Yes, she's ALIIIIVE!!

Apr 06, 2009 21:04

Just a few comments to let folks know I'm still kicking.

1)  Supernatural - gwerk!!  Choke!!  It annoyed me, even as it made me smile because it seemed condescending.
2)  BSG - I stopped watching a couple of months ago when it got so painful and everyone seemed to be having a complete nervous breakdown.  It wasn't fun, it just hurt to watch.  I still have the episodes, and I'll watch it eventually, but I'm trying to get up my courage.  I thought the whole thing with Edward James Olmos 'testifying before Congress thing was very cool, tho.
3)  CSI - love Laurence Fishburn.  Writing has generally improved recently, IMO, although this last episode with his student having been killed was utterly incoherent from a plot perspective.
4)  Love our President.  First time I've said that in a long, long, looooooong time.
5)  Daughter-in-law is still pregnant.  Due mid-June.  Rah.  Rah.
6)  Oldest Stepson getting married to a really great gal.  He's happy, she's terrific and that makes me smile.
7)  Middle Stepson is doing well professionally, but struggling with health issues about which I can do nothing but worry.
8)  need to buy a new car as our 1995 Oldsmobile is going to die any day now.  Looked at the Smart Car today, and both my 6'3" hubby and I fit into it very well!  Gets 33-41 miles/gallon.  Drives okay.  Not very good suspension - you feel every bump in the road.  Liked it but will keep looking while I think about it.  If anyone has any suggestions - I just need a car that gets me efficiently from point A to point B.  I drive a LOT around the beltway in the D.C. area.  Put 20,000 miles on the car last year just driving to various gigs, but we have a small SUV to take on trips and haul stuff, so I just need a get-up-and-go reliable vehicle that gets really good mileage.
9)  Learned Friday that my ongoing and worsening right shoulder pain is probably a torn and inflamed rotator cuff.  Trying to get an MRI scheduled.  Surgery may not be necessary.  Hope springs eternal.
10)  finished and filed my taxes today.  Yay!

So, I know that doesn't really make up for months of silence, but I wrote a little on Origins and Face this week.  go me! ;)
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