My spring break is this week. It's pretty early, but I'm enjoying it. I already know I'll have a paper to churn out when I get back*, so I'm trying to soak up all the leisure time while I can.
I've recently gotten hooked on the show Legend of the Seeker. It airs on Saturdays, which is weird but very convenient for me. It's based off a fantasy
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Legend of the Seeker sounds really interesting. Is it worth checking out, you'd say? I hear you on the "books into series rather than movies" topic. Movies can never be long enough to get all the important parts and the details in, so tv-shows would be wonderful. *imagines Harry Potter as tv-show* *promptly faints because it would be that fantastic*
*writes down Elizabeth Peters on the "authors to check out" list* Have you read anything by Kathy Reichs by any chance? Random question, but on the topic of mysteries my mind skipped over to her. :P She's apparently a really good writer, so she's on the top of my list of authors to read atm. A lot of forensic stuff too, I hear.
Sheesh, I really need to get my butt into gear and check out House. Everyone talks about it and I have the first season on my hard drive. Maybe it'll happen during Easter break (sort of like y'all's Spring Break). :)
LOL!! Now that song brings back memories!! :D 8th grade, I think, I was 13... THAT was THE song! ...and no one else knew what the hell I was singing along to. ^_^ Thanks for the reminder! *turns up the volume*
I like Legend of the Seeker. It isn't my FAVORITE by any means, but it's entertaining and I've gotten more interested in the characters the last few epsiodes.
I recognize the name, but I've never read anything by her. I should add her to my list.
Glad you enjoyed the song! I'd totally forgotten about it until the other day.
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