Peculiar: BONUS Toddler Spam

May 30, 2008 22:11

Mmm, what's that smell?

It's SPAM!


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Comments 41

simplode May 31 2008, 03:16:29 UTC
DANNY! *swoons* Seriously, that is the bestest pic of him looking up. Adorable!

Hee hee! Great fun taking pics now, innit? :-)


madame_ugly May 31 2008, 17:26:04 UTC
Danny's pic is so "pet photographer", huh? He's a handsome lad (and the family is always autonimously picking him up and goo-gooing over him).

I really like that the stairs/lights/plants/etc aren't transparent in regular mode (meaning no having to got to TAB to solidify them).


aledstrange May 31 2008, 03:19:41 UTC
awwww soo cute!!
I love all those green babies, but I think my fav are Percy's.
They are so adorable ... :D


madame_ugly May 31 2008, 17:27:43 UTC
I need to hang out with Percy's kids more and get a feel for them. I know Linus is VERY mean (zero nice points) and hates being strapped into the highchair. And both twins are 10 neat, leaving Percy the odd man out (only sim in that house that's not a neat freak).


pixelcurious May 31 2008, 04:23:22 UTC
1. A-freakin-DORABLE! And... oh man... I hope this means you'll keep up with hilarious kiddie conversations, now that you can zoom in on toddler-eye-level. "I get so excited I'm glad I'm wearing a pamper." *snicker*

2. Let's hope Glam and Kitty can't say the same. They look pretty frisky there! I don't want to think of them in Depends. :D

3. Perry's diaper is going to be the color of his dad's mohawk.

4. I got a kick out of Abraham's approval. :)

5. Danny is a beautiful cat. His spots are more detailed than I realized.


madame_ugly May 31 2008, 17:23:47 UTC
1. You know, I think this is the first toddler conversation I've ever done. These three lend themselves to it (Jenny's the overbearing one, Jill the quiet/meticulous one, Edwin is the too-smart BOY).

4. Abe's approval amused me, too. You know I had to like it if I'd take a screencap (screen's are always too damn big for the journal and that annoys me, so I rarely take/use them)

5. You can download Valentino and Sandy and make a Danny of your own (or if you want Danny, I can add him).


pixelcurious May 31 2008, 17:28:52 UTC
I might download the kitties and see if they produce a Danny look-alike. I like my star cats, but variety is nice, and you make cool looking pets.


dragancaor May 31 2008, 06:10:26 UTC
I love the toddler conversations! Those had me in fits of giggles.
Though I scared my cat with the sudden very loud laugh that was the 'cue jaws music'.
Hurrah for Abe approving. That's so sweet =)
& Danny is such a brilliant cat! The pounce shot is great!! (good thing Shadow understands she rules over pixels or she'd be jealous)


madame_ugly May 31 2008, 17:21:11 UTC
The best part about the pounce shot was watching him wiggle his little tailess behind. It doesn't translate into still pics, but trust me, VERY cute.


dragancaor May 31 2008, 17:53:30 UTC
It's the little things like those that are what make me truly love this game.


xel_squirgle_ox May 31 2008, 15:03:24 UTC
This is just too cute! LOL at those old coots all over eachother all the time. They're so cute, it's gonna be sad when it's time for them to go. :( Wow, Danny's one beautiful kitty! That second pose is great; I'm glad Pixel_and_Bean was able to pull you over to the "dark side" and get the camera mod- you wouldn't be able to get that picture without it! Haha, Edwin the little "bladder psychic" is full of soiled pampers. But man, I think the best thing I read out of that was finding out Jill's OTH is tinkering. Fixing up an old car with her mechanic daddy is gonna be so cute!


madame_ugly May 31 2008, 17:20:17 UTC
Jill OTH surprised me, too. I kind of forget that Aggie was a mechanic. Jill is really shy too (only one outgoing point) so she'll be all about NOT having to interact with others (Edwin's shy like that too). I see Jill as having a Paul personality (how Paul is kind of reserved) but Aggie's interests (mechanic stuff in particular). Jenny, on the other hand, will be more like Aggie (drama queen!) since she's more outgoing (about 4-5 points).

Ooh, I can't wait to see what their next kid will be like.


xel_squirgle_ox May 31 2008, 18:44:24 UTC
Oh wow, it will be fun to have them be a bigger part in your story when they grow up! It sounds like they'll be very interesting characters already.


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