Jesus Christ, really?

Apr 22, 2012 17:23

I started watching the community fanficrants probably a little over a month ago. Being a long-time fan brat, I know how irritating some fanfiction, fanfiction trends, fanfiction writers, etc. can be. I thought it would be amusing, people venting their frustration and all. Except in the month or so I've been a member watching it, I've maybe left 5 or 6 comments on posts and I have been wanked at twice. Not because I was rude, not because I was a jerk, not even because my opinion was actually something people disagree with. Because of the way I talk. Just in general, my phrasing.

Wanked at for the word "bitching."

And now...

Wanked at for the word "lame."

The second time, I was actually careful to not curse or say anything some random ass person could come along and claim to be offended by. Except apparently I fail in that regard and the word lame is "ableist," which okay, I guess it's a real thing and such prejudice does exist. However, I actually had to look up the term ableist a while back just so I would know what the fuck it even was. I was obviously not using such a common slang term in that way and I think when I explain that and ask you to leave me alone and not wank at me, I am not being unreasonable. When you then continue to bitch and whine at me about it, I am wondering what exactly you expect from me. I am not going to apologize for the way I talk to a stranger who does not even claim to be offended by it for their own sake, merely feels the need to point out to me that I'm using some word that could be offensive. So I ask you to stop. Then someone who claims to be disabled, and who knows, maybe they are, joins in to say that they are genuinely offended by it and I need to stop. Bitch, I stopped. Like way the fuck up there I was done. I'm not sitting here gleefully typing LAME, LAME, LAME over and over again just to get at you.

Honestly. A friend of mine here from school is actually disabled. She went through surgery, something went wrong and she ended up in a coma. When she came out of it, she had severe chronic pain. That was ten years ago and she still takes drugs for it. An instructor here on campus tried to use her disability to accuse her of lying about not showing up for a class last semester. Something along the lines of "Oh, you know how crazy disabled people are," and you know what? That is fucked up and I dare say, ableist. Me using a common slang term where disability is not even the context is not ableism and you can take your League of Social Justice bullshit and fuck right off. I have not known an overwhelming number of disabled people in my life, but the few I have known are hard as fucking nails and they would not find what I said to be offensive in the slightest because they are not devoid of common sense. That is seriously looking for shit to whine about.

So, I think I'll just leave that community because the annoyance has pretty much topped out for me over there and, more importantly, people don't even actually rant over there. They don't really dare because if you use strong enough language, you will undoubtedly offend someone or at the least, someone will tell you that what you have said might, to a certain person, be offensive. So what they do is whine. A lot. That's over 6,000 people sitting around whining at each other and bitching when someone falls out of line. Fuck that shit in nose. The community should be fanficwhinge, not fanficrants the way they carry on.

death from above, jack's complete lack of surprise, jumping ship, eloquence of a goat, the package is the warning, turn down the volume, fuck all your ties, failure to fly, get thee behind me satan, stupid people do stupid things, no means no, boo you hor

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