15th Oath of the moment

Sep 21, 2011 23:18

Action one: Locked to 2237 and 2236 Stevens: [ At the beginning of the zombie invasion, Garviel bursts out the front door of his house, howling.... ] I... am... CERBERUS! [ Utterly maddened, a screaming chainsword in hand, the space marine looks for foes to slay. ]

Action Two: All over town: [ Garviel has found his battle-brothers and his partner ( Read more... )

bolters!, finally, zombies!, grimdark!, for the emperor!

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Comments 101

emperorsangel September 22 2011, 03:23:04 UTC
[Sanguinius is nearby, of course, and that's a unmissable roar.]

Captain Loken?


lunawolves10th September 22 2011, 03:27:23 UTC
I... AM.... CERBERUS! [ he stares at Sanguinius with insane, wild eyes. ]


emperorsangel September 22 2011, 03:29:23 UTC
[He knows that look. He stared down craziness for a loooooooooong time while holding the gates of Terra. He stalks over, nearly 100% sure that Garviel isn't possessed but traumatized by what happened on that planet.]


lunawolves10th September 22 2011, 03:30:26 UTC
So you come for me traitor! Another dog of Horus! [ He takes a defensive stance, snarling and slobbering. ]


Action 3 notawhale September 22 2011, 03:35:59 UTC
[Oh look who's come to meet you...in a... hobbled...kind of... shambling... sort of way...]


Re: Action 3 lunawolves10th September 22 2011, 04:13:23 UTC
[ Oh no.... Garviel sights on her, and waits. He wants to make sure before he gives her the Emperor's mercy. ]

Naze! Is that you?


Action 3 notawhale September 22 2011, 05:38:16 UTC
[Her voice, when it responds, is even raspier than usual]

For... certain definitions of... me...


Re: Action 3 lunawolves10th September 22 2011, 22:55:51 UTC
[ Silence, for a moment, and then the bolter shifts aim slightly. ]

I can show you mercy. I am sorry that I cannot save you in another way.


Action 4 solarhussyalert September 22 2011, 10:24:39 UTC
[A little brown haired girl walks up the hill looking around with a baffled expression]

Are you all right sir?


Re: Action 4 lunawolves10th September 22 2011, 22:54:22 UTC
Yes, I am. How are you, young lady?


solarhussyalert September 22 2011, 23:16:55 UTC
Was bored and the sun rune seemed to think the monsters left the town so I decided to look around a bit.


lunawolves10th September 23 2011, 01:17:03 UTC
Well... I'm hardly an interesting fellow. Just a tired Astartes.


Action 4 doudemoe September 23 2011, 00:00:06 UTC
[Not far off, Minato's staring out at the same scenery, sword and evoker at his side. But his eyes held no wonder at this now peaceful town, only a hardened gaze.]


Re: Action 4 lunawolves10th September 23 2011, 01:16:36 UTC
[ Garviel nods to Minato, and says. ]

A bloody day, that.


doudemoe September 23 2011, 01:54:04 UTC
[Minato doesn't even respond, only lowering his head.]


lunawolves10th September 23 2011, 02:20:23 UTC
You should not have had to fight here... mortals should not face things like this. As an Astartes, this was a test for me... your survival speaks volumes about your own skill... and the pain it must have put you through. [ Garvi isn't stupid, even if he doesn't know exactly who Minato probably had to kill ]


4 myblimpisbigger September 24 2011, 02:42:21 UTC
[Oh hi, bro. Guess who also had some lovely flashbacks thanks to this event?]

You know, if you insist on battering your armor like this every time there's some sort of catastrophe, I'm going to have to start charging for repairs.

[He's joking. That's a joke.

Klaus is not good at humor.]


Re: 4 lunawolves10th September 24 2011, 04:26:56 UTC
Rin will fix it, fear not. [ He smiles at Klaus anyway. ]

You made it... and I was glad to fight with you.


myblimpisbigger September 24 2011, 04:59:38 UTC
I will say that I enjoy fighting alongside you much more than fighting against you. It's nice to come out of a battle with the use of my hands intact.


lunawolves10th September 24 2011, 14:05:02 UTC
I am sure that if you avoid speculating in a silly manner on things that are heretical, I'll have no need to further maim you.


And I apologize, I was half mad with grief and pain at the time.


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