May 09, 2009 16:13

I should make an "I'm pathetic and I'm sorry" icon.... (sigh)

I haven't check lj for at least two weeks, and come to find out that everybody is moving over to a new service!!  tazlet  sent me an invite and I'm over there as MacGeorge (sorry, don't have the direct link at hand).  No entries yet, but let's hope I do better over there than here.

Went to see Star Trek yesterday afternoon.  GO!!  Go NOW!!  Spock is FABULOUS!!  Uhura is spectacular.  Kirk... eh... not so much.   Sulu was okay, MacCoy I enjoyed, and the whole thing was a real tribute to the original that captured it's spirit better than ANY of the movies with the old TV cast.  Scotty was fun, but didn't seem like the Scotty I remember, more like the doc from... what was that called....   Stargate AtlanticSomething??? :)

And Lenord Nimoy!  Old as the hills (literally), but still lookin' good.

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