Apocalypses New Horseman Death & Other stuff

Jan 19, 2006 17:02

Went to the comic shop yesterday and was quite pleased with the fact i managed to get hold of Excalibur #3 in which Pete Wisdom calls Captain Britain a tosser. Other than this pearl of Wisdom (i crack me up...not) i found the issue a little on the bland side. However, once Ed Brubaker (of X-men: Deadly Genesis fame) starts to write Uncanny i hope ( Read more... )

x-men, apocalypse

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Comments 26

unanon January 19 2006, 09:30:52 UTC
I can't wait until Ed Brubaker takes over Uncanny. Huzzah for no more Claremont!

Of course...I'm still reading Claremont. The third issue of New Excalibur was just...weak. I'm not feeling the title at ALL yet, which is a sad and sorry thing given my love-love for Juggernaut, Nocturne and Wisdom. *sigh*

The whole Gambit=Death thing? *shrug* Not too bit a leap in MY brain. Some people are going to be pissy though.


buzzylittleb January 19 2006, 09:36:00 UTC
You aren't the only other person on the planet to heart the Kordey version of Cable, are you?

Because it rocked my little mismatched socks.


made_in_ink January 19 2006, 10:07:42 UTC
The whole Gambit=Death thing? *shrug* Not too bit a leap in MY brain. Some people are going to be pissy though
I foresee all the little ROMY fans will get up on their high horse, how dare marvel screw up their OTP again? I couldn't really careless either way personally. I think i would have just prefered it to be another character someone really unexpected, like Scott or Ororo. Y'know i would have liked it to have been Rogue even. Gambits a little pradictable.

I'm really hoping Excaliburs going to pick up and perhaps see a return of Meggan. I'm hoping after Jamie Braddocks finished whatever Claremonts got planned for him in Uncanny he can shift over to Excalibur.

But thank god for no more him in Uncanny. The whole team rostas for Uncanny and X-men are going to be changed too which might be a bit more interesting.


buzzylittleb January 19 2006, 09:34:46 UTC
I still like Claremont's Uncanny. Not that I've picked up this week, too much with the essay.

I quite enjoyed New Excalibur. *grin* But not as much as X-Factor *bigger grin* It was crunchy.

I think it is a pretty stupid idea to pick Gambit as Death. It just doesn't make much sense. Just don't ask me why right now, as brain hurts and I have 1500 words on Neoplatonism to write. *happy happy joy joy* */sarcasm*


made_in_ink January 19 2006, 10:09:53 UTC
:( I haven't been able to get X-factor #2 yet...or Nextwave or the new Deadly Genesis issues. That makes me very sad, will look on Ebay though.

I agree i'm just not digging the whole Gambit as Death thing either but i'm really hoping they will prove me wrong.


buzzylittleb January 19 2006, 10:47:10 UTC
X-factor 2 is very good and funky even if there's some fill in art. Deadly Genesis, the idea does little for me, though I think Nextwave might be obligatory ( ... )


made_in_ink January 19 2006, 10:50:34 UTC
*Sticks hand in air* I'm reading Generation M. Its not as great as i was expecting though to be honest. But then i was expecting it to be the best X related title ever. You?


uncanny_rman January 19 2006, 10:06:58 UTC
Holy crap balls! I knew that Sunfire was gonna be a Horseman, but Gambit? Jinkies.

I wish I could talk about New Excalibur and/or X-Factor, but my local comic book shop is always sold out...


made_in_ink January 19 2006, 10:10:31 UTC
I haven't got issue #2 of X-factor either, only got 1 + 2 of Excalibur cause i brought from ebay!


buzzylittleb January 19 2006, 10:39:32 UTC
Won't your regular dealer/store take "pull lists"? That's how my life has worked for the past couple of years. I mean, currently I'm only in once a fortnight or so, and I have my little box of joy waiting for me.


made_in_ink January 19 2006, 10:42:09 UTC
To be honest i'm a little scared of the guy who runs my comic shop. I dunno why but he makes me really uneasy to be around and cause ive never really spoken to him before it gets harder the longer you leave it y'know. Usually when i'm at uni i get there in time for things not to have sold out but with my knee and stuff its been hard to get there regularly.

I don't mind getting things off ebay least it comes straight to my door that way.


velvetandlace January 19 2006, 11:38:45 UTC
*waves hello* Random friends-friends-browsing led me here and can I just say: Bring on Brubaker's Uncanny! I can't wait until the writer change - in favt, I've stopped subscribing to the title until it happens.

And, my god, April solicitations for AXM #14 = brilliant. I so can't wait to read it! Oh, how I miss that title.

Re: Death - my flatmate and I were talking about this this morning, and we're both very 'meh' on the concept - you're right, it doesn't have the impact Archangel does, and it seems more likely to go down as Wolverine's did, with little cause for consequence and soul-searching afterwards - but as my flatmate pointed out, something really does need to be done with Gambit as a character, since he's not really *doing* anything right now....

Anyway, uh, hi! I friended you, and I hope you don't mind :)


made_in_ink January 19 2006, 12:43:37 UTC
Heya *waves back* Course i don't mind you friending me. I will friend you back poste haste ( ... )


velvetandlace January 19 2006, 13:11:22 UTC
Astonishing is a title I just love - and I did enjoy the second arc, but my god, Astonishing 12 just hits so hard in terms of impact. (My heart breaks for Hank, among other things.)

I'm definitely with you on Gambit - I don't read Unprefixed currently (aforementioned flatmate and I follow most X-titles, that one's hers) but from what I've seen and read, he really does seem to sort of be going nowhere - and I think you're right about Bobby (but here I have to admit that I don't mind Austen's run *g*) but I have more of a problem with Alex, I think - he's being such a jerk lately - which I know he can be, but still.

I've never really been one for many of the A-list characters (my list of favourites here), so I'm definitely with you on seeing older, more random characters pop back up: it's a reason I'm enjoying the new X-Factor right now (M and Siryn and Rictor and Jamie Madrox? Yes please!) and something I'm hoping we'll see more of now we don't have all that many mutants left. Skids! She'd be awesome to see around again - and ( ... )


ungratefulwench January 19 2006, 13:00:35 UTC
The irony here was that I was planning on making a post about how extremely dull and unimaginative the solicitation for AXM # 14 was...

Different strokes for different folks, I suppose! ^_^


made_in_ink January 19 2006, 13:05:39 UTC
Well i'm just hoping its some big Emma is back evil and manipulating again. I'm hoping something will happen were it turns out she only wanted Scott cause Jean did and she wants to be Jean (hence the sudden passion with Wolverine).

However, a friend pointed out to me it might be all some big ruse and she won't be evil after all. This made me doubt it a little.

But i'm looking forward to it just to find out cause i found the last arc of Astonishing a bit boring, i'm thinking/hoping they should come back with a bang and easing up on the Claremont lovin'!


sophiescarletti January 21 2006, 16:05:34 UTC
Well we knew from the get-go Emma wanted to be Jean, she's jealous of that Phoenix Force cuz it was gonna eat her alive! Muwahahahahahahaha! Peroxide bitch! *Shifty eyes* Oh wait..maybe she thinks if she lives out Jeannie's life the Phoenix will come to her...*scuttles away*


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