006 | video/action

Oct 26, 2012 06:33

[Dean is outside, and it's dark out, and the distinct sound of monsters and creatures can be heard, even if it's a faint sound. He's got plenty of weapons but he's not showing them off, instead he's making a purposeful point to not make it obvious he's hunting the monsters out there, or that he even knows how to. He looks stressed, however, even to ( Read more... )

dean winchester

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Comments 155

daddysknife October 26 2012, 05:39:32 UTC

...Ya never take your own advice, do you?

[Just please ignore that she's obviously in the kitchen, Dean.]


likemichael October 26 2012, 05:50:48 UTC
[Totally turning this around on Jo, yep.]

Seems you don't take my advice either. Why are you up?


daddysknife October 26 2012, 05:57:09 UTC
I got thirsty and no one was answerin' my yells.


likemichael October 26 2012, 06:01:30 UTC
Probably 'cause no one's in, I expect. Sammy and me are hunting, God knows where Cas is, and... well, Gabe's probably in the panic room with the queen's body still.


notanemptymotto October 26 2012, 06:25:42 UTC

[ With the loss of Henry weighing down on her, Helen is angry. Not angry enough to seek revenge; she's too old to know that doesn't solve problems. Instead she funnels her emotions into work. Just as she always has. She closes the van door harder than she'd of liked, but with the Magnusslinger in hand, she's out to hopefully bring Abnormals to the Sanctuary before they are mistaken as the monsters. With her coat tucked around her tightly. Helen peaks around the corner, hearing a noise... ]


likemichael October 26 2012, 06:54:42 UTC
[Dean has his shotgun resting against his shoulder, still, and is taking a swing from his bottle of whiskey just as he comes upon Helen and her van, and he lowers the bottle, somehow feeling nearly ashamed of himself for the briefest second before more of his other, more potent feelings swamp him as always.]

That's a heck of a weapon, Doc. [He eyes it for a second, wondering just what it does.] I'm guessing you're looking for the nice ones, huh?


notanemptymotto October 26 2012, 07:28:57 UTC
It's hardly a weapon. [ Helen looks over at him, giving him a curt nod. ] It's a stunning device. The more you have, it can create a net that will subdue the abnormal you are after. Henry designed it.

[ There's a flash of pain over her face at the mention of Henry before she looks back down the alleyway. ] I'm attempting to save them from a wronged death, yes. I suspect you are out hunting the mean ones? As you would so delicately put it.


likemichael October 26 2012, 07:38:35 UTC
Huh, I bet that comes in useful. [He quirks a brow at the mention of a Henry and nods a bit.] The guy who got tore up by the werewolf, huh?

[He gives her a mildly amused look at her comment and shrugs a bit.] I'm only killing the ones who're gonna kill us first. It's what a hunter does, because it ain't often we find a nice one, back home. But hey, if you need a hand catching ones that aren't hurting anyone, I'll give you a hand.


trickster_mk2 October 26 2012, 07:03:49 UTC

[It's been days, and Gabriel's not sure if he's seen any change. He cleaned her up best he could, bandaged the, well, slashes and gashes and all the rest, at least so he didn't have to see them. She looked better, more regal that way. And like she was actually asleep, not dead. He'd thought he'd seen her move, shift in the little narrow bed but no, nothing. That was just a hopeful and over-active imagination.

And he's going to have to face it. Mother was eaten or something, she's not here to fix anyone up. Not Lizzie, not anyone. So...he might as well get off his human ass and do something. He's heard the news, the zombies coming in from the wastes and as far as he's aware, that the Serpent's followers, the ones that followed him. That's all his fault. He could have stopped this, somehow.

He knows how to deal with zombies. He's never done it personally, but heh, if the Winchesters can do it, he can. Possibly.]

Dean? I'll come along.


likemichael October 26 2012, 07:41:51 UTC
[Dean is hesitant and it can be heard before he even says anything. Even so, he knows Gabriel can handle himself, for the most part, and he's prepared to let him come along, if he wants to. Dean holds grudges, it's a known fact, but Gabriel never hurt Sam physically, only emotionally, so he's willing to let the grudge settle, as he has been over the past few weeks they've shared a home. He wants Gabriel on their side, even if he's sure Cas still wants to punch him for a few things, too.]

If you're sure, I'll swing back by the yard, meet you outside.


trickster_mk2 October 26 2012, 07:48:19 UTC
[Gabe's actually surprised Dean's going to let him come along, but even the moment hesitation on the Hunter's part isn't going to put off the ex-angel. He can't just sit on his butt all day, because there's nothing he can do. But he is already leaving a series of scribbled notes to Elizabeth, should she wake up. Be back soon honey; gone for milk, bread and the zombie apocalypse.]

I'm sure. Need me to grab anything?


likemichael October 26 2012, 08:05:04 UTC
I need more silver bullets and an iron crowbar would be nice, if you can find one in the shed.

[He's willing to have Gabriel along and not stewing in his angst in the panic room. He knows the vibe at the house is horrible right now and he just wants to be away from there.]


adaptably October 26 2012, 07:23:04 UTC

Someone likes to play the hero.

[ And up above Dean, on a fire escape, sits one Selina Kyle. She has one leg pulled up against her chest, the other dangling down off the ledge. It sways back and forth as her hair cascades over her shoulder and a gun sits in her lap. What? She's not stupid. Even if she did have to... procure the gun. Old habits die hard. ]


likemichael October 26 2012, 07:44:19 UTC
[Dean has his gun aimed at her before she's even finished speaking and he eyes her for a moment. She could be anything, but he's willing to take the chance. He can kill pretty much anything in mere moments if it comes to it.]

Just doing my night job. [But he lowers the gun, finally.] You should head home. Monsters aren't gonna fall for the kitty thing.


adaptably October 26 2012, 08:14:30 UTC
Really? You're missing the cape and cowl. [ Selina adds in playfully, leaning against the railing with her arm in a wrap. It's downgraded from cast to wrap. ] Good thing I can out run them. Or shoot them. [ She adds a smile in. ] I don't really need someone to protect me.


likemichael October 26 2012, 11:43:02 UTC
And cover up this handsome face? I don't think so. Besides, my sidekick is off doing his own work. Can't play hero without a sidekick. [He gives her a quick smile and taps his gun against his shoulder.] Sure thing, pussycat, just don't go getting yourself slashed up or eaten. It's like Night of The Living Dead out here.


unbreakablelion October 26 2012, 10:31:41 UTC
[ Talk about throwing himself in at the deep end without water waders or a life-jacket or hell, anything. A shot rings out close to Dean, and soon Gene emerges, gun in hand. - a Colt Python, 6 inch barrel .357 Magnum to be exact. ]

You looked like you could use a hand.


likemichael October 26 2012, 11:24:54 UTC
[Dean has his shotgun trained on Gene before he can so much as blink at the shot that rings nearby. He gives him half a smirk, only lowering the gun just so, shrugging one shoulder.]

No offence but this isn't really police business. You should get indoors with the rest of them.


unbreakablelion October 26 2012, 11:38:16 UTC
Monster tearing up my patch? Yeah. That's my business.


likemichael October 26 2012, 11:45:23 UTC
Well, alright, but you're not my usual partner so you'll excuse me if I keep a bullet ready for you, right?


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