My spring break is this week. It's pretty early, but I'm enjoying it. I already know I'll have a paper to churn out when I get back*, so I'm trying to soak up all the leisure time while I can.
I've recently gotten hooked on the show Legend of the Seeker. It airs on Saturdays, which is weird but very convenient for me. It's based off a fantasy
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Comments 6
Yay more Cameron and Chase! I think I heard something about her getting pregnant, but then I also heard something vehemently denying that storyline, so who knows?
Thanks for uploading the video! I just been rocking out to it.
Hmmm...Pregant Cameron. I don't know how I feel about that. Depends on what they do with it, I guess. Wonder how Chase would react.
Haha! Glad you enjoyed. It randomly popped into my head the other day and stuck there.
Legend of the Seeker sounds really interesting. Is it worth checking out, you'd say? I hear you on the "books into series rather than movies" topic. Movies can never be long enough to get all the important parts and the details in, so tv-shows would be wonderful. *imagines Harry Potter as tv-show* *promptly faints because it would be that fantastic ( ... )
I like Legend of the Seeker. It isn't my FAVORITE by any means, but it's entertaining and I've gotten more interested in the characters the last few epsiodes.
I recognize the name, but I've never read anything by her. I should add her to my list.
Glad you enjoyed the song! I'd totally forgotten about it until the other day.
All the best for the paper!
Thank you!
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