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Comments 13

themsmine April 22 2012, 23:58:50 UTC
I clicked over to see why people had their panties in a twist, and I'm amazed, though I really shouldn't be. I've found during the short time I've been on LJ that overwhelmingly, and this is me generalizing, people are way too PC/"trigger"-happy/easily offended over here. I don't think I've really come across it anywhere else. For the record, I use "bitch" and "lame" all the time, and I don't think either term is offensive. I tend to be pretty feminist myself, and I certainly am not using "lame" as a reference to people who are disabled. Maybe when the words were originally coined that was the intent, but they've evolved and become such a part of our linguistic culture that I don't think it applies anymore. I say a lot of things along those lines, and so do a lot of other people. I've never seen someone be called out for it before because that's just lame, really ( ... )


lustmordred April 23 2012, 00:34:22 UTC
They have become so, but everything I see, these are people who are new to LJ and very young. They have this need to feel like they can change things, though they don't need to be changed and I sincerely doubt that these same people behave this way in real life or expect people in real life to grovel and fall into line. It's a form of entitlement that I find frustrating and disgusting. I'm not a feminist per se because I disagree with a lot of issues in the feminist movement, but that had nothing to do with my use of "bitching" there either. For fuck's sake, I'm a woman. I'm not a misogynist. I've been on LJ for years and in several fandoms, there was really wanky behavior going on, but this shit recently is just outrageous. It makes NO sense. I am not leaving, but I am certainly becoming more reluctant to interact with people here.


gestaltrose April 23 2012, 01:04:11 UTC


lustmordred April 23 2012, 01:29:17 UTC
I know. The levels of stupid, they overwhelm a person.


ruby_jelly April 23 2012, 01:16:55 UTC
OK then. I enjoyed your rant, lol! *Have a beer*


lustmordred April 23 2012, 01:27:08 UTC
I never really developed a taste for the stuff, but I appreciate the sentiment. Thanks.


portraitofafool April 23 2012, 02:24:07 UTC
HAHAHAHA! Omg, how lame. This, my friend, is what I call people needing to get a hobby. This entitlement shit is going way, way too far and what astounds me is, that as a rule, no one bites them back. Again, the hypocrisy of their actions has astounded me and you know what, fucktards? Get over yourselves. Stupid fucking whores.

I guess I am just being edgy now. Oh noes!

What I find is, that because of these people (there I go again)--who, btw, are bullies--the bulk of folks on LJ (and elsewhere because I do see it other places) are becoming really avoidant, closed off and unwilling to voice their opinions because the Social Justice League is lurking around every corner just waiting for a chance to WANK at people for talking. I repeat: That is bullying. What's awful is that it's WORKING because they are cowing SO MANY other people with their shit that is nothing more than excessive, oversensitive guilt-tripping. Therefore, they make a lot of people feel bad because they USED A WORD (that may or may not offend someone, somewhere at ( ... )


lustmordred April 23 2012, 02:50:25 UTC
Yeah well, I would have bitched them out about it, that was my first inclination, but I've pretty much seen the circular, nonsensical arguments they spout and there's no point. It's fucking exasperating is what it is. I mean, really? What is the point of that shit? There is seriously nothing that you can say that is safe from that bullshit it seems like. It would only annoy me more and more to try to argue with them about it and I'm just fed up, so whatever, I wash my hands of the thing. It's not that interesting a place anyway.

Idk, was this funny? I was just really pissed at the overall stupidity of it and things were said. Lol.


portraitofafool April 23 2012, 03:15:09 UTC
I can dig that, but after a point I'd have to say something to them... something bad enough that I'd get banned from the comm anyway. Not that I wouldn't have left it. Also, I be doing some hella serious banning of people because damn. It's un-fucking-real how stupid they are about this shit and their finger-wagging, mommy-lecturing approach to such things is even worse. You do not--will not--tell me how to talk. Jfc. How much you wanna bet they do not support freedom of speech? Of course they'd likely have an argument for that (and how I was wrong) too, but no, I am not wrong because they really don't. Hell, I don't think they even understand the concept unless it applies TO them. In short, I just really, really, really hate those people.

I didn't think it was funny, but apparently someone did. I usually do find something humorous about your rants due to your rampant sarcasm, but this time, not so much. Of course I don't really find anything about these Social Justice fuckwits funny. Not even a little bit. Ugh. They're gross.


lustmordred April 23 2012, 03:26:29 UTC
Yes, but I did that the first time and it did nothing but cause me frustration to the point I had to start just deleting comments from my inbox with my eyes averted so I wouldn't read them and go into a rage. I'm really unbalanced and ill tempered anyway and I try to keep shit that inflames such things to a minimum if I can because I don't need that shit. And it pisses me off that they feel they are entitled to talk to other people that way at all. Yes, it is bullying, I've thought that from the start. But there is absolutely jack shit to be done about it because, like with other forms of bullying, their power lies in the fact that no one will stand up to them. One person does and they get jumped on. I'm not willing to be that person for these fucking retards. It can go on forever and I don't have that kind of patience or even determination because I KNOW that they know exactly what they're doing most of the time. They know they're nitpicking and that they have no basis for their bullshit, but they choose to do it anyway. Not because ( ... )


shiv5468 April 23 2012, 06:29:32 UTC


Tell them swearing is your kink and they just slut shamed you and watch their heads explode from intersectionality.

ALso fanficrants isn't that funny


lustmordred April 23 2012, 06:50:41 UTC
Lol, maybe next time I'll try that.

It really isn't. Like at all. If it were truly RANTING then it might be, but meh. False advertising is what that is.


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