Good news/bad news

Jul 15, 2009 18:31

Well, the good news is that I have a new grandchild!  The bad news is that said child is being cared for by someone who is seriously mentally disturbed, namely my daughter-in-law, who disdains to clean, cook, shop, work, drive, or anything else that might be called adult activity, leaving all such tedious tasks to my disabled son.  More to follow, ( Read more... )

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Comments 26

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macgeorge1 July 16 2009, 01:22:08 UTC
And Yay lovely grandchild. She really is cute, and I may get some post-able pictures shortly. As for the singing, yeah, that truly bites the big one. I alternately rage and weep, but some things in life just suck and you have to move on because you have no choice.

And it is a keen keyboard. :)


hafital July 15 2009, 23:49:32 UTC
oh jeebus! wow. I'm so sorry about your computer and your website. And your daughter-in-law. And everything. :/



macgeorge1 July 16 2009, 01:23:54 UTC
I think everyone goes through period where life sucketh mightily, and then, hopefully, time passes and... it doesn't. I've been fortunate much of my life, so this is one of those periods where you just... endure.

And thanks for the hug. I needed that. :)


ithildyn July 15 2009, 23:53:30 UTC
I'm so sorry :(

Congratulations on your new grandchild.


macgeorge1 July 16 2009, 01:36:42 UTC
New Grandbaby is lovely. Hope to have pictures soon.


amonitrate July 15 2009, 23:54:13 UTC
congrats on the grandbaby!


macgeorge1 July 16 2009, 01:25:06 UTC
The new granddaughter, "Evie" is a cutie. AS for the rest, well endurance is my greatest ally.

Oh, and that keen keyboard. :)


unovis July 15 2009, 23:57:00 UTC
Oh hell. So sorry to hear about your computer losses and the other grit in the gears. Can you recoup anything via the wayback machine?

It seems like idiot inlaws are a force of nature; my brother just whispered to my dad that he's marrying an uncouth parasite who should have got the heavy hobnailed boot out the door long ago.

And of course, congratulations and welcome to baby girl. Does she need anything?


macgeorge1 July 16 2009, 01:28:08 UTC
Well, most everything is stored in the HL Archive. There's a whole lot of drafts and parts of stories that are probably lost, but it's probably not *much* of a loss. :)

The baby girl, Evie, is fine, and I don't think they could stuff anything more into their tiny, junk-packed apartment. My daughter-in-law's 30 or so pairs of shoes would get in the way. :)

They did like the things you sent, and they are getting well-used.


unovis July 16 2009, 02:42:41 UTC
"There's a whole lot of drafts and parts of stories that are probably lost, but it's probably not *much* of a loss. :)"

Hey, hey now - that can't *possibly* be true! :-) Your fans won't hear of that talk.

Congrats on the cute baby grandkid - she trumps all other things, so hold on to that. Sorry about her loser mom, but at least she doesn't seem to have a shoe obsession. (What?? 30 pairs - doesn't *everyone* have that....?) :::grins::: Congrats on being employed - we had cuts at work and I survived but it's painful, the loss of those who didn't. And hey - the music will be there when you are ready to return to it. Just like the stories. :-)

Brekke (jealously dreaming of a sparkly new keyboard)


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