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themsmine April 22 2012, 23:58:50 UTC
I clicked over to see why people had their panties in a twist, and I'm amazed, though I really shouldn't be. I've found during the short time I've been on LJ that overwhelmingly, and this is me generalizing, people are way too PC/"trigger"-happy/easily offended over here. I don't think I've really come across it anywhere else. For the record, I use "bitch" and "lame" all the time, and I don't think either term is offensive. I tend to be pretty feminist myself, and I certainly am not using "lame" as a reference to people who are disabled. Maybe when the words were originally coined that was the intent, but they've evolved and become such a part of our linguistic culture that I don't think it applies anymore. I say a lot of things along those lines, and so do a lot of other people. I've never seen someone be called out for it before because that's just lame, really.

Anyway, you didn't deserve that and some people just look for reasons to bitch about everything under the sun. This kind of ridiculousness keeps popping up over here and it's enough that I've stopped following a lot of communities and hardly use LJ at all outside of reading posts by the few people from the Laby fandom.


lustmordred April 23 2012, 00:34:22 UTC
They have become so, but everything I see, these are people who are new to LJ and very young. They have this need to feel like they can change things, though they don't need to be changed and I sincerely doubt that these same people behave this way in real life or expect people in real life to grovel and fall into line. It's a form of entitlement that I find frustrating and disgusting. I'm not a feminist per se because I disagree with a lot of issues in the feminist movement, but that had nothing to do with my use of "bitching" there either. For fuck's sake, I'm a woman. I'm not a misogynist. I've been on LJ for years and in several fandoms, there was really wanky behavior going on, but this shit recently is just outrageous. It makes NO sense. I am not leaving, but I am certainly becoming more reluctant to interact with people here.


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