Peculiar: BONUS Toddler Spam

May 30, 2008 22:11

Mmm, what's that smell?

It's SPAM!


Perry gnaws a crayon so that later his diaper might be like a rainbow.

Looks like Linus would rather be playing with the new craft table then having Percy yammer some nursery rhyme at him.

Yes, he's much happier now.

So while the chillens were playing with the new toy, what were the adults doing?

Abraham OFFICIALLY approves of Pascal.

Danny does as well.

At least NOW he does.  Give him a few moments and you'll get THIS:

Danny poised for the pounce.  He made his rounds, pouncing each adult.  Most weren't paying any attention (Pascal was too busy cleaning, surprise surprise).

Linus and Perry aren't the only toddlers in town.

I need some alien action.

"What are you waiting for, Edwin?  Get over here and color."

Edwin obliges.

*Edwin thinking*  This isn't a very sophisticated color palate. . .oh, very well.

Now then, lest you think these children are outside unsupervised.

*cue Jaws music*

While Lazlo is keeping a watery eye on the green beans. . .


Really, I was fiddling with the toddlers and all the sudden I heard some very lusty sounds and THAT'S what I found.  And Glam has "woo hoo in bed" in his wants panel.  It's moments like this that make me happy I DON'T have ACR.

"What are you up too, Miss Jenny?"

"Oh. . .just being cute.  Hey, Edwin, check this out."

Jenny puts the puppet back into the box and snaps the lid shut.

"You watching. . .wait. . .," she turns the crank.  "Watch. . ."

"OH. . .oh, that is good.  No matter how many times I see it, it's always a treat."

"I know. . .I get so excited I'm glad I'm wearing a pamper."

"Hah. . .ahhh. . .oooh. . .," *laughs hysterically* ". . .me TOO!"

"EDDIE. . .did you just piddle your pamper. . .," *more donkey like braying* ". . .and your'e supposed to be the bladder psychic, able to tell when others have to go.  Guess that story's a real FULL diaper."

While Edwin tries to deny he soiled himself, Jill is still pre-occupied with the building blocks.

While she widdles this block down, beaver-like, so it may better suit her building needs, I am informed that she's discovered her OTH, tinkering.

I can't wait until she's a little older and she can rebuild a car with Aggie (he is a mechanic afterall).

OK, that's all I got.  Hope you had a chortle.


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