"Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now." "Day Two: Nine things about yourself."Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.
Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.
Day Six: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever)
Day Seven: Four turn offs.
Day Eight: Three turn ons.
Day Nine: Two smileys that describe your life right now.
Day Ten: One confession.
1) Show me something beautiful. Just share with me, anything that brings your joy. A song. A phrase. A food. A picture. A piece of your heart. Just let me know what you think is happiness.
2) Be silly. I wish I was joking about this. I'm not. I don't like anyone to take anything too seriously ever.
3) Write me a letter or a long email. I really like them. I write letters to my friends so frequently. Mostly because I am so horrendously god awful at expressing myself outside of writing. I just like it when people write out their thoughts. I like to know that someone has things to say to me-- that they think about me, I guess.
4) Offer me a hug because I'm stupid and can't ever ask for one. I cannot initiate physical contact. It's an issue for me. So, just hug me.
5) Talk about something meaningful and deep and important. Respect my opinion. Listen to me. Even if we don't agree.
6) Do something really nice for someone else. Anecdote: In my English class today we talked about what drives people to lash out violently and hurt others. (I'm talking extreme acts of violence, not a fist fight.) Somehow, this boy (to show my terrible prejudice I'll describe him: loved by everyone, smart, perfect, jock) shocked me to the point that it moved me more than anything I'd heard on the subject. He spoke with more compassion for kids who were bullied and picked on than I had ever heard in my life from anyone. It was so beautifully out of nowhere. Because I've known this kid. He was never picked on in school. And I just-- He is an extremely nice guy. But I'd never thought of him as being able to think that way. And it was just-- I have this new found respect for him in such a big way. It was beautiful, and I was moved. It was nothing big that he did. It was just-- It was such a shock that it floored me in such a good way. (And I felt terrible about judging him, even though I've always liked him. So, rather, I felt terrible for underestimating his capacity.)
It doesn't have to be something big. Look with compassion on others. Love your mom or your girlfriend or best friend or your brother with every fiber of your being. Hold the door open. Give your seat up for a pregnant woman. Smile at someone you don't know, who is having a bad day/week/year/life.
Just be kind.
7) Make me a mixed CD :D
8) Say that you believe in me, because sometimes I just need to know that someone else does. ♥