09 ⚜ free for all/action;

Jan 05, 2013 12:39

[ As normal, Helen has been very busy in the world of the Sanctuary. There has been a small increase in spotted abnormals, which they've been responding to and bringing several of them to the Sanctuary. In other cases they've simply extended a helping hand. Given it's more or less the new year for their world, Helen has called a meeting of the ( Read more... )

helen magnus

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Comments 186

notanemptymotto January 5 2013, 21:01:10 UTC
sanctuary cast;

(( everyone tag responses under this thread, that way it's all combined and easy to find! ))


threewordspls January 6 2013, 03:48:28 UTC
[ Henry's sitting there with his handy dandy datapad, taking notes with one program (and recording momma for playback later for those moments when he didn't get a note down soon enough), while poking at some things already concerning their databases and server allocation.

Sup? ]


notanemptymotto January 6 2013, 06:57:19 UTC
[ Helen is looking at you, Henry. Waiting for a response. Just to make sure you are paying attention in some manner. ]


threewordspls January 6 2013, 22:10:53 UTC
At the ready for any field needs. [ Thumbs up! He's still figuring something on his screen though. ] I've seen that junkyard for myself already. There should be some good finds in there if we need it.

And ... we have all the parts here for a whole addition to the main server that I can dedicate to purely Mandalus related databases. [ He finally looks up ... and right at momma stare. o_o; oops ] I can do that install first.


dowhatimust January 5 2013, 23:29:03 UTC

Helen, may I have a moment of your time?


notanemptymotto January 6 2013, 07:00:59 UTC
Of course. What is bothering you, Castiel?


dowhatimust January 6 2013, 07:01:58 UTC
You are a learned woman. What do you know about the nature of Hell and the soul?


notanemptymotto January 6 2013, 07:08:32 UTC
[ That's a rather interesting question. ]

Well, I know the various religious texts from around the world. As well as spirituality and how it plays greatly into many cultures. I'm not entirely sure I could tell you the exact nature of Hell, of course, given all the different concepts of it.

Why do you ask?


atyournose January 6 2013, 06:50:44 UTC

[ At one point during the day a sharp tapping sound can be heard from the window of Helen's office. On the other side of the glass was the familiar face of the white-haired guardian with his hand curled into a light fist, knuckles facing the glass. Where his hand had touched, the familiar pattern of frost had unfurled upon the surface. There, on his face, was a wide and very eager grin. ]

Hey! Hey, Helen! Open up!


notanemptymotto January 6 2013, 06:53:35 UTC
[ The tapping pulls her out of the work on the computer, looking for the source of the noise. With a smile, Helen stands and moves over to the window, opening it. Between Jack and the Assassins, what's the point of having a window? ]

You're certainly in high spirits today, Jack.


atyournose January 6 2013, 07:08:23 UTC
[ Who needs windows? Honestly. They just keep the fun locked out and that's not acceptable.

Slipping inside once she had, the guardian immediately took to sitting on the edge of her desk, staff leaning against the side to free his hands. The smile on his face only grew at her words which only confirmed just how good of a mood he was in. But there was always room for a moment of joking around to which he took advantage of. ]

Aren't I always?


notanemptymotto January 6 2013, 07:10:58 UTC
[ People who need warmth, Jack. Warmth is a good thing.

She stepped to the side to let the bounding Guardian into the room. As the window shut, she moved over to stand in front of him, hands folded together. It was almost as if he were hiding a secret but couldn't wait to tell someone about it. His childlike nature was refreshing in a war torn city like Mandalus. ]

You didn't seem all that happy when we first met. Perhaps that was due to the very argumentative snowman?


alwaysfindshim January 6 2013, 14:32:27 UTC
Do you have time for tea, Helen?


notanemptymotto January 6 2013, 21:00:08 UTC
I always have time for tea, Snow.

Where would you like to meet?


alwaysfindshim January 7 2013, 01:54:21 UTC
If you'd like, I want to show you somewhere from home.

It's called Granny's. [And there is an address sent.]


notanemptymotto January 7 2013, 22:04:46 UTC
I can be there in a few minutes. I'll see you there.


alltenfingers January 6 2013, 14:34:38 UTC
kind of action

[Ezio doesn't stop by, as such, not to visit at least. Instead, he drops off a vase of orchids in her office with a simple note on it that reads:

Per illuminare la vostra giornata.

He doesn't need to sign it. She would know who they are from.]


notanemptymotto January 6 2013, 21:04:42 UTC
[ And that it certainly does. Helen understands that, like her work, Ezio's requires him to be very busy and to spend more time with his novices than with her. It doesn't bother her like it would a younger woman. If anything she respects the dedication he has to his Order and it's Creed.

Turning the note over with a smile, she reaches for the phone that is attached to the Mandalus Network. The other one in her pocket only works among the Sanctuary members. Unsure as to when Ezio would be able to talk, she simply leaves a message for him: ]

E per illuminare anche il vostro, tesoro.


alltenfingers January 7 2013, 01:59:20 UTC
[And that certainly does something to brighten up his day. Even when they can't get to see each other, this is enough sometimes.]

È illuminato i miei giorni, l'amore.

How is your work today?


notanemptymotto January 7 2013, 22:05:22 UTC
[ The life of busy old people. ]

Very long and detailed. We're attempting to do several changes in the Sanctuary.


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