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Comments 16

siriusly321 August 5 2009, 04:48:51 UTC
As soon as Remus had run from the room, Sirius had made up his mind. He'd never set much store by patience, and he wasn't going to start now.

He stomped over to James' trunk, kicked it open, and after a few seconds of scrambling around, extracted the Map.

"Right. This has gone far enough," he said slamming the blank piece of parchment on the floor.

"I SOLEMNLY SWEAR THAT I AM UP TO NO GOOD!" he shouted. Small squiggly handwriting which read "Mr Moony begs Mr Padfoot to stop his screaming. He sounds like a girl. Ask again nicely," appeared at the bottom. Sirius obeyed, his voice much calmer now. A thing spider's web of ink spun its way across the page until the whole of the castle was laid out before his eyes.

He saw a tiny dot labeled 'Remus Lupin' pacing around the Astronomy Tower. This could not be good.


rjlesq August 8 2009, 03:43:54 UTC
Remus could tell the moment Sirius entered the tower. It was like the air got thicker...

"Hullo Sirius."

He didn't get up off his perch or look away from the grounds. He did, however, silently curse The Map.


siriusly321 August 8 2009, 05:33:17 UTC
"What the hell are you playing at?" Sirius yelled, the door banging on the stone wall as he burst through the entrance to the tower. "You've been absolutely dreadful all week, and believe me, mate, I've really been trying to be patient with you." Sirius felt all of the annoyance and frustration and desperation that had been building up for the past week exploding outward into a confrontation that he knew he would regret.

"I've tried talking to you. I've left you alone when you wanted. But you still find the need to run out of the dorm to come mope out here. Fuck, Moony! What do you want from me? Because Merlin knows I'm at my absolute wits end!"

He stood there, stiff, balled fists shaking. Well, at least it was out in the open now.


rjlesq August 9 2009, 14:13:06 UTC
Remus slowly stood and turned to face his friend, though he was still unable to look him in the eye.

"I'm sorry Sirius." He shook his head slightly. "I don't want anything from you, really. You... I'm just..." He wrapped his arms around his chest. "I'm sorry."


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