And You're Thinking Of Drinking Gasoline

May 07, 2008 20:48

Title: Mandatory Checkup Time
Characters: Sakura Haruno, Albert Wesker, Nero Rhapsodos, and Hao Asakura
Location: Sakura's office
Rating: TBA
Summary: It's check up time!
Day/Time: Morning during check up tiemz!


haruno sakura

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Comments 34

faithless_eyes May 8 2008, 02:00:56 UTC
This single event had been the impeding doom since day one of Wesker’s imprisonment stay. Still, It was better to get it over and done with. A few smooth questions here and there had given him enough information about his doctor. She was a she to begin with. Something he didn’t like. Apparently she was “Decent minded, small, maybe even a little cute” as one guard had informed him.

He was going to hate this.

Clearing his throat, Albert tapped the door of her office and waited for admittance, giving a quick glance at the guard accompanying him from behind his ever-present sunglasses.
Hopefully she had been given his details already to avoid the ‘infected’ song and dance.


strngrthnuthnk May 8 2008, 02:14:32 UTC
Sakura open the door, only to find a man who towered high above her. Not that such a thing worried her, she had no doubt she could hold her own if anything happened. She may look small and weak, but she certainly wasn't.

"Come in," she said with a smile. She stood off to the side, allowing him to pass.

She nodded at the security guard, still smiling politely. "Thank you for bringing him," she said, "but I can take over from here. Doctor-Patient confidentiality and all." She closed the door before the man could get in a word edgewise. She wasn't very fond of most of the security ever since her run in with Usagi. She did, however, respect their boss Rude.

She picked up her chart and flipped through a few sheets. "You're Albert Wesker, correct?" she asked, still flipping through papers. She was rather curious to see how this man ticked. He had a rather interesting file.


faithless_eyes May 8 2008, 02:25:36 UTC
“Correct.” Accompanied by a simple nod.

He entered and sat, watching her from behind his shades.
There was a subtle give-away to her strength in the way she moved.
Not that he was planning on anything. The man just wanted this to be over.

Technically he held a doctorate of his own. Having worked for Umbrella since he was eighteen, one tended to pick up these things.
Working with specimens, manipulating human DNA, viral specialties. Having become a specimen himself, he knew the importance of being strictly monitored but hated this all the same. This wasn’t a trial or a lab. It was a clinic in an asylum, in butt-fucking nowhere.

“I understand the necessity of this meeting and the reasons behind needing to have them constantly but I’m currently in good health.” Cutting to the chase.

“I will say that my drugs are doing there job though. Side effects are a mild drowsiness and lack of energy though I can not help but think those are the intended outcomes of taking them in the first place.”


strngrthnuthnk May 8 2008, 02:32:45 UTC
Sakura nodded as he spoke. "Yes, those are very common side-effects of the medications you are on. Still, I'm afraid we must go through with the physical. It shouldn't take too long."

She wrote something on to the chart quickly.

"Now, if you would please remove your shoes and step onto the scale." She gestured to the scale- the type you would normally see in a doctor's office.

She really hoped Albert wouldn't prove too difficult. She wasn't normally a very patient person, and she didn't want to stretch her patience any thinner than it already was.


sombrademente May 8 2008, 03:31:18 UTC
In his short stay at Malaise House, Nero had adapted rather well to his new surroundings thanks to the help of his brother. He was beginning to relax, converse, dare to smile without fear of being punished by a monster of a man who had been dead for quite some time ( ... )


strngrthnuthnk May 8 2008, 03:56:53 UTC
Sakura opened the door, still a bit riled from her last patient's visit. Still, she would be nice to this patient. No one deserved to be treated badly because of someone else's mishaps.

She opened the door, smiling cheerily. "Hello, you must be Nero-san, correct? Please, come in." She stood aside to allow him in.


aprosodia May 8 2008, 10:40:34 UTC
It was interesting to note the number of people he actually enjoyed the company of who had decided to suddenly appear at the asylum. Dear Angeal first, of course, and then suddenly a little brother out of nowhere. Quite the timing.

Following Nero down the hall to his assigned doctor's office - he said he was going to attend to help his brother if he got too upset, but he wasn't going to do the entire job for him - Genesis kept close in case the younger male decided to panic and bolt. The poor boy was rather troubled, so he'd only offered to attend for emotional support. Possibly physically if required.

Once the door was opened and the patient allowed inside, the redhead leaned forward from his position against the wall and offered the girl a smile and a wave. He would've opted to just wait outside until he was called, but he had to admit he was curious.


sombrademente May 8 2008, 20:15:06 UTC
Fear was a very, very powerful thing. Nero stayed stiff and still waiting for that door to open, the only thing keeping him there was Genesis... Perhaps in the both figurative and literal sense of the phrase. He wanted to go back to his room, it was so much safer and quieter in there.

Biting his lower lip, which quickly turned into a fast-paced chew as the woman opened the door, it was all he could do to nod and tighten his grip on his arms, overpowering the instinct to flee with nothing but sheer willpower.

He stepped inside, eyes wider, face paler, repressing a shudder as he glanced about. He moved as far away as he could, resting his back against the wall, nervously squeezing and releasing his arms.

"I-i do not want to be here..."


malaise_hao May 8 2008, 23:41:59 UTC
Finally, some sort of meeting with what -as far as he understood- would be one of his doctors. And she was a girl! He liked girls... They were soft and nice...

Realizing he was referring to the opposite gender as if it were some sort of dessert, he grinned to himself a bit, before knocking twice on the door, waiting an answer from the inside.


strngrthnuthnk May 13 2008, 01:54:13 UTC
Sakura opened the door for her final patient of the day, smile actually not terribly strained this time. "Hello. Asakura-san, right? Please, come in and have a seat while I find your chart." She had pulled it out earlier, but her day had been odd, and it had gotten buried under more papers. She really didn't understand how paper kept magically appearing on her desk like that.


malaise_hao May 13 2008, 02:18:30 UTC
"No need to hurry."

The younger boy nodded, moving to the chair and doing as instructed, hands folded neatly over his lap as he followed the short haired girl around with his eyes.


strngrthnuthnk May 13 2008, 03:58:42 UTC
She finally found Hao's chart after shuffling through piles of unorganized paper. She grabbed a pen, hoping it would work.

"If you could please take you shoes off and step on the scale," she said, walking over to the device.


sawanai May 9 2008, 14:16:55 UTC
Hisoka had been on edge ever since he heard his doctor's name. Sakura, the cherry made that night flicker in his mind when he thought about it for more than a few seconds. Being without his drugs for several days was not turning out well for him at all.

The teen sat outside her office door, knees yet again pulled up to his chest.

(OOC: I realize I wasn't invited, but Hisoka would really, really like to speak with her)


strngrthnuthnk May 13 2008, 02:02:22 UTC
Sakura opened her door, on her way out to grab a bite to eat before going over the charts of the patients she'd seen that day. It looked like it was going to be a long and arduous process, especially in the case of Albert Wesker. As soon as she stepped out of her office, however, something caught the corner of her eye. She looked down only to find a young man sitting next to her door.

"Can I help you?" she asked, more than slightly surprised and confused. She hadn't been expecting another patient today, but she certainly wasn't about to turn the man away. She simply hadn't thought a patient who she had not demanded to see her today would show up of his own accord. The patients of Malaise didn't quite seem like the types to willingly come see their doctors.


sawanai May 13 2008, 03:49:46 UTC
Hisoka slowly stood up and smiled nervously at her. She's a person, not a tree. Don't let it bother you, just breath slowly. He forced himself to take several deep breaths before he nodded.

"I need to be back on the medications I was on before I came here. They made me sleep at least a little, and helped me with some of my other fears." The teen's words were barely audible.


strngrthnuthnk May 13 2008, 04:03:20 UTC
Sakura nodded in understanding. "Well, if you don't mind coming in for a moment, we can discuss this, and see what I can do." She stepped aside to allow the man into her office.


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