Good news/bad news

Jul 15, 2009 18:31

Well, the good news is that I have a new grandchild!  The bad news is that said child is being cared for by someone who is seriously mentally disturbed, namely my daughter-in-law, who disdains to clean, cook, shop, work, drive, or anything else that might be called adult activity, leaving all such tedious tasks to my disabled son.  More to follow, probably.

The good news is that I have a new computer!  The bad news is that the old one died unexpectedly (well, the fact that I slapped it... hard... in anger and frustration... might have had something to do with it, along with the virus that had rendered it virtually useless for two weeks).  As a result, I have no email or web addresses, no history, no draft stories, no comments from previous stories.  And since the Wordsmith site died, there's nothing left.  But the new computer is nice, if I could ever get it set up to do what I want it to do.  Toshiba.  17" monitor, cool lite-up keyboard.

The good news is that my (relatively) new part time job is turning out to be more full time than part time, which is nice financially.  The bad news is that I am no longer performing or taking singing lessons or any of that ego-centric stuff.  The good news about that part of it is that my ego no longer has anything to crow about, so I'm much easier to put up with. :)

The good news is that I don't have to have surgery for a torn rotator cuff.  The bad news is that there is no cure for the damaged joint, so I just have to put up with it.

I'd post a picture of new grandchild, but all pictures were lost with the death of the aforesaid computer.

I've had better weeks, er, months.  But hey, my new computer has a light-up keyboard!
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