Oh my hell, the song made me cry, so I translated it! (Sparky Gals might want to take a looksie)

Oct 15, 2007 00:47

Artist: Reik
Song: Vuelve

Sigo buscando el por que
Te fuiste de aquí
Dejando un abismo entre tú y yo
No te he podido olvidar, No se si a tí
Te pase lo mismo
Toda mi vida cambio
Me falta tu amor
Siento que pierdo la razón
Y hoy te he vuelto a llorar
Por que sin tí no aprendo a vivir

Vuelve, quiero sentirme en tus brazos
Quiero besarte los labios
Por siempre quedarme a tu lado
Vuelve, sabes que tú me haces falta
La espera es cruel y lastima
Vuelve, llena de amor mi vida

Como sacarme este amor
Que ahora es dolor
Tal vez olvidarte sea mejor
Pero no puedo engañar
A este corazón que espera por tí

Vuelve, quiero sentirme en tus brazos
Quiero besarte los labios
Por siempre quedarme a tu lado
Vuelve, sabes que tú me haces falta
La espera es cruel y lastima
Vuelve, llena de amor mi vida


Warning: Translations aren't literal word for word, but by context. Don't take this as an English to Spanish lesson. Trust me.

I keep searching for the why
you left here
Leaving an abyss between you and I
I haven't been able to forget you, I don't know if you're
going through the same
My entire life changed
I'm missing your love
I feel like I'm losing reason
And today I cried for you again
Because without you I don't learn how to live

Come back, I want to feel myself in your arms
I want to kiss your lips
Forever be by your side
Come back, you know that I miss you
The wait is cruel and it hurts
Come back, fill my life of love.

How to take out this love
That is now pain
Maybe it's best to forget you
But I can't fool
this heart that waits for you.

Come back, I want to feel myself in your arms
I want to kiss your lips
Forever be by your side
Come back, you know that I miss you
The wait is cruel and it hurts
Come back, fill my life of love.

random: lyrics

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