
Jun 04, 2006 14:12

Continued from here.

Spending time together )

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hermionesmagic June 5 2006, 01:45:40 UTC
Hermione put her hand to her face after Fred kissed her, feeling the heat emmanating from her cheeks. She knew it was still to be so embarrassed in front of Fred, especially considering what they felt for each other, but she couldn't help it. She had never been in this sort of relationship before - one so open. With Viktor, there had always been things she never talked to him about, never even thought about doing with him. But with Fred, she knew that she was likely to be doing a lot of things she had never thought about doing before.

She listened as Fred finished up placing their order as she lay on the bed, then smiled up at her when she turned and started talking about eating ice cream from her again. When Fred licked one of her nipples then took it in her mouth, she moaned, feeling the touch like a bolt of electricity directly to her core. As Fred moved further down, she felt herself becoming more and more aroused to the point that when Fred licked her folds, she gasped, grabbing the quilt again.

"Th--oh, Fred, that sounds--I think, yes..." Sitting up, she grabbed Fred and pulled hed back with her so she was lying on top of her, their bodies pressed together as she kissed her deeply. "You do that, and I'll have to figure out something to do to you." Her mind was already racing with ideas. "Although, there's one small problem with your plan to have food delivered, love. One of us is going to have to get dressed to answer the door when the delivery man comes."


crazy_lil_fred June 5 2006, 03:11:38 UTC
Fred let out a giggle when Hermione pulled her close. She kissed her deeply and snorted when she pointed out one of them had to get dressed. "I will since it was my idea to order delivery," she murmured against Hermione's lips before kissed her again. With their bodies pressed together, Fred found herself grinding against the woman below her.

"You're so amazing," she gasped when they broke another kiss. "I want to be with you all the time, Hermione. I want to be with you forever." Fred kissed her again and knew if she didn't remove herself from her then she would never get dressed. She gave Hermione one last kiss and rolled off her.

"Where's my clothes?" Fred asked, sitting up. "I don't think the delivery boy will wanna see me naked. Well, he might." She giggled a little and winked at Hermione.


hermionesmagic June 5 2006, 05:13:34 UTC
"Good," Hermione said with a deep shuddering breath, once they broke apart. "Because I'm pretty much planning on forever right now."

She felt a bit like she was losing something when Fred rolled off her but knew that as much as she and Fred may have wanted, they couldn't spend the rest of their life together in bed. She had gained so much just in the last day, so she wasn't truly losing anything.

"I'm sure the delivery boy would love seeing you naked," Hermione said in answer to her rather cheeky comment. She sat up and wrapped her arm around her, giving her a kiss on her shoulder. "However, all thing considered, I'm not much up on sharing you with anyone at the moment."

She then shifted to the end of the bed, where their clothes lay discarded, and leaned over to pick up Fred's vest and jeans, which she handed over. "Don't think you're going to need your underthings just to answer the door."


crazy_lil_fred June 5 2006, 05:59:39 UTC
"You won't ever have to share me, Hermione. I promise," Fred said as Hermione bent down and picked up her clothes. She giggled a little over the undergarments comment. "Nope. I'm pretty sure I'll be getting naked again soon." She gave Hermione a grin before taking her clothes from her.

Once she was dressed, Fred pulled out her cell phone and sat on the edge of the bed. "I need to call Cordy and Angel so they know where we are," she explained before dialing the number. Cordy answered and she sounded tired. "Cordy? It's me, Fred. I'm just calling to tell you Wesley, Hermione and I are in Sunnydale. Rupert was injured last night and Wesley's staying with him so Hermione and I decided to stay also."

"Oh, no, is he okay?" Cordy asked with concern in his voice.

"He just need to recover some more. Is Connor okay?" she asked.

Cordy sighed. "He's having problems adjusting. Holtz did a real number on him and he refuses to even let Angel touch him. Only person he seems to trust is Groo so he took Connor out for ice cream and some time in the park. Angel is pretty broken up about I," she quietly said.

"Oh god. How awful for him," Fred said with a frown. "What about Charles and Gwen? Do they know?"

"Yeah. Hair Club For Men and Electro-Girl showed up long enough to scare Connor and leave. I don't even know why they bother."

"Because Charles is our friend," Fred pointed out. There was a pause in the conversation and Fred looked over at Hermione. "I don't know when we'll be back but if Angel or you need anything, call my cell, okay?"

"Will do. And thanks for calling, Fred."

Fred told Cordy goodbye and ended the call. With a sigh, she looked at her girlfriend again. "Connor is having a lot of problems and won't even let Angel touch him. I hope things get better," she said with a frown.


hermionesmagic June 5 2006, 20:22:21 UTC
Hermione thought Fred's giggle was the most wonderful thing. It was beautiful and infectious - she hadn't heard much laughter in recent years, so having someone who made her so happy was a simply amazing and lovely. It was the greatest gift she could have ever received.

As Fred called her friends, Hermione shifted to sit behind her, resting her head on her shoulder. She could feel Fred's mood taking a slight downturn as she spoke to Cordelia and knew that things weren't going well, especially when Fred stopped speaking and looked over at her. When she hung up, she told her what was happening back at the hotel with Connor and Angel.

"I--I never did ask last night...I saw Groo holding a child...I take it that was Connor, which means that time did pass more quickly on Quortoth. How...how long was it? Do you know?" she asked.


crazy_lil_fred June 5 2006, 22:34:56 UTC
"I think Connor is about six or seven now. I never spoke to him, or Angel last night since I was more concerned about you," Fred softly said as she leaned against Hermione and wrapped her arms around her. "It sounds like Holtz has brainwashed Connor."

Fred was about to snuggle closer to her girlfriend when there was a knock on the door. She slipped off the bed and went to the door to answer it. Once the food was paid for, Fred brought it in, making sure to place the ice cream near the window so it would properly melt. She then went over to the bed and handed Hermione her soda before sitting down.

"Too bad tacos are so messy or I could eat them off you too," Fred said, hoping to get Hermione to blush again.


hermionesmagic June 6 2006, 01:57:36 UTC
Hermione nodded at Fred's guess that Connor had aged to about six or seven. Given that he had been raised by someone who hated Angel so much, it wasn't surprising that the little boy was having problems with his father. She just hoped that it wasn't too late, though, and the relationship between them could be repaired.

When the delivery boy arrived with food, Hermione made sure that she couldn't be seen from the door by grabbing one of the pillows and resting it over herself just in case. It didn't take long for Fred to pay, and when she brought everything over to the bed, she tossed the pillow aside. She knew anyone that had known her when she had been a teenager - or even just a year ago - would have been surprised by her openness with Fred, but with her, everything was truly different.

She took the soda and opened it, taking a sip just as Fred mentioned that should would have eaten the tacos off her as well if she could have. Hermione coughed a bit at that, feeling herself pinken a little, though not as much as she had earlier. She supposed she was getting used to Fred's brazenness around her.

"Maybe next time we need to get something you could," she said with a laugh. "Although it'll make mealtimes very interesting if we're always having to always disappear to our bedroom."

Leaning over, she gave Fred a kiss. "So, do I get try a taco finally?"


crazy_lil_fred June 6 2006, 03:17:10 UTC
Fred grinned when she saw Hermione blush again. She couldn't remember a time where she'd been so bold with someone else. She was usually the one that blushed and nodded, not wanting to talk about things like sex. But Hermione had changed that. Being with her made Fred feel empowered, like she could do almost anything. Plus it seemed to boost her self-esteem a lot.

When Hermione gave her a kiss, Fred moaned as she tasted the sugar from the soda on her lips. "I suppose," she said with a small wink. She slipped her hand into bag and produced two rather large tacos, which were on plates and covered with tin foil. She placed one in front of Hermione and placed a plastic fork on top of it before eyeing her. "I think I'm way overdressed."

Fred stood from the bed and stripped her clothes off before sitting on the bed again. She took the foil off the taco and started to giggle. "This is the first time I've ever eaten a taco naked, while sitting by the most beautiful woman in the world," Fred said before using the fork to cut a piece of the shell off.


hermionesmagic June 6 2006, 06:12:59 UTC
Hermione picked up the plate Fred had placed in front of her, watching her girlfriend as she stripped out her clothes, rather enjoying the show for the second time that day.

"I certainly feel less out of place now," Hermione said with a wink as Fred joined her on the bed again. She watched Fred take the foil off to reveal the huge taco underneath, laughing at her comment. "Well, I would hope that you don't often sit naked with other women. Would make me feel a bit less special."

She pulled the foil off her taco before looking back over at Fred. "This is special. Probably the most special thing I've ever experienced. All of this is absolutely amazing." She broke off some of the taco and took a bit. "And this, is actually quite marvelous. I think I can see why you like it so much. I should have made my parents take me to the Tex-Mex near our house in Surrey when I was younger."


crazy_lil_fred June 6 2006, 06:54:57 UTC
Fred grinned at Hermione. "This is special and meant to be," she said as she reached out and took Hermione's hand. She then opened her soda and took a long drink before going back to her taco. Fred hadn't realized how hungry she really was but figured it was to be expected since she'd spent a good potion of the morning making love with the most wonderful person in the world.

"They have Tex-Mex in the wizarding world? Or did you not grow up in it? I know you said you didn't start school until you were eleven. What did you do before that? Go to regular school or not go to school at all? Do wizards and witches have to take math and science classes at school? And do you live in regular houses or special houses?"

Fred took a deep breath and started to furiously blush. "I-I'm sorry. I guess I'm just a little curious about things I guess. I want to know everything about you and your world because I love you so much,: she said.


hermionesmagic June 6 2006, 19:54:24 UTC
Hermione ate a few bites of her taco before Fred began her rapid fire barrage of questions. For a moment, she suddenly realized that she probably now knew what her professors had felt like sometimes, especially Professor McGonnagall. She had spent so much time after transfigurations classes asking her for clarifications on things she had read that lookng back on things now, she was quite sure she drove the poor woman mad. Bless her, though, for never saying so.

Fred asking questions, however, was utterly and completely adorable, and just made Hermione love her even more. It meant so much to her that she wanted to know about her life and the wizarding world.

"I didn't actually enter the wizarding world until I was almost twelve," she told her after taking another sip of her soda. "See, my mum and dad are dentists, and we lived in Surrey in a town called Woking, where I grew up in a normal semi-detached house and went to primary school just like all the other kids. I had absolutely no idea that I was a witch or anything until the day the letter inviting me to Hogwarts arrived."

She took a few more bites of her taco before continuing. "My parents couldn't believe that they had a witch for a daughter, but they were so supportive of me, even if they didn't understand everything about it. Of course, it meant I had to go away to school since the wizarding schools act sort of like boarding schools. I lived in a castle tower for six years. We had four houses - basically dormitory groups that we belonged to the entire time we were at school - and I was a Gryffindor. We didn't take math or science or English like you do in regular school, though. I took classes like Transfigurations, Charms Potions, and Herbology. The closest class to math I took was Arithmancy, which was actually one of my favorites. It's the use of names and numbers to tell about a person's character."

She suddenly stopped for a moment. "And this is where most people would be telling me to shut it for going on and on about something. I always did have a bit of a problem with how much information to actually share when asked a question."


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