
Jun 04, 2006 14:12

Continued from here.

Spending time together )

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crazy_lil_fred June 7 2006, 02:20:07 UTC
Fred smiled at the image of Hermione saving her. "I'm glad the witch came, even if she wasn't here to rescue me, especially since I'm madly in love with her," she said before Hermione kissed her again. She tasted like tacos and soda, and it made her moan, wanting more. When she pulled back and Hermione started to softly touch her, Fred felt herself start to throb with need.

"Dessert it is," she murmured before standing from the bed. She went over to the window and picked up the small plastic container of ice cream. Fred went over to the bed again and sat down beside Hermione and smiled before pulling the top off of it.

"Where would you like me to start?" Fred asked. She ran the back of her hand over Hermione's breasts and smile. "Here?" Her hand traveled down and ran across the other woman's flat stomach. "Or here?" With a small smile, she ran her hand further down, past Hermione's tight curls, and across her wet folds. "How about here?"

With her free hand, Fred sat the ice cream on the bed and dipped a finger into it. "Want a taste?" she purred as she held her ice cream-covered finger out for her as she slowly pushed two fingers into Hermione's core.


hermionesmagic June 7 2006, 05:52:59 UTC
Hermione raised her eyebrows when Fred asked her where she wanted to start, seeing the rather devilish grin that she quite loved. When Fred touched her, she shuddered slightly, especially when her hands moved down from her breasts to her center.

"Where--wherever you'd like," Hermione whispered.

She was about to lean over to take Fred's finger when she felt Fred's fingers slid inside her. "Ohhhh," she moaned, her hips raising slightly off the bed to meet her girlfriend's hand. She took a deep breath to center herself and managed to lean over to take Fred's finger into her mouth. Once she had licked the ice cream off, however, she didn't let it go immediately, sucking on it for a few moments. When she finally let go, she gave Fred a cheeky grin.

"Fred and strawberry ice cream taste amazing," she told her.


crazy_lil_fred June 7 2006, 06:53:04 UTC
When Hermione started to lick and suck her finger, Fred let out a loud moan and pushed her fingers deeper into her core. "God, Hermione," she whimpered when the other woman let go of her finger. Fred then grinned at Hermione. "Lets see how it tastes on you."

She picked up the ice cream container and giggled a little before pouring some of the melted substance on Hermione's stomach. Fred quickly bent over and slowly licked it off. "Mmm, ice cream and Hermione tastes pretty good also," she whispered. "Oh! Missed some!" She moved down a bit and slowly dipped her tongue into Hermione's belly button.

Fred looked at the ice cream container and decided to ignore it. She knew what she wanted to do and didn't need the ice cream to do it. She positioned herself between Hermione's legs and slipped a third finger into her before blowing on her clit. With a wicked grin, Fred softly nibbled on Hermione's hard nub before roughly sucking it in between her lips as her fingers started to thrust in and out of her.


hermionesmagic June 7 2006, 19:20:28 UTC
A shiver ran through Hermione when the ice cream, which was still cold even though it was melted, pooled on her stomach. At the feel of Fred's tongue on her skin and her fingers inside her, another shiver caused her entire body to shudder, especially when she licked her belly button.

She wanted to kiss Fred desperately, but before she could draw her up to do so, Fred had moved down between her legs again. A groan escaped her lips when Fred pressed a third finger into her, and then the sensations in her body went completely into overdrive when she began sucking her clit and moving her fingers in her.

"Fred," she moaned, thrusting her hips forward in time with Fred's strokes. It was so amazing, feeling this way, having this wonderful woman, but part of her wanted so much more, wanted to be able to take Fred inside her and just...meld with her.

She felt herself tensing, coming to a point where she felt like she was teetering on the edge, the sensations almost becoming too much. She gasped, throwing her head back, and just then Fred pressed her tongue against her clit, causing Hermione to tumble over, clenching around Fred's fingers as she cried her name.


crazy_lil_fred June 7 2006, 19:33:44 UTC
Fred took her time with what she was doing. She wanted it to last as long as it possibly could, not ever wanting to be apart from her girlfriend. When she felt Hermione start to tense up, she pushed her fingers even deeper and curled them up, hoping to hit the spot she'd read about in Cordy's magazines. And when Hermione came, Fred quickly lapped up her juice, moaning at the taste.

"You're so amazing," she said, removing her fingers. She licked them clean and moved up Hermione's body and looked down at her. Her face was flushed and Fred carefully stroked her warm cheeks. "And beautiful and mine. You make me so happy, Hermione." She leaned down and deeply kissed her, allowing her to taste herself on her tongue.

When Fred broke the kiss, she moved to the other side of Hermione and picked up the ice cream. "I'll never look at ice cream the same way again," she whispered before dipping her finger into the container. With her finger lathered with the ice cream, Fred wiped it across Hermione's bottom lip. She then bent down and sucked her bottom lip into her mouth, and licked the ice cream off.

"It's definitely better when I eat it off you," Fred said with a small smile. She pulled back and softly stroked Hermione's neck. "I love you."


hermionesmagic June 7 2006, 22:39:50 UTC
Hermione moaned into the kiss, especially when she tasted the tang of her own cum on Fred's tongue. She had never even dreamed of the things she was doing with Fred, but now she couldn't imagine not doing them.

"You make me feel normal again, Fred," she whispered against her lips. "You make me believe in life again. I tried to hide from it and from my magic for so long."

When Fred finally pulled back, she smiled when she picked up the ice cream and nodded in agreement at her comment that she would never look at it the same way again. She certainly knew that she'd never be able to, especially when Fred put some on her lip and then sucked it off.

"I love you too. I'm glad you're mine - it so many ways." Reaching over, Hermione then took the ice cream from Fred and gave her a grin. "I want to try this now."

Dipping her finger into the container, she then drew it across Fred's breast circling her nipple. Once she had put enough on to satisfy her, she leaned forward, swiping her tongue around her areole before sucking her girlfriend's nipple into her mouth.


crazy_lil_fred June 7 2006, 23:45:21 UTC
The ice cream made Fred's nipples harden before Hermione could even touch them. She moaned and wriggled on the bed when she sucked her nipples into her warm mouth. "God, Hermione," she whispered as her fingers tangled with her girlfriend's curly hair. She wanted and needed more. Fred was about to ask Hermione for more when her cell phone started to ring. She didn't want to answer it but she knew it might be someone important.

"Sorry…I have to…" Fred picked up the phone and saw it was Wesley so she pulled talk. "Wesley?"

"Fred. Hello. I just wanted you to know Rupert is getting out tomorrow and we're getting married!" Wesley said.

"Married? Rupert and you are getting married?" she asked as she looked down at Hermione. "Congratulations."

"Thank you. I'm still a bit shocked over it." There was a slight pause and then Wesley started talking again. "I have a favor to ask of you. Rupert wants some tea but the hospital is awful and I don't want to leave him and Buffy is already gone. There's this little bakery on the corner of south and main and--"

"Hermione and I will get some tea for you. Anything else you need?"

"Some jelly donuts would be nice."

Fred nodded. "We'll be there soon," she said before ending the call. She looked down at Hermione and sighed. "The boys need us to run an errand for them."


hermionesmagic June 8 2006, 01:58:30 UTC
Hermione sighed when Fred's phone began ringing, the sound almost as loud and annoying as that of any howler. She almost wanted to continue nuzzling her girlfriend's breasts while she spoke to whoever it was but decided to behave and lay back on the bed. She listened as Fred started speaking to Wesley, hoping that he had some good news about Rupert.

Which he apparently did as a look of pleased surprise crossed her face when she repeated that Wesley and Rupert were getting married. Hermione's eyes opened wide. Rupert was getting married! She knew how he had suffered as many losses as she had over the years, including Jenny, so knowing that her friend had finally found happiness with someone did her heart as good as having someone as wonderful as Fred.

Reaching over, she took her hand in hers, holding it tightly while she finished the phone call with Wesley. Obviously, they were going to be out if Fred's responses on her side of the conversation where anything to go by.

When Fred rang off, Hermione nodded at her comment that Wesley and Rupert needed them to run an errand for them and sat up. "They're really going to be getting married?" she asked, smiling when Fred nodded. "Well, at least our friends are as happy as we are."

Leaning over, she kissed her. "Almost as happy," she then amended with a wink. "Come on. Let's get what they need. Sooner we do, the sooner we can get back...to what we were doing."

Standing up off the bed, she helped Fred up before the two of them gathered up their clothes and began getting dressed.


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