09 ⚜ free for all/action;

Jan 05, 2013 12:39

[ As normal, Helen has been very busy in the world of the Sanctuary. There has been a small increase in spotted abnormals, which they've been responding to and bringing several of them to the Sanctuary. In other cases they've simply extended a helping hand. Given it's more or less the new year for their world, Helen has called a meeting of the ( Read more... )

helen magnus

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dowhatimust January 5 2013, 23:29:03 UTC

Helen, may I have a moment of your time?


notanemptymotto January 6 2013, 07:00:59 UTC
Of course. What is bothering you, Castiel?


dowhatimust January 6 2013, 07:01:58 UTC
You are a learned woman. What do you know about the nature of Hell and the soul?


notanemptymotto January 6 2013, 07:08:32 UTC
[ That's a rather interesting question. ]

Well, I know the various religious texts from around the world. As well as spirituality and how it plays greatly into many cultures. I'm not entirely sure I could tell you the exact nature of Hell, of course, given all the different concepts of it.

Why do you ask?


dowhatimust January 6 2013, 14:12:49 UTC
I am trying to find a way to fix Sam. His soul was sent down to Hell when he saved us from the end of the world by forcing Lucifer and Michael to jump down into the Pit. Now, it is torn, and he is slowly losing his mind.

[Yes Helen, he is telling you all this because he trusts you.]


notanemptymotto January 6 2013, 20:55:23 UTC
And by End of the World, I am assuming we mean the actual detailed Apocalypse of the Christian Bibles.

[ Bloody hell. ]

I'm not entirely certain what I can do to help a mind that has been torn to pieces by Hell itself, but, what it sounds like is he's extremely traumatized. The human mind will fracture into pieces when it does not know how to properly process trauma. Memories will go missing, or sometimes it can create entirely new personae within itself to contain the memories of what traumatized it.

Normally the only way the human mind properly processes such extreme traumas is by facing the trauma and attempting to resolve it. Therapy. Although, if we are talking the actual Apocalypse? It may need more than just therapy. I can offer to help him with it, but if he does accept it, it would be better to have someone who knows the exact circumstances to help him through it with me.


dowhatimust January 6 2013, 21:39:23 UTC
[Huh. Therapy could actually be beneficial to the Winchesters. Well, it already could, but still.]

I will speak with him about this. See if he would be open to the idea of speaking to someone about this. [Better talking to Helen than completely losing Sam to the demons in his own mind, after all.]


notanemptymotto January 7 2013, 22:04:22 UTC
[ Now only if they'll actually go and have therapy. Will was the psychiatrist in the Sanctuary, but Helen has her own experience in the field in different ways. ]

I hope he will be. Of course, if he feels pressured into it, then there isn't much point in it all. It has to be voluntary.


dowhatimust January 7 2013, 22:31:40 UTC
I will not pressure him, but he does need the help.


notanemptymotto January 8 2013, 09:58:33 UTC
Suggesting couldn't hurt then. Hopefully he's a tad more reasonable than his brother.


dowhatimust January 8 2013, 14:07:28 UTC
Oh, Sam is always more reasonable than Dean. Except when he is being ten times less reasonable than Dean.

... The Winchesters have a tendency to switch back and forth, in that regard.


notanemptymotto January 9 2013, 06:27:09 UTC
Siblings often tend to pick up habits from one another. It also happens when you are around someone for so very long. Hopefully you won't pick up on their "less reasonable" ways.


dowhatimust January 9 2013, 16:29:08 UTC
I sincerely hope that is not true of all cases. There are many things I would not want to pick up from Gabriel. I would like to think I have not picked up on many of their unreasonable behaviors, although I am not sure I would be the one who could judge that.


notanemptymotto January 10 2013, 11:19:40 UTC
As far as I can tell? You remain the level headed one between all the madness surrounding you.


dowhatimust January 11 2013, 00:42:04 UTC
I try to be. But even I wander off the path.


notanemptymotto January 12 2013, 01:21:29 UTC
Everyone does. It's part of being alive.


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