Title: Keep A Secret
Characters: Megan, The Haitian
Rating: G
Word Count: 300
Summary: Megan makes a deal.
Disclaimer: I own neither Heroes nor Numb3rs unless DVDs count.
Feedback: Is always and greatly appreciated.
Author's Note: See
Master List for all previous parts. Also, see Author's Comment below.
Keep A Secret )
Comments 16
Megan's interaction with The Haitian is a parallel to what Claire Bennett asks of him in Season 1 of Heroes. Only this time it's Megan asking The Haitian to keep a secret from Noah and lie to him.
The "Can you keep a secret?" line is pulled straight from Heroes.
There's not much left to this series as we are winding down. Thanks so much to everyone who has stuck through this with me.
I like your Haitian better than I like the one in the show so far. LOL. :)
The Haitian gets cooler. And more awesome.
Thanks so much Candi for continuing to read and everything.
But I'm hoping that eventually the characters become as cool as they are in your work. :)
I've tried to keep the Heroes characters to what I know now from three seasons, so eventually they will be that cool to you!
I'm so glad Don gets to keep his memory and his power. Very cool!
Nice work, Magister. I may have to bring Charlie and Mohinder together myself, if you don't plan to. ;-)
I have a plan to drop Mohinder's name. ;)
Michah and Hiro are favorites of mine. Along with Noah, Claire and Sylar. Sad to say, once S2 and 3 rolled around, Mohinder went down in my books.
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