I'm Really Into Myself Right Now: Day 2

Aug 30, 2010 19:12

"Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now."
Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.
Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.
Day Six: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever)
Day Seven: Four turn offs.
Day Eight: Three turn ons.
Day Nine: Two smileys that describe your life right now.
Day Ten: One confession.

1) I really hate reading things that I wrote previously. (I mean things like diaries, journals, emotional blogs, letters, poetry, etc. I don't mean fiction. Fiction, I don't like reading for an entirely different reason. Usually because it wasn't very good...) It brings back all the things I was feeling when I first decided that I had to get it down, get it out of me. When I look back at that stuff, I either feel ridiculous for feeling that way or I feel terrible that I did and all of those feelings come back. I can't handle it. I don't like dealing with my past emotions.

2) My hair is huge right now. It's so hot and sticky and gross. My hair is absolutely huge right now. (It's always wavy, but right now it is extremely large.)

3) I love plaid more than just about anything.

(Here! Pictorial evidence for numbers 2 and 3.

I'm not waring makeup today. My skin just wasn't fitting this morning. Wow. That sounds creepy. I mean, it just felt tight and gross. So I look less than lovely. By which I mean I look really insanely tired. Which is how I always look, no matter how rested I am. Le sigh. Also, when my eyebrows were waxed, she kind of mangled them. I'm freaking bitter. I'm sorry. I loved my eyebrows and she took out the damn arch.)

4) I'm sort of obsessive Which I know, you all know. in that when I listen to music, I'll listen to only that for any time from a few days to a few months. Seriously. I listened to Bon Iver every night I went to bed for sixth months.

5) I could eat ice cream for every single meal. That is sadly not an exaggeration. Really.

6) I have a new found obsession with Shakira. My friend and I are going to make t-shirts. We are awesome. Shakira is really awesome. Watch her hips. I am going to have her on a t-shirt. We are awesome. (And we totally stole the idea from some upper classmen that graduated.)

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7) On a fandom note: I am in the minority, as I truly believe that Jack Kelly's life is a lot worse than Spot's. I know that this is not a popular theory. But from all that we see, Spot is very content with his life. He works hard and he fucking loves being the King of Brooklyn. He's happy. He's in control. Jack wants the first ticket out of New York. Jack is so desperate for someone that he falls happily head over heels with the first boy he meets. Which was fate and really lucky, as it is DAVID. Jack is not Happy. Spot is Okay. How did I get meta into this entry? How?

8) This is something that was actually really weird and fatey. So today we had a "Rachel's Challenge" assembly at school. For those of you that don't know, Rachel was the first girl killed in the Columbine shootings. And basically the challenge is to just treat people with respect and act out of small kindnesses. She was the most inspiring girl I've ever heard about. And it was so weird to me, because I've been evaluating my life in a big way. And I know I want to make a difference and make something of myself. But this was like a kick in the pants. This was telling me that I just need to work harder, in the meantime, before I figure out my Big Purpose, to just be simply kind all of the time. Or most of the time. It was freaky and fatey.

9) I've been padding my college transcript right now. It blows. Seriously. I need to find yoga or something. Because really. Stress. Everywhere.

Also, I really like this icon. I have no idea what to use it for except random entries of fun and glee. Because I don't really know what's going on in it.

i am an egomaniac, teen angst, i am a crazy pants, real life

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