Keep A Secret (#43 - Manipulation; Heroes Crossover)

Sep 09, 2009 18:50

Title: Keep A Secret
Characters: Megan, The Haitian
Rating: G
Word Count: 300
Summary: Megan makes a deal.
Disclaimer: I own neither Heroes nor Numb3rs unless DVDs count.
Feedback: Is always and greatly appreciated.
Author's Note: See Master List for all previous parts. Also, see Author's Comment below.


Megan gazed at the dark skinned man across from her. It hadn’t taken long for him to join her in the hotel room. She’d swear his power was super speed and stealth if she didn’t know otherwise.

The Haitian, for his part, stared back at her. His eyes were dark and heavy as he weighed the proposal she’d just given him: let Don keep his memories.

He blinked and said, “What you want is dangerous, Megan. Bennett will not like this.”

Her lips pursed as her face contorted. “Don Eppes is not a threat to anyone. He has a home and a family and a job. He doesn’t want to hurt anyone. It’s not fair to erase everything that he’s learned.”

Silence hung in the pregnant air.

A new tactic came to her. “Besides,” Megan pointed a finger at the other ability wielder. “You believe that our gifts are a blessing from God. That they’re special to us. It would be a crime to take them away from someone who has no intention of ill treatment with them.”

The Haitian fingered his necklace with the familiar symbol.

She went on, “Noah doesn’t understand that. He’s not the same as us. He sees us as disposable,” a sweep of her arm. “As someone he can just replace with the next special that comes along.”

Eyes filled with knowledge and long buried debts never wavered from her face, making her uncomfortable as she waited for him to speak again. “This is still dangerous, but you make good argument for your friend. We will have to erase his memory of Bennett so that he will never recognize him should they meet again. It will have to be a secret.”

She sighed in relief.

“Can you keep a secret, Megan?”

Her lips curved upward. "I have many secrets."

numb3rs100, heroes, megan reeves

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