crease between the baby's eyebrows, causing Ohno to giggle. "Yeah, they must have just slept late." He explained, smirking at his fellow members. Feeling Ohno's bottom, he frowned. "You feel a bit wet. Let's change your diaper before I start making breakfast, hm?" They exchanged a smile as Nino went hunting for the diaper changing stuff.

Thankfully, Nino easily found what he was looking for and grabbed a diaper, baby wipes, powder and the changing mat. After changing Ohno's diaper (Nino was super grateful that it was only number one this time) they went to the kitchen. Nino had dragged the bouncy seat that was in the living room in the kitchen so he could sit Ohno in it while he prepared breakfast.

"What would you like for breakfast Satoshi?" Nino asked as he opened the refrigerator. Nino was pleasantly surprised to see it fully stocked with food. He guessed by the extra bags he saw on the floor that Jun must have gone out to buy more clothes for Satoshi with Aiba tagging along to help. They must have stop for some groceries on the way home as well.

Grabbing some pancake mix Nino turned to Ohno. He smiled when he saw Ohno jumping up and down in his bouncy seat, putting his fishy in his mouth. "Satoshi? Do you want some yogurt for breakfast?"

"Yogoo pease!" Ohno chirped, jumping up enthusiastically.

"Me and Jun-kun actually bought some baby food last night. It's at the bottom of the fridge." Aiba called out, walking into the kitchen as he tried to fix his bed head. "Whoa, there!" Aiba shouted, laughing as Ohno had bounced his way towards him.

"Mama!" Ohno cried out, giggling as Aiba gave him a kiss on the forehead and sat cross-legged beside him.

"Good morning, Satoshi! Good morning, fishy." Aiba added as Ohno held up his fishy to him with expectant eyes.

"Mowing, mama!" Ohno replied cheerfully. As the both of them started to play with the toys on the bouncy seat, Nino checked the baby food that Aiba had indicated to.

"What's with the jars of mush?" Nino asked, frowning as he opened a jar. Taking a whiff inside, he recoiled back in disgust. "This smells like sh-."

"There's a baby here!" Aiba interrupted, scolding Nino. Nino scowled as he looked into the jar.

"There's no way this mush could be anything even remotely close to peach cobbler." Nino muttered, closing the jar. "Why the hell did you guys buy this stuff?"

"The lady from the grocery store told us that these would be good for Satoshi." Aiba insisted, getting up to go to him. Grabbing another jar, Aiba held it up. "And isn't it cool how they can create flavors like peach cobbler or chicken with chicken gravy?"

Nino made a face. "Why is the chicken mush colored red?"

Aiba pouted as he went to grab one of the baby spoons and scooped out some of the peach cobbler mush. "I bet it tastes better than it looks."

Nino snorted. "I bet it tastes exactly like it looks- a spoon full of mu-Mm!" Nino suddenly stopped talking as Aiba shoved the spoon of baby food into his mouth.

"So how does it taste?" Aiba asked, excitedly as he waited for Nino's reaction.

Jun yawned as he entered the kitchen. "What the hell are you guys yelling about so early in the morning?" Jun mumbled, still a bit sleepy. He froze at the scene before him.

Nino was strangling Aiba on the floor, both of them covered in what looked to be rainbow-colored mush and various opened jars were scattered on the floor. Ohno was in his bouncy seat a few feet away, staring at the two with wide terrified eyes. And Jun could see smoke rising from the stove- the smell of burning definitely spreading throughout the kitchen.

Jun sighed. Wasn't there supposed to be only one baby in the house?

First thing Jun did was picking up Ohno from his bouncy seat. "'s okay now." He cooed to the baby as he made his way to the stove.

"Kazu and mama are fwighting?" Ohno asked him, tears still in his eyes.

Jun shook his head as he smiled at him assuringly. "Of course not, Satoshi. Kazu and mama are just playing. Why don't we throw away these black pancakes and make new ones, hm? You want fluffy pancakes?" Jun asked as he turned his body so it would block Ohno's view of Aiba and Nino.

The tears in Ohno's eyes were gone as he smiled happily. "Fwuffy! Fwuffy! Yum!" Jun chuckled at Ohno's response before turning his head slightly to his members that were still on the floor.

"Oi, Kazu! Mama! Stop playing with your food and get up already!" Jun yelled at them, turning his attention back to the pancakes. "And just so you know, your little wrestling on the floor upset Satoshi too- he was about to cry." The noise immediately stopped as his fellow members got up, muttered an apology and left the kitchen to probably clean themselves up.

Jun sighed again. And HE was supposed to be the youngest member in Arashi (though right at that moment, he guessed that the youngest member was Ohno now).

As he flipped the pancakes, Sho entered the kitchen, looking wide eyed at the mess on the floor. "I'm guessing Masaki and Nino did this." He assumed.

"Yup." Jun answered plainly, turning Ohno slightly away from the stove when the baby's little arms tried to reach out and grab a pancake. "You saw them?"

"They were fighting when they walked over me on the stairs to get to the bathroom. I woke up when Nino accidentally stepped on my hand." Sho replied, looking over to see what was cooking.

"So Kazu and mama were fwighting?" Ohno asked, frowning at Jun.

"No, they were playing Satoshi." Jim disagreed, giving Sho a hard look. "Sho, stop trying to pick at the pancakes and play with Satoshi for a while. It's hard to hold him and cook at the same time."

While Sho played with Ohno on his bouncy seat, Jun finished up the rest of the pancakes and added some bacon as well. When Nino and Aiba came into the kitchen later on, Jun forced them to clean up the mess on the floor.

As they all sat around the kitchen table eating breakfast, Aiba spoke up. "So what's the plan? What do we tell Johnny?" Ohno sat on his lap as he fed him yogurt (though Nino was also sneaking Ohno tiny bites of pancake as well).

"For the reason of Ohno's disappearance, we tell him Leader went on a fishing trip that lasted for about 30 hours. He was stupid enough to forget that it's winter season right now and ended up getting a really bad cold. He's so sick that he won't be able to make any appearances for a while, just in case he gets anyone else sick." Jun told him, drinking his coffee.

"As for Satoshi, we tell him that he's Aiba and Sho's love child and their regular nanny isn't able to watch him so we ended up having to bring him alo- Hey!" Nino shouted when Aiba threw a piece of bacon at him.

"We tell him that Satoshi is Aiba's nephew and no one else could watch him except Aiba. Since Satoshi isn't good with strangers and we couldn't leave a baby alone, we had to bring him along with us." Sho concluded, bringing the formula milk that he was preparing and handed the bottle to Aiba.

Aiba propped Ohno up and fed him the milk. Aiba bit his lip in worry. "Will this work? Do you think Johnny will believe us and let Satoshi come with us to our shoots?"

The others were quiet, the only sounds in the kitchen were the tiny sucking sounds being made as Ohno drank his milk.

Jun sighed. "It has to work- we have no other option."


"Why is there a baby dressed as a blue bear?"

All the members of Arashi were currently in Johnny's office for a meeting about their concert. But as soon as they had walked into the room with no Ohno present and instead with a baby with them, the concert soon became the last thing that was on anyone's minds.

"Well, it is winter season and we wanted to keep him warm." Aiba answered, hugging Ohno who was currently nestled in the baby carrier that he wore. Aiba and Jun had argued that morning on what Ohno should wear and Aiba had won the argument saying that the blue bear outfit, with its fluffy fur and cute ears on top of its hood, would help keep Ohno warm for the day- the last thing they wanted was a sick baby.

As Johnny proceeded giving him an unamused look, Sho quickly stepped in, "Johnny-san, this is Satoshi- Aiba's nephew. His parents are on a trip abroad and left Aiba to care for their son for a few days; everyone else in Aiba's family were unavailable to do so."

Johnny kept his piercing stare at the members, his expression blank. "And what made you think that it was okay to bring a baby with you here?"

"I was going to put him in a daycare center, but Satoshi here made a fuss and refused to stay there. Also, there may be a chance that paparazzi could be around and might get the wrong idea." Aiba explained, trying to keep the panic off his face.

Johnny shifted his gaze to Aiba for a moment before looking at the other members. "And where is Ohno-kun?"

"We scolded him for going fishing during winter- he's too sick to come in today. In fact, he'll probably not be able to come in for a few days." Nino lied smoothly, barely flinching at the sharp gaze Johnny aimed at him.

Johnny looked at each member, silently assessing them, before finally landing his eyes on the baby in Aiba's arms. Since Ohno was facing Aiba in the baby carrier, Johnny was only able to see the back of his head. "Let me see him properly." Johnny ordered.

Sho helped Aiba unlatch the carrier and the taller man held Ohno in his arms, facing Johnny.

Ohno stared right back at Johnny, eyes wide in amazement (though he was probably just fascinated by the reflection of himself that he saw inside Johnny's sunglasses).

Johnny stared at him in silence for a while before raising an eyebrow. "You." Johnny directed at Ohno. Ohno titled his head slightly in response. "What is your name?"

Ohno looked at the member's tight faces before he noticed Nino nodding at him to answer. Ohno looked back at Johnny and said, "Satohi."

"His name is Satoshi." Jun repeated, just to clarify Ohno's answer. Johnny merely kept looking at Ohno, studying his face.

Johnny turned to the other members. "The fact that you brought an infant into this building is completely unacceptable and has a high chance of causing a major scandal if word comes out. I know you are planning to ask if you could bring him to your filmings, but you know that would be entirely unprofessional of you and a breach in your contract. In addition, you are missing one of your own members because of the foolish decisions that he has made." He spoke in a very deadly tone.

All the members froze, trying to think of what to say. They knew if they said the wrong thing, no matter how popular they were or how much money they earned for the agency, Johnny would have no problems ripping up one, if not all, of their contracts.

"I wan to stay!" All of the Arashi member's heart stopped for a second as they looked down at the person who had spoke.

Johnny raised an eyebrow, looking straight at Ohno. "Excuse me?"

"Ah! Sir, I'm sorry. He didn't mean to be rude or any-" Sho started but Nino quickly grabbed his arm and shook his head. They look towards Johnny and saw the observing look on his face.

Ohno started to thrash in Aiba's arms, reaching out to Johnny. Before any of the members could act, Johnny immediately opened his arms and Aiba automatically let Ohno go into them.

Everyone held their breaths as Johnny and Ohno stared at each other.

Ohno looked up at Johnny with his wide, baby eyes. "I wan to stay pease! I dun wan to go to a daycar!" Ohno pleaded with him, pouting his lips.

Johnny look at him with an amused look. "But don't you think you'll cause these guys trouble?"

Ohno shook his head, pouting deeper. "I no trouble! I not bad boy! Pease? With a pancake and yogoo and fishy and-"

"Satoshi, I think he gets it." Jun cut in, stopping the boy from offering all the things he liked.

Ohno huffed before looking at Johnny with teary eyes. "Pease gwanpa Johnny?"

Johnny choked a bit at the name before looking at the paling members. "Are you trying to bribe me with him?"

"Depends, is it working?" Nino muttered before giving out a shout of pain as both Aiba and Jun stepped on his feet, hard.

Johnny looked back at Ohno, a small smile forming on his face. "If you cause any trouble to these four people, I will hold all five of you responsible. Do you understand?"

Ohno smiled widely as he nodded his head furiously. "I undastan! I a good boy!"

"You promise to be good, especially when you go outside?" Johnny asked.

Ohno nodded, "I pwomise."

Johnny smirked as he looked at the other four. "Make sure to keep this baby out of the public eye. But if something happens and you are asked who this baby is, tell them that Satoshi-kun belongs to the agency and I myself asked you to take care of him for a sort of training that he plans to give to all his debuted groups- you guys are just a test run."

"But my nephew-" Aiba started off.

"I never for one moment believed that this baby was your nephew- it wouldn't make sense for all of you to come to me like this if he was" Johnny interrupted. "Nor do I think he is any of your sons- though I do know that if any of you got a women pregnant, it could only be Matsumoto-kun's I'm sure since the rest of you have different...tastes."

The others widened their eyes at that. "Sir..."

Johnny waved them off. "I know everything that happens in my agency. I've also lived a long time- long enough that I've seen many things and know that many of these things are possible. That reminds me, tell Ohno that I'm sure his illness will probably last a few days. When he gets back, I'm giving him extra work for his absence."

All the member's eyes widened. "You know-"

Johnny lifted Ohno up and gave him back to Aiba. "Now since our meeting is done- I'm sure we can discuss about your concert another time, when all your members are present- I have another meeting waiting. You may leave my office now." With that, Johnny turned away from them, calling his secretary about his next appointment.

The members quickly said their goodbyes and thanks before scurrying out of Johnny's office.

Walking inside the elevator, the members finally let out a sigh of relief. "That went better than I thought it would." Aiba sighed in relief, placing Ohno back into the carrier.

"I thought we would get our contracts ripped up for sure." Jun confessed, pressing the button for the ground floor.

"It's thanks to Satoshi, here. You were such a good boy!" Nino cooed at Ohno, tickling the laughing baby's tummy.

"And a brave one too." Sho added, smiling at Satoshi. "You weren't scared?"

Ohno shook his head. "Nuh-uh! I a bwave boy!" Ohno told them proudly.

"Yes, you are. You're our brave little man," Aiba agreed, giving him a kiss on top of his head.

"Well, since we have the okay from Johnny himself, we're allowed to bring Satoshi to filming with us." Nino said smugly, ecstatic at their outcome. He didn't know what he would do if Ohno had to leave any of their sights.

"I think Johnny knew who Satoshi really was, but I wonder how." Sho spoke out as they got out of the elevator.

"He's lived a long time- and this is Johnny we're talking about." Jun pointed out, walking down the corridor. "Hey, the list for VS Arashi is out." He exclaimed, pointing at a list on their door.

On the day of their VS Arashi filming, a list would be posted up showing who was the guest team they were competing against and who would play what games. As the members went to check out the list, they were all surprise by what they read.

Nino groaned. "Are you kidding me?"

Aiba looked at the list with excited eyes. "We're filming a winter special today?"

Jun had fire burning in his eyes. "We definitely can't lose to them."

Sho looked amused but worried. "Even without Ohno here, we would still be outnumbered."

Nino snorted. "Of course. I mean, there's nine of them. Although I do feel sorry for one of them since his beloved Ohno wouldn't be able to play today." He snickered.

Ohno merely looked at the list confused, although it was probably because he did not know how to read yet.

pairing: arashi- ohno/nino, fanfic: baby ohno, pairing: arashi- sho/aiba, group: arashi

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