Mood Themes, oh my GOSH, so many MOOD THEMES!

Sep 12, 2007 23:47

I cannot believe I had to make a separate post to credit all the moodthemes I use. I'm so sorry. I really really am but when it comes to moodthemes... I'll put it in the words of Jayne Cobb, "I just get excitable as to choice, like to have my options open."

To make a few things clear, I have a lot of moodthemes saved in my computer and I simply set them up (upload them into my photobucket and set them up as a moodthemes in LJ) and the trek doesn't end there. I make *mixes* which means I take different mood pics from different themes to make a certain mix (which is why I usually have a lot of the same). So this entry will not only credit all the mood themes I have set up in my LJ but the ones I am using in the current fanmix. Got it? So, I'll be crediting the maker, giving an example of the mood theme(3 pics: 1 happy, 1 sad and 1 angry), the link to where I found the mood theme (if I have it) and that's about it ^.^

Some of these I might not even use much and just have here so you guys can.. maybe.. check it out and take one for yourself? Just remember to follow their crediting rule, please! And don't direct link pictures, or I might have to set Jayne's grenades on you. They ain't pretty. Vera's in there somewhere too. Don't tempt me. Honestly, if this entry gets too big, I'm making individual entries for each fandom. Seriously. LOL Also, don't forget to scroll at the end to read my very important message and a link on how to upload your own theme!

Mood Themes Uploaded/Set Up

All things HARRY POTTER: Harry Potter Book Art | Goblet of Fire | Harry/Ginny | Ron/Hermione | Harry/Giny + Ron/Hermione | Ron Weasley | The Weasleys
ANIME Fandoms: InuYasha | Sailor Moon
ART Fandoms: Josephine Wall
GAME Fandoms: *None*
MISC Fandoms: Animals | Celebrities | Post Its
MOVIE Fandoms: A Little Princess | Big Fish | Bridget Jones | Closer | House of Flying Daggers | Memoirs of a Geisha | Moulin Rouge | Phantom of the Opera | Pirates of the Caribbean | Pride and Prejudice | Princess Bride | RENT | Romeo and Juliet | Serenity | Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants | The Notebook | White Oleander
MUSIC Fandoms: Fall Out Boy | No Doubt | Pink | Shakira | Utada Hikaru
TV Fandoms: Alias | Battlestar Gallactica | Dead Like Me | Doctor Who | Firefly | Gilmore Girls | Gossip Girl | Grey's Anatomy | House M.D. | Stargate Atlantis

Anime Fandoms

crackified - Inuyasha MT (80x40) found here.

crackified - Sailor Moon MT (80x40) found here.


luxuria_oceanus - Josephine Wall Art MT (100x50) found here.

All things Harry Potter

crackified - Harry Potter Book Art MT (80x40) found here.

crackified - HP Goblet of Fire MT (90x40) found here.

crackified - Harry + Ginny MT (90x45) found here.

crackified - Ron + Hermione MT (90x45) found here.

crackified - Harry + Ginny and Ron + Hermione (90x45) found here.

crackified - Ron Weasley MT (80x40) found here.

crackified - The Weasleys MT (80x40) found here.



lambietoes - Animated David/Billie, Ten/Rose MT (86x56) found here.

crackified - Angelina Jolie MT (80x40) found here.

crackified - Christian Bale MT (90x40) found here.

crackified - Daniel Radcliffe MT (80x40) found here.

crackified - David Tennant MT (90x40) found here.

crackified - Ewan McGregor MT (80x40) found here.

crackified - Hayden Christensen MT (80x40) found here.

crackified - Jake Gyllenhaal MT (80x40) found here.

crackified - Kate Beckinsale (80x40) found here.

crackified - Kate Winslet (80x40) found here.

crackified - Natalie Portman MT (80x40) found here.

crackified - Orlando Bloom MT (80x40) found here.

crackified - James and Oliver Phelps MT (90x40) found here.

crackified - Rachel McAdams MT (80x40) found here.

crackified - Rose Byrne MT (90x40) found here.

crackified - Scarlett Johansson MT (80x40) found here.

nomorecasualty - Torri Higginson MT (80x45) found here.

crackified - Viggo Mortensen (90x50) found here.


mediocrechick - Cute Animals MT (90x45) found here.

Post Its

ch_photoshopped - Post Its MT (100x71) found here.

Movie Fandoms

crackified - A Little Princess MT (80x40) found here.

crackified - Big Fish MT (80x40) found here.

crackified - Bridget Jones's Diary & Bridget Jones - The Edge of Reason MT(100x50) found here.

crackified - Closer MT (80x40) found here.

crackified - House of Flying Daggers MT (85x45) found here.

crackified - Memoirs of a Geisha MT (90x40) found here.

crackified - Moulin Rouge MT (80x40) found here.

crackified - Phantom of the Opera (2004) MT (80x40) found here.

_karmageddon_ - Pirates of the Caribbean - Jack Sparrow (1 & 2) MT (90x50) found here.

crackified - Pride and Prejudice (2005) MT (90x50) found here.

crackified - Princess Bride MT (80x40) found here.

crackified - RENT MT(90x50) found here.

crackified - Romeo and Juliet MT (80x40) found here.

crackified - Serenity MT (90x40) found here.

crackified - The Notebook MT (80x40) found here.

crackified - The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants MT (80x40) found here.

crackified - White Oleander MT (80x40) found here.

Music Fandoms

crackified - Fall Out Boy MT (90x50) found here.

crackified - No Doubt MT (90x45) found here.

crackified - Pink MT (80x40) found here.

crackified - Shakira MT (90x50) found here.

crackified - Utada Hikaru MT (80x40) found here.

T.V. Fandoms


crackified - Sydney's Aliases (90x45) found here.

crackified - Sydney/Vaughn (90x45) found here.

Battlestar Galactica

crackified - BSG Season 1 MT (90x50) found here.

crackified - BSG Season 1 and 2 MT (80x40) found here.

crackified - Gaius/Six MT (80x40) found here.

crackified - Kara/Lee MT (80x40) found here.

crackified - Karl/Sharon MT (80x40) found here.

crackified - Kara Thrace/Starbuck MT (80x40) found here.

Dead Like Me

crackified - Dead Like Me MT (90x45) found here.

Doctor Who

crackified - General Doctor Who 1st Season MT (80x40) found here.

crackified - General Doctor Who 2nd Season MT (80x40) found here.

crackified - General Doctor Who 1st and 2nd Seasons MT (80x40) found here.

crackified - The Christmas Invasion [2nd Season, 1st Episode] (90x40) found here.

_karmageddon_ - Nine/Rose Season 1 (90x50) found here.

crackified - Rose Tyler 1st and 2nd Seasons MT (80x40) found here.

lambietoes - Animated General Doctor Who Season 1-3 MT (90x60) found here.

lambietoes - Animated Ten/Rose, David/Billie MT (86x56) found here.


crackified - General Firefly MT (80x40) found here.

emesque - General Firefly MT (100x45) found here.

Unknown* (I've no idea who made this one, so please help me identify it!) - Malcolm Reynolds MT (80x40).

crackified - River Tam MT (80x40) found here.

crackified - Simon/Kaylee MT (80x40) found here.

crackified - Wash/Zoe MT (80x40) found here.

Gilmore Girls

crackified - Gilmore Girls Season 1 MT (80x40) found here.

crackified - Gilmore Girls Season 1-3 MT (80x40) found here.

crackified - Luke/Lorelai MT (90x45) found here.

crackified - Jess/Rory MT (80x40) found here.

lambietoes - Animated Rory/Jess MT (86x56) found here.

Gossip Girl

kristallmond - Gossip Girl *Blair/Chuck* MT (75x45) found here.

jlhfan624 - Gossip Girl *Blair/Chuck* MT (90x50) found here.

Grey's Anatomy

crackified - Grey's Anatomy MT (80x40) found here.

House M.D.

crackified - General Season 1 MT (80x40) found here.

crackified - Allison Cameron MT (80x40) found here.

crackified - Lisa Cuddy MT (80x40) found here.

crackified - Greggory House MT (90x50) found here.

crackified - James Wilson MT (80x40) found here.

crackified - House/Cam MT (80x40) found here.

crackified - House/Cuddy MT (80x40) found here.

crackified - House/Wilson MT (80x40) found here.

Stargate Atlantis

_wwsd_ - Animated Stargate Atlantis (Mainly Rodney and John) MT (100x60) found here.

_wwsd_ - John and Rodney (McShep) MT (100x60) found here.

clez_icons - John Sheppard MT (100x55) found here.

emesque - General Stargate Atlantis MT (70x40) found here.

iconofilth - Rodney McKay MT (100x50) found here.

nomorecasualty - Elizabeth Weir MT (80x45) found here.

Mood Themes Used in MT Mixes
*Although these mixes are organized by me, the mood themes are not made by me unless stated otherwise.

  • Animated Doctor Who S1-3, David/Billie Mix composed of the "Animated Ten/Rose, David/Billie MT" (86x56) and "Animated General Doctor Who Season 1-3 MT" (90x60), both by lambietoes.
  • Anime Fan Mix composed of the "Sailor Moon MT" 80x40 and "InuYasha" 80x40, both by crackified.
  • Music Artists Mix composed of the "Fall Out Boy MT" (90x50), "No Doubt MT" (90x45), "Pink MT" (80x40), "Shakira MT" (90x50) and "Utada Hikaru MT" (80x40), all by crackified.
  • Harry Potter Mix composed of the "Goblet of Fire MT" (90x40), "Harry + Ginny MT" (90x45), "Ron + Hermione MT" (90x45), "Ron Weasley MT" (80x40) and "The Weasleys MT" (80x40) all by crackified

Mood Theme Currently in Use

luxuria_oceanus - Josephine Wall Art MT (100x50) found here.

Very Important Message: As you can see, I have a bit of an obsession with mood themes... Or I really do get as excitable as Jayne does about his grenades, but in my case, it's mood themes *snort* So, please, if you see any without credit that you recognize or with the wrong person credited, LET ME KNOW through a comment. I won't mind or get offended at *ALL* Also, if you find a site or know of a community or just a mood theme that you think I'll like, go ahead and leave me a link! ^.^ I so won't mind! Especially any SG1 mood themes, I have none! I'd really like a Vala one... Oh well, we'll see!

Tutorial: Once upon a time, I uploaded mood themes copy+pasting the picture's URL one by one into the mood theme box and then the picture's dimensions, ONE BY ONE. You can imagine what that did to my hands (they hurt, a LOT). Every time I'd try to get a tutorial, my little soy bean brain didn't get it. I'd be lost. Until one day (actually, it was night) I saw the light(bulb). I found a very *good* tutorial, easy to understand and now I can upload my Mood Theme with little difficulty! Hope this helps you to upload your own! You can find the tutorial here.

Last Updated: July 11th, 2009

i pimp: mood themes

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