
Jun 04, 2006 14:12

Continued from here.

Spending time together )

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Comments 37

crazy_lil_fred June 4 2006, 22:40:50 UTC
Fred listened to Hermione stutter over her idea and tried hard not to laugh at the other woman. "Really red," she comment when Hermione asked. "Even the tip of your nose is red." She leaned over and softly kissed Hermione's nose before reaching back to pick up the telephone from the bedside table ( ... )


hermionesmagic June 5 2006, 01:45:40 UTC
Hermione put her hand to her face after Fred kissed her, feeling the heat emmanating from her cheeks. She knew it was still to be so embarrassed in front of Fred, especially considering what they felt for each other, but she couldn't help it. She had never been in this sort of relationship before - one so open. With Viktor, there had always been things she never talked to him about, never even thought about doing with him. But with Fred, she knew that she was likely to be doing a lot of things she had never thought about doing before ( ... )


crazy_lil_fred June 5 2006, 03:11:38 UTC
Fred let out a giggle when Hermione pulled her close. She kissed her deeply and snorted when she pointed out one of them had to get dressed. "I will since it was my idea to order delivery," she murmured against Hermione's lips before kissed her again. With their bodies pressed together, Fred found herself grinding against the woman below her.

"You're so amazing," she gasped when they broke another kiss. "I want to be with you all the time, Hermione. I want to be with you forever." Fred kissed her again and knew if she didn't remove herself from her then she would never get dressed. She gave Hermione one last kiss and rolled off her.

"Where's my clothes?" Fred asked, sitting up. "I don't think the delivery boy will wanna see me naked. Well, he might." She giggled a little and winked at Hermione.


hermionesmagic June 5 2006, 05:13:34 UTC
"Good," Hermione said with a deep shuddering breath, once they broke apart. "Because I'm pretty much planning on forever right now."

She felt a bit like she was losing something when Fred rolled off her but knew that as much as she and Fred may have wanted, they couldn't spend the rest of their life together in bed. She had gained so much just in the last day, so she wasn't truly losing anything.

"I'm sure the delivery boy would love seeing you naked," Hermione said in answer to her rather cheeky comment. She sat up and wrapped her arm around her, giving her a kiss on her shoulder. "However, all thing considered, I'm not much up on sharing you with anyone at the moment."

She then shifted to the end of the bed, where their clothes lay discarded, and leaned over to pick up Fred's vest and jeans, which she handed over. "Don't think you're going to need your underthings just to answer the door."


crazy_lil_fred June 6 2006, 21:31:53 UTC
Fred continued to eat her taco as Hermione spoke. She was enthralled by everything her girlfriend was saying and had a million other questions to ask. Fred figured they had a lifetime together and could ask later, and maybe read a book or two about it. When Hermione started to talk about her parents, Fred grinned ( ... )


hermionesmagic June 6 2006, 23:20:25 UTC
Hemione smiled when Fred told her about her parents. Yet another thing they had in common, it seemed - parents who supported them even though they lived lives that weren't considered normal in the ways that they were raised. "I'd like very much to meet your parents," she told her. "And maybe sometime, I'll be able to take you to England to meet mine. I haven't talked to them in a while, though. I should really tell them what's going on. After...after the final battle with Voldemort, I kind of shut down a bit. The only one I really talked to was Rupert ( ... )


crazy_lil_fred June 7 2006, 02:20:07 UTC
Fred smiled at the image of Hermione saving her. "I'm glad the witch came, even if she wasn't here to rescue me, especially since I'm madly in love with her," she said before Hermione kissed her again. She tasted like tacos and soda, and it made her moan, wanting more. When she pulled back and Hermione started to softly touch her, Fred felt herself start to throb with need ( ... )


hermionesmagic June 7 2006, 05:52:59 UTC
Hermione raised her eyebrows when Fred asked her where she wanted to start, seeing the rather devilish grin that she quite loved. When Fred touched her, she shuddered slightly, especially when her hands moved down from her breasts to her center.

"Where--wherever you'd like," Hermione whispered.

She was about to lean over to take Fred's finger when she felt Fred's fingers slid inside her. "Ohhhh," she moaned, her hips raising slightly off the bed to meet her girlfriend's hand. She took a deep breath to center herself and managed to lean over to take Fred's finger into her mouth. Once she had licked the ice cream off, however, she didn't let it go immediately, sucking on it for a few moments. When she finally let go, she gave Fred a cheeky grin.

"Fred and strawberry ice cream taste amazing," she told her.


crazy_lil_fred June 8 2006, 03:15:34 UTC
Fred quickly dressed and furrowed her brow. "I have no idea where South and Main is," she muttered before picking up the phonebook. She looked at the map of Sunnydale and found where they needed to go. She jotted down the address and then looked at Hermione. "You probably could've done that with magic, huh?"

She gave Hermione a quick kiss and then took her hand before they went out to Wesley's Jeep. The bakery wasn't too far away and when they arrived, they walked inside. Fred's eyes went wide at all the donuts the glass case held. "They didn't tell me what kind they wanted!" she said, glancing at Hermione.

She then looked back at the case and started to snort. "They have strawberry jelly donuts. We should get them some and tell them how good it tastes to eat strawberry off someone," she said with a giggle.


hermionesmagic June 8 2006, 05:28:02 UTC
Hermione chuckled slightly. "Well, if they have a fireplace on the floo network, I could have. When it comes to finding actually places, I have to do it the same way you do ( ... )


crazy_lil_fred June 8 2006, 06:11:06 UTC
Fred started to giggle again when she notice the boy was staring at them. Usually no one paid attention to her but now they were and it made her feel giddy. Once they had their food and were in the Jeep, Fred started it and went toward the hospital. "I bet if we would've given him a show, he would've given us everything for free," she said with a grin ( ... )


hermionesmagic June 8 2006, 07:28:41 UTC
Hermione blushed slightly at Fred's comment that they could have got their order for free had they given him a show. She loved Fred, and she loved the thing they had done together, but she wasn't sure if she was ready for that kind of public display. At least not in front of people they didn't know. Even if a part of her did want to just grab her and kiss her deeply ( ... )


crazy_lil_fred June 9 2006, 03:36:51 UTC
Fred nodded and stopped laughing. "Sorry, Rupert. We don't want that nurse in here. She was asking us a bunch of questions about the donuts and tea," she said, rolling her eyes. She then glanced over at Hermione and smiled before leaning over to nuzzle her cheek.

When Giles said he might get released in the morning, Fred nodded. "Remind me to give you the name of the motel we're staying at, and our room number, before we leave. You two can call us when you know for sure," she said just as the evil nurse walked in.

"It's time to change Mr. Giles' bandages and all of you can't be in here," she said, eyeing Fred and Hermione.

"Guess we should go," Fred said, standing from her chair. She went over to the bed and jotted down the information she promised before pulling Wesley into a tight hug. "Call if you need anything else. I love you, Wesley." She softly kissed his cheek and released him before softly hugging Giles. "Bye Rupert."

She then moved toward the door of the room and waited for Hermione to say her goodbyes too.


hermionesmagic June 9 2006, 04:50:22 UTC
Hermione wondered if it was a rule that there be at least one short-tempered nurse or medi-witch in every hospital. She remembered when she was in hospital at St. Mungos in London after the battle with Voldemort - there had been one medi-witch there that had been so strict that Hermione hadn't been allowed to get up to go to the toilet without her say-so. It had been difficult because she hadn't been allowed to see Harry during that time either, and she sometimes wondered if things might have been different if she had ( ... )


crazy_lil_fred June 9 2006, 05:47:23 UTC
Fred was glad to get back to the motel. She never did like hospitals but she was willing to go if it meant helping Wesley out. When they walked into the room, Fred noticed the ice cream had completely melted and was now dripping on the floor. "Guess you can't use it on me now," she said with a small smile before going to the bathroom to get some towels so she could clean up the mess.

Once the ice cream was up, Fred tossed the towels to the side and looked at Hermione. "I love you," she whispered before stepping to her so she could give her a deep kiss. When they parted, Fred yawned a little bit and stretched. "I'm kinda sleepy. Want to take a nap with me?"

Fred then stripped off all of her clothes and went over to the bed. She pulled the top bedspread back and crawled inside. She then looked at Hermione and grinned. "Gonna join me?"


hermionesmagic June 9 2006, 21:35:50 UTC
Hermione looked at the mess, thinking that she could use her wand to clean it up, but Fred was too fast, grabbing a towel from the bathroom and mopping up the mess. It was so strange in a way because in the wizarding world, people didn't think twice about that sort of thing - using their magic to fix things or clean things up. Here, though, in the Muggle world, people didn't have that luxury ( ... )


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