Yes, she's ALIIIIVE!!

Apr 06, 2009 21:04

Just a few comments to let folks know I'm still kicking ( Read more... )

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Comments 14

jotribe April 7 2009, 01:38:26 UTC
*waves hi* It's nice to hear from you!
Watch the end of BSG. You need to. It had gotten so dark and traumatic for us viewers. I kept loving it though. And I needed to see the closure.

I wrote a little on Origins and Face this week
OMG! You made me happy :)


macgeorge1 April 7 2009, 21:17:54 UTC
BSG just got more and more grim, until it felt like I was watching my own family implode. But I owe it to the characters to see it to the end, so I'll eventually do that. :)


adonnchaid April 7 2009, 01:41:24 UTC
Yay! Good to see you alive!

Have you tried on a Prius? I fit in them quite well, and they're spunky little (really not too little, they're quite roomy inside) cars.


lastrega April 7 2009, 02:04:20 UTC
I was just going to suggest this. We rented one for last year's fangirl roadtrip to Byron Bay and it was great, fitted four of us and all our crap in it. The only thing was it was so incredibly quiet that we nearly ran over people in the street any number of times.


amand_r April 7 2009, 02:48:12 UTC
Agreed, and it is very easy to leave them running. everyone I know who has owned one has accidentally left it on at some time or another.


macgeorge1 April 7 2009, 21:25:44 UTC
I think the Prius is a neat car, but is the extra $8,000 for it (over the Smart Car) really getting you that much? I just need a run-about kind of car to get reliably to all my gigs.


lastrega April 7 2009, 02:07:15 UTC
Hello, stranger! Nice to see you pop by.

The SPN meta episode thing reminded me vaguely of that awful HL episode with Sandra Bernhardt playing the writer. Except that HL fandom didn't go batshit.

Mind you, we were probably pre-batshitted, so maybe that was a factor....


macgeorge1 April 7 2009, 21:23:01 UTC
"Mind you, we were probably pre-batshitted, so maybe that was a factor...."

Of that, I have little doubt. :0

I didn't really like the Sandra B. episode and was surprised it was so popular with others. I thought she was AWFUL, the premise contrived and the writing embarrassing. Bleh.


unovis April 7 2009, 16:29:51 UTC
Hi, greetings, gello.
Spent 5 weeks or so hiding in Baltimore, but flubbed our visit to DC. Maybe contact next time?


macgeorge1 April 7 2009, 21:23:51 UTC
Let me know when you're around! (in the usual way...don't tweet me, as I don't tweet. ;)


sherrold April 12 2009, 22:52:59 UTC
I vastly prefer the big data dump of you, to no news at all -- post whatever way makes it easiest for you! And I'm glad to hear that most of your news is either good or fabulous (grandchild!), though good luck on the shoulder.

Things have been hard, here, but nothing we can't handle - and really, that's all I ask for these days: Make me swim in a sea of troubles, oh lord, but don't let me drown.


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