And You're Thinking Of Drinking Gasoline

May 07, 2008 20:48

Title: Mandatory Checkup Time
Characters: Sakura Haruno, Albert Wesker, Nero Rhapsodos, and Hao Asakura
Location: Sakura's office
Rating: TBA
Summary: It's check up time!
Day/Time: Morning during check up tiemz!


haruno sakura

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faithless_eyes May 8 2008, 02:00:56 UTC
This single event had been the impeding doom since day one of Wesker’s imprisonment stay. Still, It was better to get it over and done with. A few smooth questions here and there had given him enough information about his doctor. She was a she to begin with. Something he didn’t like. Apparently she was “Decent minded, small, maybe even a little cute” as one guard had informed him.

He was going to hate this.

Clearing his throat, Albert tapped the door of her office and waited for admittance, giving a quick glance at the guard accompanying him from behind his ever-present sunglasses.
Hopefully she had been given his details already to avoid the ‘infected’ song and dance.


strngrthnuthnk May 8 2008, 02:14:32 UTC
Sakura open the door, only to find a man who towered high above her. Not that such a thing worried her, she had no doubt she could hold her own if anything happened. She may look small and weak, but she certainly wasn't.

"Come in," she said with a smile. She stood off to the side, allowing him to pass.

She nodded at the security guard, still smiling politely. "Thank you for bringing him," she said, "but I can take over from here. Doctor-Patient confidentiality and all." She closed the door before the man could get in a word edgewise. She wasn't very fond of most of the security ever since her run in with Usagi. She did, however, respect their boss Rude.

She picked up her chart and flipped through a few sheets. "You're Albert Wesker, correct?" she asked, still flipping through papers. She was rather curious to see how this man ticked. He had a rather interesting file.


faithless_eyes May 8 2008, 02:25:36 UTC
“Correct.” Accompanied by a simple nod.

He entered and sat, watching her from behind his shades.
There was a subtle give-away to her strength in the way she moved.
Not that he was planning on anything. The man just wanted this to be over.

Technically he held a doctorate of his own. Having worked for Umbrella since he was eighteen, one tended to pick up these things.
Working with specimens, manipulating human DNA, viral specialties. Having become a specimen himself, he knew the importance of being strictly monitored but hated this all the same. This wasn’t a trial or a lab. It was a clinic in an asylum, in butt-fucking nowhere.

“I understand the necessity of this meeting and the reasons behind needing to have them constantly but I’m currently in good health.” Cutting to the chase.

“I will say that my drugs are doing there job though. Side effects are a mild drowsiness and lack of energy though I can not help but think those are the intended outcomes of taking them in the first place.”


strngrthnuthnk May 8 2008, 02:32:45 UTC
Sakura nodded as he spoke. "Yes, those are very common side-effects of the medications you are on. Still, I'm afraid we must go through with the physical. It shouldn't take too long."

She wrote something on to the chart quickly.

"Now, if you would please remove your shoes and step onto the scale." She gestured to the scale- the type you would normally see in a doctor's office.

She really hoped Albert wouldn't prove too difficult. She wasn't normally a very patient person, and she didn't want to stretch her patience any thinner than it already was.


faithless_eyes May 8 2008, 02:41:41 UTC
He did so, also taking off his jacket and laying it on the chair before stepping onto the scale.


He has lost weight from the last time he had weighed himself. Something that had been troubling him for a while. It could have been the large loss of muscle after leaving his temporary position as a cop but that was almost ten years ago. Ever since he had been infected his form had been slowly clanging shape, shrinking from bulky muscles into a more flexible, lithe silhouette.


strngrthnuthnk May 8 2008, 02:48:34 UTC
Sakura nodded, writing the weight down on Albert's chart. She pulled up the ruler to measure his height. She wrote that down as well. "That's good," she said, "you may put your shoes back on if you wish."

She walked over to her desk and pulled out the stethoscope. She checked his heart beat. It was a little abnormal, but she figured with his history that was normal enough. His blood pressure turned out much the same. She placed her stethoscope on the desk and pulled out some gloves and a syringe, along with an alcohol pad and rubber band.

"I'm going to take a blood sample now," she warned her patient as she pulled on the latex gloves.


faithless_eyes May 8 2008, 02:53:12 UTC
He raised an eyebrow. “And risk…suit yourself.”
If she screwed up an outbreak would occur.
Fine by him if it meant he could leave and get back to work.

“Tell me, how long have you worked here?” An honest sounding question though anyone who knew him for more then a few hours would find everything he said carried an ulterior motive.


strngrthnuthnk May 8 2008, 02:59:15 UTC
"About a week," she answered. "Though I have had plenty of experience elsewhere."

She did all the prep and carefully extracted the blood. That was one edge she had over her sensei- she could stand the sight of blood.

She labeled to tube and placed it the proper safe. She would have to be extra careful with that sample. Still, there was likely to be some very helpful information to get from it.

She bandaged the area she had taken blood from and then carefully disposed of all that had been used.

She took a seat across from her patient. "So, have you been having any trouble lately? Such as hearing or with your eye sight?"


faithless_eyes May 8 2008, 03:07:48 UTC
“Nothing out of the ordinary from a normal perspective.” A slightly odd response. He was used to having much keener senses. Another thing the drugs dulled.

“The sample. What are you going to do with it?” The man was obviously protective of whatever was in his blood. The last thing he needed was some two-bit lab rat thinking he had discovered the lost city.


strngrthnuthnk May 8 2008, 03:11:47 UTC
Sakura nodded.

She finally looked him in the eyes... Or rather, the sunglasses, as she couldn't necessarily see his eyes. "Perhaps find a way to permanently reverse the effects of what you did to yourself," she explain. "Hopefully find a way to help those that have also been infected. And don't worry, there will be very few people working on this project. The fewer people working on it should help ensure fewer problems."


faithless_eyes May 8 2008, 03:19:52 UTC
That hit a nerve.

“How dare you. My virus is my life’s work and I have no intention to reverse anything miss. If that is the intended use for my sample I will be needing it back.” He was dead serious.

“Furthermore, if there was a cure I would know.” The tone in his voice had darkened.
GP’s never seemed to understand.
“You’ve no idea of the potential within that test tube.” If she didn’t give it back, he would take it.


strngrthnuthnk May 8 2008, 03:26:39 UTC
Sakura sighed in irritation. "Wesker-san, please calm yourself." She wasn't sure what to say. She couldn't simply call off such a thing, it wasn't quite her place. Besides, it could help many people. Still, she didn't want to upset her patient without need.

"Listen, I'll see what I can do, alright?" She wasn't sure why she was agreeing to such a thing.


faithless_eyes May 8 2008, 03:31:52 UTC
“You’ll see what you can do?” Wesker got to his feet.

“Unacceptable. Your going to open that safe and either give it to me or physically destroy it under my supervision.”

To prove his point, the blonde finally removed his glasses and looked up at her with his fiery sunburst eyes. His only physical deformation from the disease. Filled with undeniable hate and malice. It wasn't any wonder he was allowed to keep his shades. Might upset the other patients and what not.


strngrthnuthnk May 8 2008, 03:52:35 UTC
Sakura stood as well. "I told you I will see what I can do. It's not in my authority to call the whole thing off," she growled. She clenched her fist, knuckles making a distinct cracking noise.


faithless_eyes May 8 2008, 03:55:28 UTC
Oh she wanted to fight? Fine.

"I just watched you open it. You are physically able to do it again aren't you?" The condescending note in his voice implying her competence level might be elsewhere.


strngrthnuthnk May 8 2008, 03:59:41 UTC
"I opened the cabinent, yes. And yes, I am physically able to do that. However, I am not allowed to destroy that blood sample without discussing it with others." She wasn't going to take that bait. She wasn't quite that hot-headed.

This was bad, though. She wasn't quite sure what she should do. She was almost wishing she had let the security guard stay. It wasn't that she couldn't handle herself, simply that she didn't wish to.


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