Peculiar: BONUS Toddler Spam

May 30, 2008 22:11

Mmm, what's that smell?

It's SPAM!


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Comments 41

music_simbol May 31 2008, 16:38:23 UTC
2nd pic is still not working.

This was sooooooooooooooooooooo cute. I loved all the little dialogue. You never see anyone having toddlers talking to each other. It was so adorable! *squees until head explodes*


madame_ugly May 31 2008, 17:16:55 UTC
Pic all better.

I'm glad you approve of this spam (and hope you feel better).


simfulacts May 31 2008, 19:12:47 UTC
Hee hee! "Bladder psychic". I believe many parents develop this ability.


madame_ugly May 31 2008, 20:02:22 UTC
*snicker* Sometimes you don't need to be a psychic, like when you're in a movie and some kid "whispers": "I have to POOP!"


simhilarity June 1 2008, 00:12:31 UTC
Great stuff - I love how low you've got. Looks like I'm going to have to jump on the bandwagon & download this as I've found it very frustrating not to be able to get low shots of the cats & toddlers. (I think this just replaces the 'normal' camera, doesn't it? I can't use the camera stuff where you have to tab out as my pc is not powerful enough & complains like merry hell).

After drooling over Albert (*imagining an Albert & Jack (Pixel & Bean) sandwich - guess who's the filling, smirk smirk*), I loved the picture of Danny by Pascal's legs; Jill encouraging Edwin to come on over - her expression is brilliant - & Jenny cuddling the Jack-in-Box.

Very nice indeed.


madame_ugly June 1 2008, 04:47:45 UTC
That pic of Albert really catches his cute face. Normally he has kind of sour puss.

This mod just replaces the normal camera, so you can get close without having to tab.


simhilarity June 5 2008, 02:05:12 UTC
Downloaded the camera now, it's great to get so close & to use it from within game. (I love using zoom on my real camera, so the mod is just perfect)

PS Forgot to mention before but the rainbow diaper reminded me of Stephen King's book 'Pet Cemetery'. I remember laughing outload reading about a similar incident. (The rainbow nappy - not the cemetery) I can't really remember the rest of the book, I read it so long ago, but your caption really brought back that magic moment. Thanks.


madame_ugly June 5 2008, 12:55:38 UTC
Ooh, another cool thing about the camera mod (which I just discovered last night).

You can zoom WAY in in the CAS screen, too. I was able to get a great head shot of a CAT (her face filled the screen). VERY helpful.


sinderellah June 2 2008, 18:43:27 UTC
Very cute! Also, I had no idea Sims did any auto-woo hoo actions without ACR. You learn something new with this game all the time. :)


madame_ugly June 2 2008, 22:54:18 UTC
Oh, Glam didn't auto woo-hoo. He just had the want. The flirting was auto though (they do that all the time).


sinderellah June 3 2008, 00:08:34 UTC
Lol gotcha, okay. I was pretty surprised, you get all that auto kissy/flirt stuff with the ones with 3 bolts, but I'd never had any auto woo-hoos. Thought I'd missed something all along, haha!

btw where was that link for the Freetime no cd crack? If you're brave enough to do it, maybe I need to do it too. I've had FT sitting here for a month but I've been way paranoid. :P


madame_ugly June 3 2008, 00:38:24 UTC
It's I don't have the direct link handy, but I found it by searching for "sims 2 free time".

This thread:,9929.0.html

is helpful, too (just the first post, with the instructions--#4 in particular since I never had secure rom so I didn't need to rid myself of it).

Cracks are SUPER easy. You can even go on youtube and see instructional videos!


akanwa June 5 2008, 03:10:14 UTC
I like how much Perry looks like Percy. Nervous spawn are cute in a goofy sort of way.

Anyway, I'm pretty much caught up on all the Peculiar stories so far. Whew! Took four days (on and off) of reading. Tried to jump in with the recent stuff, got thoroughly lost, and decided to get smart and go allllll the way back.

Very enjoyable series. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens in Book 2.


madame_ugly June 5 2008, 12:57:07 UTC

That's part of the reason I wanted to give a little break between books. So everyone could get caught up (or for those caught up, have a little NON Peculiar time, so they don't get burned out).


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