006 | video/action

Oct 26, 2012 06:33

[Dean is outside, and it's dark out, and the distinct sound of monsters and creatures can be heard, even if it's a faint sound. He's got plenty of weapons but he's not showing them off, instead he's making a purposeful point to not make it obvious he's hunting the monsters out there, or that he even knows how to. He looks stressed, however, even to ( Read more... )

dean winchester

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adaptably October 26 2012, 07:23:04 UTC

Someone likes to play the hero.

[ And up above Dean, on a fire escape, sits one Selina Kyle. She has one leg pulled up against her chest, the other dangling down off the ledge. It sways back and forth as her hair cascades over her shoulder and a gun sits in her lap. What? She's not stupid. Even if she did have to... procure the gun. Old habits die hard. ]


likemichael October 26 2012, 07:44:19 UTC
[Dean has his gun aimed at her before she's even finished speaking and he eyes her for a moment. She could be anything, but he's willing to take the chance. He can kill pretty much anything in mere moments if it comes to it.]

Just doing my night job. [But he lowers the gun, finally.] You should head home. Monsters aren't gonna fall for the kitty thing.


adaptably October 26 2012, 08:14:30 UTC
Really? You're missing the cape and cowl. [ Selina adds in playfully, leaning against the railing with her arm in a wrap. It's downgraded from cast to wrap. ] Good thing I can out run them. Or shoot them. [ She adds a smile in. ] I don't really need someone to protect me.


likemichael October 26 2012, 11:43:02 UTC
And cover up this handsome face? I don't think so. Besides, my sidekick is off doing his own work. Can't play hero without a sidekick. [He gives her a quick smile and taps his gun against his shoulder.] Sure thing, pussycat, just don't go getting yourself slashed up or eaten. It's like Night of The Living Dead out here.


adaptably October 28 2012, 09:41:54 UTC
The cowl ads the mystery to it. Just imagine what it'd be like when the lady you love pulls it off in the big dramatic moment. [ She pretends to be star struck. ] Which means as long as I stay away from the basements, I'll be fine. [ Selina makes a point to cock her gun. ] Pussycat? I like that.


likemichael October 28 2012, 09:52:27 UTC
[He chuckles a bit, but it sounds vaguely hollow.] Nah, not my kinda thing. I learned love and romance just gets people hurt. [He grins up at her at the last part, though.] You gonna just hang around up there or are you coming with?


adaptably October 28 2012, 10:07:59 UTC
I can't say I disagree.

[ The playfulness drops in her tone and Selina looks away. Was she in love with Bruce Wayne? Maybe, maybe not. He was important. Selina lets out a shaky breath. It leaves her parted lips, turning a white in the cold. Without answering the question, she does join him, despite the wrap and all. ]


likemichael October 28 2012, 13:21:17 UTC
[He doesn't say anything else, and he has had enough to drink that he doesn't care that the air might be a bit awkward after that. She's just lucky she's not closer to him, emotionally, because Dean sober is a tactile person. Dean drunk is handsy in the way that most people don't find comfortable. It's not lewd, it's just needy, and Sam and Castiel tend to be the only ones he'd trust enough to get that way with, at least here.]

So, Batman is still a no-show, huh?


adaptably October 28 2012, 23:48:46 UTC
[ Between the two of them and their walls, it'll be amazing if Dean and her ever get close. She casts him a glance, one if she's analyzing him. ]

I think it'd be obvious if Batman was in town. He's not really subtle.


likemichael October 29 2012, 03:15:51 UTC
But there lies the possibility. He's Batman, sure, but he could also be trying to keep a low profile.

[He shrugs a bit, then gives an amused nudge to her.] You and he had a thing, right? It's alright, I can spot this stuff a mile away.


adaptably October 30 2012, 18:48:34 UTC
The big Bat Symbol in the sky would prove you wrong, Dean.

[ Her eyebrows raise as before she laughs. ] If "thing" means he pulled me out of a tight spot, then, maybe.


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